
n. 伪装,掩饰
vt. 伪装,掩饰
vi. 伪装起来




2. caput + muffle => camouflage “to muffle the head”.
3. 谐音“开抹敷垃圾”。


camouflage 伪装
词源不详。可能来自短语capo muffare, 盖住头。


camouflage” 是一个英语词汇,通常指的是伪装或掩饰,用来隐藏或模糊物体、动物或人的外观,以便在环境中更好地融入或避免被发现。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. camouflage clothing – 伪装服装
  2. camouflage pattern – 伪装图案
  3. camouflage design – 伪装设计
  4. camouflage techniques – 伪装技巧
  5. camouflage colors – 伪装颜色
  6. camouflage gear – 伪装装备
  7. camouflage makeup – 伪装化妆
  8. camouflage uniform – 伪装制服
  9. camouflage face paint – 伪装脸部涂料
  10. camouflage clothing for hunting – 狩猎伪装服
  11. camouflage for military purposes – 军事用途伪装
  12. camouflage in nature – 自然中的伪装
  13. camouflage techniques for survival – 生存伪装技巧
  14. camouflage clothing for outdoor activities – 户外活动伪装服装
  15. camouflage patterns for urban environments – 城市环境伪装图案
  16. camouflage paint for vehicles – 车辆伪装涂料
  17. camouflage netting – 伪装网
  18. camouflage face masks – 伪装面具
  19. camouflage backpack – 伪装背包
  20. camouflage clothing for wildlife photography – 野生动物摄影伪装服
  21. camouflage clothing for birdwatching – 观鸟伪装服
  22. camouflage clothing for fishing – 钓鱼伪装服
  23. camouflage clothing for paintball – 涂鸦伪装服
  24. camouflage clothing for airsoft – 户外模拟战伪装服
  25. camouflage clothing for hiking – 徒步伪装服
  26. camouflage clothing for camping – 露营伪装服
  27. camouflage clothing for wildlife observation – 野生动物观察伪装服
  28. camouflage clothing for military operations – 军事行动伪装服
  29. camouflage clothing for law enforcement – 执法伪装服
  30. camouflage clothing for special forces – 特种部队伪装服
  31. camouflage clothing for tactical purposes – 战术用途伪装服
  32. camouflage clothing for snipers – 狙击手伪装服
  33. camouflage clothing for reconnaissance – 侦察伪装服
  34. camouflage clothing for undercover agents – 卧底特工伪装服
  35. camouflage clothing for stealth missions – 隐秘任务伪装服
  36. camouflage clothing for wildlife researchers – 野生动物研究员伪装服
  37. camouflage clothing for field biologists – 野外生物学家伪装服
  38. camouflage clothing for bird banding – 鸟类标记伪装服
  39. camouflage clothing for scientific expeditions – 科学考察伪装服
  40. camouflage clothing for wildlife conservation – 野生动物保护伪装服
  41. camouflage clothing for environmental studies – 环境研究伪装服
  42. camouflage clothing for outdoor education – 户外教育伪装服
  43. camouflage clothing for wildlife rescue – 野生动物救援伪装服
  44. camouflage clothing for search and rescue – 搜救伪装服
  45. camouflage clothing for disaster relief – 灾害救援伪装服
  46. camouflage clothing for military training – 军事训练伪装服
  47. camouflage clothing for hunting blinds – 狩猎躲藏伪装服
  48. camouflage clothing for wildlife filming – 野生动物拍摄伪装服
  49. camouflage clothing for wildlife tracking – 野生动物追踪伪装服
  50. camouflage clothing for wildlife research stations – 野生动物研究站伪装服
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
