
n. 点金术;魔力




alchemy 炼金术
来自阿拉伯语。al, 阿拉伯定冠词. 词根chem, 注入,同词根found, 注入,见confound,困惑的。现代化学由炼金术发展而来。


  1. The art of alchemy – 炼金术的艺术
  2. alchemy and transformation – 炼金术与转化
  3. alchemy of the mind – 心灵的炼金术
  4. alchemy of creativity – 创造力的炼金术
  5. Spiritual alchemy – 灵性炼金术
  6. alchemy and mysticism – 炼金术与神秘主义
  7. The secrets of alchemy – 炼金术的秘密
  8. alchemy in history – 历史中的炼金术
  9. alchemy and science – 炼金术与科学
  10. The alchemy of change – 变革的炼金术
  11. alchemy and symbolism – 炼金术与象征主义
  12. alchemy of the soul – 灵魂的炼金术
  13. alchemy and transformational processes – 炼金术与转化过程
  14. alchemy of nature – 自然的炼金术
  15. The philosophy of alchemy – 炼金术的哲学
  16. alchemy and the quest for knowledge – 炼金术与追求知识
  17. The alchemy of time – 时间的炼金术
  18. alchemy and self-discovery – 炼金术与自我发现
  19. The magic of alchemy – 炼金术的魔力
  20. alchemy in literature – 文学中的炼金术
  21. alchemy and the elements – 炼金术与元素
  22. The alchemy of healing – 治愈的炼金术
  23. alchemy and the unconscious – 炼金术与无意识
  24. alchemy and personal growth – 炼金术与个人成长
  25. The alchemy of light and darkness – 光明与黑暗的炼金术
  26. alchemy and the quest for meaning – 炼金术与寻求意义
  27. The alchemy of relationships – 关系的炼金术
  28. alchemy in art – 艺术中的炼金术
  29. alchemy and the search for wisdom – 炼金术与寻求智慧
  30. alchemy and the mysteries of life – 生命奥秘的炼金术
  31. alchemy of the heart – 心灵的炼金术
  32. The alchemy of balance – 平衡的炼金术
  33. alchemy and the spiritual journey – 灵性旅程的炼金术
  34. alchemy of the natural world – 自然界的炼金术
  35. alchemy and the quest for harmony – 和谐的炼金术
  36. The alchemy of emotions – 情感的炼金术
  37. alchemy and the exploration of consciousness – 意识探索的炼金术
  38. The alchemy of words – 语言的炼金术
  39. alchemy and the search for truth – 真理探寻的炼金术
  40. alchemy of the inner self – 内在自我的炼金术
  41. alchemy and the mysteries of the universe – 宇宙奥秘的炼金术
  42. alchemy and the quest for enlightenment – 觉醒追求的炼金术
  43. The alchemy of awareness – 觉知的炼金术
  44. alchemy and the exploration of possibilities – 可能性探索的炼金术
  45. alchemy of the human experience – 人类经验的炼金术
  46. alchemy and the transformation of society – 社会转化的炼金术
  47. The alchemy of the present moment – 当下的炼金术
  48. alchemy and the search for purpose – 目标寻求的炼金术
  49. alchemy of the creative process – 创作过程的炼金术
  50. alchemy and the journey of the soul – 灵魂之旅的炼金术
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
