


  1. staid demeanor: 沉稳的举止
  2. staid personality: 沉稳的个性
  3. staid appearance: 稳重的外表
  4. staid behavior: 稳重的行为
  5. staid attitude: 沉着的态度
  6. staid professionalism: 持重的职业素养
  7. staid dress: 正式的服装
  8. staid lifestyle: 安稳的生活方式
  9. staid traditions: 保守的传统
  10. staid company culture: 严谨的企业文化
  11. staid work environment: 稳重的工作环境
  12. staid corporate image: 高贵的企业形象
  13. staid social gatherings: 庄重的社交聚会
  14. staid language: 谨慎的用语
  15. staid reputation: 庄重的声誉
  16. staid values: 保守的价值观
  17. staid leadership: 稳重的领导力
  18. staid conduct: 深沉的举止
  19. staid education system: 严肃的教育体系
  20. staid financial institutions: 稳健的金融机构
  21. staid traditions: 保守的传统
  22. staid work ethic: 严谨的职业道德
  23. staid decision-making: 慎重的决策
  24. staid social norms: 正经的社会规范
  25. staid cultural values: 保守的文化价值观
  26. staid family background: 保守的家庭背景
  27. staid governance: 稳定的治理
  28. staid regulations: 严格的规定
  29. staid expectations: 稳重的期望
  30. staid management style: 沉稳的管理风格
  31. staid public image: 庄重的公众形象
  32. staid academic institutions: 保守的学术机构
  33. staid social etiquette: 正经的社交礼仪
  34. staid cultural heritage: 深沉的文化遗产
  35. staid professional standards: 严谨的职业标准
  36. staid legal system: 稳健的法律体系
  37. staid courtroom proceedings: 庄重的法庭审讯
  38. staid corporate governance: 稳定的公司治理
  39. staid financial practices: 慎重的财务实践
  40. staid art forms: 庄重的艺术形式
  41. staid social protocols: 严肃的社交礼节
  42. staid academic research: 深入的学术研究
  43. staid cultural rituals: 正经的文化仪式
  44. staid religious customs: 保守的宗教习俗
  45. staid government policies: 稳定的政府政策
  46. staid diplomatic relations: 稳固的外交关系
  47. staid military traditions: 正经的军事传统
  48. staid organizational structure: 稳定的组织结构
  49. staid literary works: 深沉的文学作品
  50. staid personal values: 保守的个人价值观


staid (rhymes with layed) This adjective is most often used as a compli-ment to mean “dignified” or, more frequently in a negative sense, “overly prim and proper.”

  • Mr. Alford encouraged his eighth graders to reread Atticus Finch’s staid but passionate defense of the judicial system in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. “It’s all the more tragic,” said Mr. Alford, “that his faith is unjustified.”
  • The staid appearance of Abby and Martha, the elderly aunts in the comedy Arsenic and Old Lace is indeed mere appearance, for they delight in poisoning visitors with their homemade wine.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
staid(与layed押韵)这个形容词最常被用作compli-ment,意思是 “庄重的”,或者在负面意义上更常见的是 “过于原始和适当”。



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
