
n. 祝福;赐福;恩赐;祈求上帝赐福的仪式



benediction 祝福
词根bene, 美丽,幸福,好,词源同belle, 美女,bonus, 红利,beatify, 赐福。词根dict,说,见diction, 措辞。


benediction” 是一个名词,意思是祝福、祷告或赞美。以下是关于 “benediction” 的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Closing benediction – 结束祝福
  2. benediction prayer – 祝福祷告
  3. benediction service – 祝福仪式
  4. Morning benediction – 早晨祝福
  5. Evening benediction – 晚上祝福
  6. benediction of peace – 和平祝福
  7. Priestly benediction – 牧师祝福
  8. benediction hymn – 祝福赞美诗
  9. benediction ceremony – 祝福仪式
  10. benediction of gratitude – 感恩祝福
  11. benediction of hope – 希望祝福
  12. benediction of joy – 喜悦祝福
  13. benediction of love – 爱的祝福
  14. benediction of unity – 团结祝福
  15. benediction of thanksgiving – 感恩祝福
  16. benediction of healing – 愈合祝福
  17. benediction of comfort – 安慰祝福
  18. benediction of guidance – 指引祝福
  19. benediction of strength – 力量祝福
  20. benediction of renewal – 更新祝福
  21. benediction of protection – 保护祝福
  22. benediction of grace – 恩典祝福
  23. benediction of mercy – 怜悯祝福
  24. benediction of compassion – 同情祝福
  25. benediction of favor – 恩惠祝福
  26. benediction of empowerment – 赋能祝福
  27. benediction of transformation – 转化祝福
  28. benediction of celebration – 庆祝祝福
  29. benediction of unity – 团结祝福
  30. benediction of harmony – 和谐祝福
  31. benediction of abundance – 丰盛祝福
  32. benediction of enlightenment – 启示祝福
  33. benediction of inspiration – 灵感祝福
  34. benediction of encouragement – 鼓励祝福
  35. benediction of compassion – 同情祝福
  36. benediction of kindness – 善良祝福
  37. benediction of transformation – 转化祝福
  38. benediction of peace and harmony – 和平与和谐祝福
  39. benediction of happiness – 幸福祝福
  40. benediction of contentment – 满足祝福
  41. benediction of gratitude – 感恩祝福
  42. benediction of renewal – 更新祝福
  43. benediction of success – 成功祝福
  44. benediction of well-being – 幸福祝福
  45. benediction of blessings – 祝福祝福
  46. benediction of guidance – 指引祝福
  47. benediction of strength – 力量祝福
  48. benediction of unity – 团结祝福
  49. benediction of comfort – 安慰祝福
  50. benediction of love and peace – 爱与和平祝福
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
