
[adjective] feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt
[形容词] 感到或表达悔恨或忏悔的;受内疚影响的


Contrite 是一个以常见词 trite (陈腐的、老一套的、老生常谈的)结尾的单词,并且两者同源,都源自于拉丁语 terere (摩擦)。

其中, contrite 于14世纪经古法语 contrit 或者直接由拉丁语 contritus (磨损的、磨成碎片的)进入英语后,原指“因内疚而精神崩溃的,良心受到打击的,决心不再犯罪的”。


  • 怀着一颗谦恭和悔罪的心
    with a humble and contrite heart
  • 这位身材苗条的少妇静听着这些悔罪的话。
    The streamlined young woman listened attentively to these contrite words.


The timid hand stretched forth to aid
A brother in his need;
A kindly word in grief’s dark hour
That proves a friend indeed;
The plea for mercy softly breathed,
When justice threatens high,
The sorrow of a contrite heart —
These things shall never die.

出自英国批判现实主义作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的诗歌《这些美好不会消逝》(These Things Shall Never Die)。


  • With a couple of weeks still to go before he is even inaugurated, contrite firms are queuing up to invest in America.
  • In contrast to Mr. Schwartz’s contrite postures, Judge Castel gesticulated often in exasperation, his voice rising as he asked pointed questions.


contrite” 是指感到后悔和内疚的,通常用来描述某人因自己的行为或言辞而感到内心愧疚。以下是包含单词“contrite”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Feel contrite: 感到后悔
  2. Be genuinely contrite: 真心感到后悔
  3. Look contrite: 看上去内疚
  4. Sound contrite: 听起来内疚
  5. Appear contrite: 显得内疚
  6. Speak with a contrite tone: 用内疚的语气说话
  7. Show contrite behavior: 显示内疚的行为
  8. Express contrite apologies: 表达内疚的道歉
  9. Display contrite emotions: 展现内疚的情感
  10. Feel deeply contrite: 感到深切的后悔
  11. Carry a contrite attitude: 保持内疚的态度
  12. Demonstrate contrite remorse: 表现出内疚的悔意
  13. Offer contrite words: 提出内疚的话语
  14. Reflect a contrite demeanor: 显示出内疚的举止
  15. Hold a contrite heart: 怀有内疚的心情
  16. Project contrite gestures: 表现出内疚的姿态
  17. Wear a contrite expression: 呈现内疚的表情
  18. Carry oneself with contrite humility: 以内疚的谦逊态度示人
  19. Apologize in a contrite manner: 以内疚的方式道歉
  20. Speak words of contrite regret: 说出内疚的遗憾之词
  21. Exhibit a contrite demeanor: 表现出内疚的态度
  22. Reflect contrite remorse: 显示出内疚的悔意
  23. Regret with a contrite heart: 以内疚的心情后悔
  24. Address others with contrite apologies: 以内疚的道歉态度与他人交往
  25. Express genuine contrite sorrow: 表达真诚的内疚之情
  26. Speak with contrite repentance: 以内疚的悔意说话
  27. Convey contrite feelings: 传达内疚的情感
  28. Apologize with contrite sincerity: 以内疚的诚意道歉
  29. Show contrite regret: 表现出内疚的遗憾
  30. Address the situation with a contrite attitude: 以内疚的态度处理情况
  31. Hold a contrite conversation: 进行内疚的对话
  32. Convey contrite apologies: 传达内疚的道歉
  33. Carry a contrite demeanor: 拥有内疚的举止
  34. Speak from a contrite heart: 以内疚的心情说话
  35. Reflect genuine contrite feelings: 显示真诚的内疚情感
  36. Display contrite behavior: 展现内疚的行为
  37. Express contrite remorsefulness: 表达内疚的悔意
  38. Approach the situation with contrite humility: 以内疚的谦逊态度对待情况
  39. Carry a contrite expression: 呈现出内疚的表情
  40. Apologize with contrite words: 以内疚的话语道歉
  41. Speak with contrite humility: 以内疚的谦逊态度说话
  42. Convey contrite apologies: 传达内疚的道歉
  43. Exhibit a contrite demeanor: 表现出内疚的态度
  44. Reflect contrite remorse: 显示出内疚的悔意
  45. Regret with a contrite heart: 以内疚的心情后悔
  46. Address others with contrite apologies: 以内疚的道歉态度与他人交往
  47. Express genuine contrite sorrow: 表达真诚的内疚之情
  48. Speak with contrite repentance: 以内疚的悔意说话
  49. Convey contrite feelings: 传达内疚的情感
  50. Carry a contrite demeanor: 拥有内疚的举止


filled with remorse; sorry
repentant: expressing or feeling sincere regret and remorse; remorseful
penitent: feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
