[adjective] of or like a pedant
[形容词] (似)学究的
话说在莎士比亚时代,具体而言是从16世纪80年代起,人们开始用经古法语 pédant 或直接由意大利语 pedante (教师、男教师)进入英语的 pedant 表示“男教师、教书先生”。
但到了16世纪90年代后, pedant 则演变为一个贬义词指“迂夫子、书呆子、学究”,也就是过分关注书本知识、不重要的小细节或传统规则的人,通常追求字面意义上的准确性或形式而忽视普通常识,比如:
- 我们所需要的是一个有政治头脑的人,而不是书呆子。
What we need is someone with political savvy, not a pedant.
由此衍生而来的 pedantic 则相应表示“迂腐的、学究式的、书呆子气的”,也是指过分拘泥于书本知识、不重要的小细节或传统规则,却对重大问题兴趣不大,或者说过分纠结于无关紧要的事实、细节或形式,而忽视事物的重点,比如:
- 一个迂腐的办事员在一群漂亮服务员的簇拥下侍候着这位哲学家。
A pedantic clerk, surrounded by a gorgeous train of attendants, waited on the philosopher. - 他们太拘泥于形式,坚持要求由贝利本人而不是他谨慎的妻子来宣布,这实在没有必要。
They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his prudent wife, should have made the announcement.
此外,这类迂腐的学究除了意味着说教(didactic)和古板外,还很容易让人联想起孔乙己那种拿着“茴”字的四种写法这种细枝末节的知识来卖弄学问的场景。同样的道理, pedant 和 pedantic 相应也被用来表示“卖弄学问者”和“卖弄学问的”。
Mary had neither genius nor taste; and though vanity had given her application, it had given her likewise a pedantic air and conceited manner, which would have injured a higher degree of excellence than she had reached.
出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。
- Then came volumes of pedantic laws. Mr Memmert either bent them or complied as far as possible.
- Huberman is not a pedantic, encyclopedic curator, however, but an enthusiast and an explorer, willing to let his theme lead him where it may.
“迂腐的”(pedantic)是一个形容词,通常用来形容那些过于注重细节、书呆子气或过分学究的人或行为。以下是一些包含单词 “pedantic” 的短语,附带中文解释:
- pedantic language(迂腐的语言)
- pedantic writing style(迂腐的写作风格)
- pedantic attitude(迂腐的态度)
- pedantic behavior(迂腐的行为)
- pedantic explanations(过于详细的解释)
- pedantic lectures(死板的讲座)
- pedantic tone(迂腐的语气)
- pedantic speech(迂腐的言辞)
- pedantic analysis(迂腐的分析)
- pedantic reasoning(迂腐的推理)
- pedantic discussions(过分学究的讨论)
- pedantic vocabulary(迂腐的词汇)
- pedantic writing(迂腐的写作)
- pedantic grammar rules(死板的语法规则)
- pedantic approach(迂腐的方法)
- pedantic interpretation(过度学究的解释)
- pedantic style(迂腐的风格)
- pedantic criticism(过分学究的批评)
- pedantic teaching methods(死板的教学方法)
- pedantic scholars(迂腐的学者)
- pedantic mindset(过于学究的思维方式)
- pedantic tendencies(迂腐的倾向)
- pedantic explanations(过于详尽的解释)
- pedantic debates(死板的辩论)
- pedantic analysis(过分详尽的分析)
- pedantic interpretation(迂腐的解释)
- pedantic discussions(学究式的讨论)
- pedantic vocabulary choices(迂腐的词汇选择)
- pedantic writing style(死板的写作风格)
- pedantic grammar corrections(过分学究的语法修正)
- pedantic tone in writing(迂腐的写作语气)
- pedantic approach to learning(过度学究的学习方法)
- pedantic adherence to rules(过分遵循规则)
- pedantic obsession with details(对细节过度迷恋)
- pedantic focus on semantics(过分注重语义)
- pedantic insistence on correctness(对正确性的坚持)
- pedantic precision(迂腐的精确度)
- pedantic citation practices(学究式的引用习惯)
- pedantic adherence to guidelines(过分遵循准则)
- pedantic pursuit of perfection(追求完美的学究态度)
- pedantic critique(学究式的批评)
- pedantic emphasis on formality(对形式的强调)
- pedantic correction of pronunciation(过分纠正发音)
- pedantic notation style(迂腐的标记风格)
- pedantic focus on minor errors(过分关注细微错误)
- pedantic insistence on accuracy(对准确性的坚持)
- pedantic interpretation of texts(过度学究的文本解读)
- pedantic approach to research(学究式的研究方法)
- pedantic exploration of nuances(过分探究细微差别)
- pedantic attention to footnotes(对脚注的过度注意)
bookish: (of a person or way of life) devoted to reading and studying rather than worldly interests
academic: not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest
fastidious: very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail