
vt. 交付;托运;寄存;把…委托给




1、con- “with” + sign-.
2、字面含义为:sealing with a sign, mark with a sign.


consign 交付给
con-, 强调。-sign, 记号,标记。


动词 “consign” 意为将货物交付给承运人或托运人,通常是为了运送、销售或储存。以下是包含这个词的 50 个短语,附带中文解释,不加粗:

  1. consign for shipment – 托运货物
  2. consign to a destination – 把货物托运到目的地
  3. consign for delivery – 托运交付
  4. consign to storage – 托运至仓库
  5. consign for sale – 托运出售
  6. consign to a warehouse – 托运至仓库
  7. consign for export – 托运出口
  8. consign to a distributor – 托运给分销商
  9. consign to a freight forwarder – 托运给货运代理
  10. consign to a consignee – 托运给收货人
  11. consign for auction – 托运拍卖
  12. consign to a shipping company – 托运给船运公司
  13. consign to a carrier – 托运给运输公司
  14. consign to a fulfillment center – 托运至履行中心
  15. consign for repair – 托运维修
  16. consign to a third party – 托运给第三方
  17. consign for distribution – 托运分发
  18. consign to a retail store – 托运至零售店
  19. consign for handling – 托运处理
  20. consign to a consignment shop – 托运至寄售店
  21. consign for inspection – 托运检查
  22. consign to a courier – 托运给快递公司
  23. consign to a supplier – 托运给供应商
  24. consign for disposal – 托运处置
  25. consign to a forwarding agent – 托运给转运代理
  26. consign for consignment sale – 托运寄售
  27. consign to a designated location – 托运至指定地点
  28. consign to a fulfillment service – 托运至履行服务
  29. consign for exportation – 托运出口
  30. consign to a transportation company – 托运给运输公司
  31. consign to a shipping agent – 托运给船务代理
  32. consign for donation – 托运捐赠
  33. consign to a cargo handler – 托运给货物处理人
  34. consign for safekeeping – 托运保管
  35. consign to a courier service – 托运给快递服务
  36. consign for processing – 托运加工
  37. consign to a freight company – 托运给货运公司
  38. consign to a storage facility – 托运至储存设施
  39. consign for return – 托运返还
  40. consign to a transport provider – 托运给运输提供商
  41. consign to a designated carrier – 托运至指定承运人
  42. consign to a consignment store – 托运至寄售商店
  43. consign for exhibition – 托运展览
  44. consign to a logistics company – 托运给物流公司
  45. consign to a shipping agent – 托运给航运代理
  46. consign to a freight carrier – 托运给货运承运商
  47. consign to a transportation service – 托运给运输服务
  48. consign to a customs broker – 托运给报关行
  49. consign for refurbishment – 托运翻新
  50. consign to a receiving facility – 托运给接收设施
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
