


anger [‘æŋgə] n. 怒,愤怒;忿怒  v. 使发怒,激怒;恼火
anger 愤怒 ←同首词→ angry 生气的
eg. Do not express your anger while angry; wait until your anger has cooled down. 
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Express anger – 表达愤怒
  2. Control anger – 控制愤怒
  3. Suppress anger – 抑制愤怒
  4. Vent anger – 发泄愤怒
  5. Bottle up anger – 把愤怒藏起来
  6. Release anger – 释放愤怒
  7. Manage anger – 管理愤怒
  8. Handle anger – 处理愤怒
  9. Cope with anger – 应对愤怒
  10. anger management – 愤怒管理
  11. anger issues – 愤怒问题
  12. Expressing anger constructively – 建设性地表达愤怒
  13. anger control techniques – 愤怒控制技巧
  14. anger management strategies – 愤怒管理策略
  15. Dealing with anger – 处理愤怒
  16. anger and aggression – 愤怒和攻击性
  17. anger and stress – 愤怒和压力
  18. anger and resentment – 愤怒和怨恨
  19. anger and frustration – 愤怒和挫折
  20. anger and conflict – 愤怒和冲突
  21. anger and communication – 愤怒和沟通
  22. anger and relationships – 愤怒和人际关系
  23. anger and forgiveness – 愤怒和宽恕
  24. anger and self-control – 愤怒和自我控制
  25. anger and consequences – 愤怒和后果
  26. anger and mental health – 愤怒和心理健康
  27. anger and physical health – 愤怒和身体健康
  28. anger and emotional well-being – 愤怒和情绪健康
  29. anger and impulse control – 愤怒和冲动控制
  30. anger and self-awareness – 愤怒和自我意识
  31. anger and mindfulness – 愤怒和正念
  32. anger and relaxation techniques – 愤怒和放松技巧
  33. anger and coping mechanisms – 愤怒和应对机制
  34. anger and empathy – 愤怒和共情
  35. anger and assertiveness – 愤怒和自信
  36. anger and self-expression – 愤怒和自我表达
  37. anger and boundary setting – 愤怒和界限设定
  38. anger and problem-solving – 愤怒和问题解决
  39. anger and communication skills – 愤怒和沟通技巧
  40. anger and self-reflection – 愤怒和自我反省
  41. anger and personal growth – 愤怒和个人成长
  42. anger and conflict resolution – 愤怒和冲突解决
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
