
vi. 鸣响;和谐
vt. 打钟报时;敲出和谐的声音
n. 钟声;一套发谐音的钟;和谐
n. (Chime)人名;(日)千绵(姓)




1. chiming => 谐音“齐鸣、凄鸣”。


chime 报钟


chime” 是一个动词,通常表示钟声响起或发出声音。以下是与 “chime” 相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. chime in – 插嘴;参与讨论
  2. chime with – 与…一致
  3. chime out – 响起
  4. chime up – 响起;发声
  5. chime with reality – 与现实相符
  6. chime with the melody – 与旋律和谐
  7. chime with the rhythm – 与节奏一致
  8. chime with the occasion – 与场合相配
  9. chime with the atmosphere – 与氛围融洽
  10. chime with the mood – 与情绪相符
  11. chime with the sentiment – 与情感一致
  12. chime with the theme – 与主题相关
  13. chime with the chorus – 与合唱和谐
  14. chime with the background – 与背景和谐
  15. chime with the setting – 与环境相协调
  16. chime with the crowd – 与人群协调
  17. chime with the music – 与音乐和谐
  18. chime with the lyrics – 与歌词一致
  19. chime with the verse – 与诗歌和谐
  20. chime with the tune – 与曲调协调
  21. chime with the rhythm – 与节奏融洽
  22. chime with the melody – 与旋律和谐
  23. chime with the harmony – 与和声和谐
  24. chime with the tempo – 与节拍一致
  25. chime with the beat – 与节奏相协调
  26. chime with the composition – 与构成和谐
  27. chime with the arrangement – 与编曲和谐
  28. chime with the chord – 与和弦和谐
  29. chime with the symphony – 与交响乐和谐
  30. chime with the orchestra – 与管弦乐队和谐
  31. chime with the ensemble – 与合奏和谐
  32. chime with the instruments – 与乐器和谐
  33. chime with the piano – 与钢琴和谐
  34. chime with the guitar – 与吉他和谐
  35. chime with the drums – 与鼓声和谐
  36. chime with the violin – 与小提琴和谐
  37. chime with the flute – 与长笛和谐
  38. chime with the trumpet – 与小号和谐
  39. chime with the saxophone – 与萨克斯风和谐
  40. chime with the clarinet – 与单簧管和谐
  41. chime with the trombone – 与长号和谐
  42. chime with the cymbals – 与钹声和谐
  43. chime with the bells – 与铃声和谐
  44. chime with the gong – 与锣声和谐
  45. chime with the chimes – 与风铃声和谐
  46. chime with the church bells – 与教堂钟声和谐
  47. chime with the alarm clock – 与闹钟声和谐
  48. chime with the doorbell – 与门铃声和谐
  49. chime with the phone ring – 与电话铃声和谐
  50. chime with the car horn – 与汽车喇叭声和谐
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
