
n. 囚禁;被关



1、capt- + -ivity(复合后缀:-ive, -ity).
2、含义:imprisoned, enslaved, taken prisoner.



captivity” 是一个名词,意思是被囚禁或被关押的状态,通常指人或动物被关在某个地方,无法自由行动。下面是与 “captivity” 相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Animal captivity – 动物囚禁
  2. In captivity – 在囚禁中
  3. Escape from captivity – 逃离囚禁
  4. Human captivity – 人类囚禁
  5. Bird in captivity – 囚禁的鸟类
  6. Endure captivity – 忍受囚禁
  7. Psychological captivity – 心理囚禁
  8. Long-term captivity – 长期囚禁
  9. Wildlife in captivity – 囚禁的野生动物
  10. Escape captivity – 逃脱囚禁
  11. Animal captivity rights – 动物囚禁权利
  12. Suffer in captivity – 在囚禁中受苦
  13. captivity experience – 囚禁经历
  14. Emotional captivity – 情感囚禁
  15. Prisoner of war captivity – 战俘囚禁
  16. Endurance in captivity – 囚禁中的忍耐力
  17. captivity conditions – 囚禁条件
  18. captivity syndrome – 囚禁综合症
  19. Wildlife captivity regulations – 野生动物囚禁规定
  20. Mental captivity – 心理囚禁
  21. Physical captivity – 身体囚禁
  22. Freedom from captivity – 从囚禁中获得自由
  23. Survive captivity – 在囚禁中幸存
  24. captivity documentary – 囚禁纪录片
  25. Break free from captivity – 从囚禁中挣脱出来
  26. Cultural captivity – 文化囚禁
  27. captivity syndrome treatment – 囚禁综合症治疗
  28. Escape captivity together – 一同逃离囚禁
  29. captivity and confinement – 囚禁与禁闭
  30. Prisoners of captivity – 囚禁的囚犯
  31. Economic captivity – 经济囚禁
  32. Child captivity – 儿童囚禁
  33. captivity awareness – 囚禁意识
  34. Psychological captivity escape – 心理囚禁逃脱
  35. captivity and captivity issues – 囚禁与囚禁问题
  36. Break out of captivity – 从囚禁中逃脱
  37. Spiritual captivity – 精神囚禁
  38. captivity documentary film – 囚禁纪录片电影
  39. Animal captivity controversy – 动物囚禁争议
  40. Cultural captivity resistance – 文化囚禁抵抗
  41. captivity survivor – 囚禁幸存者
  42. Escape captivity with determination – 坚决逃离囚禁
  43. captivity of the mind – 心灵囚禁
  44. Cultural captivity critique – 文化囚禁批评
  45. Psychological captivity recovery – 心理囚禁康复
  46. captivity and freedom struggle – 囚禁与自由斗争
  47. Escape captivity with a plan – 有计划地逃离囚禁
  48. Overcome emotional captivity – 克服情感囚禁
  49. captivity in wartime – 战时囚禁
  50. Survivors of captivity – 囚禁幸存者
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
