


lodger [‘lɒdʒə] n. 房客;寄宿人;投宿者
lodger 投宿者 ←同首词→ lodge 寄宿
eg. Many lodgers have to lodge in this old inn because of the snowstorm.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Renting a room to a lodger – 把房间租给房客
  2. lodger agreement – 房客协议
  3. Live-in lodger – 住宿房客
  4. lodger accommodation – 房客住所
  5. lodger‘s rights – 房客权利
  6. lodger application – 房客申请
  7. lodger eviction – 房客驱逐
  8. lodger‘s deposit – 房客押金
  9. lodger agreement form – 房客协议表格
  10. lodger screening – 房客筛选
  11. lodger rent payment – 房客租金支付
  12. lodger reference – 房客推荐
  13. lodger background check – 房客背景调查
  14. lodger‘s belongings – 房客物品
  15. lodger‘s responsibilities – 房客责任
  16. lodger insurance – 房客保险
  17. lodger contract – 房客合同
  18. lodger vacancy – 房客空缺
  19. lodger interview – 房客面试
  20. lodger‘s notice period – 房客通知期
  21. lodger‘s privacy – 房客隐私
  22. lodger‘s utilities – 房客公用事项
  23. lodger‘s key – 房客钥匙
  24. lodger‘s share of expenses – 房客费用分摊
  25. lodger‘s belongings insurance – 房客财物保险
  26. lodger‘s room inspection – 房客房间检查
  27. lodger agreement renewal – 房客协议续约
  28. lodger‘s rental history – 房客租房历史
  29. lodger background screening – 房客背景筛查
  30. lodger‘s access to common areas – 房客使用公共区域的权限
  31. lodger‘s late rent payment – 房客迟交租金
  32. lodger‘s early termination of contract – 房客提前解除合同
  33. lodger‘s room maintenance – 房客房间维护
  34. lodger‘s monthly rent – 房客每月租金
  35. lodger‘s lease agreement – 房客租赁协议
  36. lodger‘s personal belongings insurance – 房客个人财物保险
  37. lodger‘s notice to vacate – 房客搬离通知
  38. lodger‘s background reference check – 房客背景参考调查
  39. lodger‘s security deposit – 房客安全押金
  40. lodger‘s shared living space – 房客共享生活空间
  41. lodger‘s rent payment schedule – 房客租金支付计划
  42. lodger‘s move-in inspection – 房客入住检查
  43. lodger‘s responsibilities for cleanliness – 房客的清洁责任
  44. lodger‘s early departure – 房客提前离开
  45. lodger‘s liability for damages – 房客对损害的责任
  46. lodger‘s overnight guests – 房客的过夜客人
  47. lodger‘s notice of intent to renew – 房客续约意向通知
  48. lodger‘s rent increase – 房客租金增加
  49. lodger‘s property storage – 房客财物存储
  50. lodger‘s temporary absence – 房客的临时离开
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
