


solitary [‘sɒlɪtərɪ] adj. 孤独的;独居的  n. 独居者;隐士
solitary 独居的 ←同首词→ social 社交
eg. Peter is a solitary man and he doesn’t like social activities.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Lead a solitary life – 过着孤独的生活
  2. Enjoy solitary activities – 享受独自的活动
  3. Seek solitary moments – 寻找独处的时刻
  4. Find solace in solitary reflection – 在独自的沉思中找到安慰
  5. Embrace solitude – 拥抱孤独
  6. Prefer solitary confinement – 偏爱单独关押
  7. Engage in solitary pursuits – 从事独自的追求
  8. Appreciate the beauty of solitary landscapes – 欣赏孤独景观的美丽
  9. Seek solitude in nature – 在大自然中寻找孤独
  10. Enjoy a solitary walk on the beach – 在海滩上独自散步
  11. Find inspiration in solitary moments – 在独处的时刻中找到灵感
  12. Seek solitude for self-reflection – 寻求孤独以进行自我反思
  13. Enjoy a solitary hike in the mountains – 在山上独自徒步旅行
  14. Retreat to a solitary cabin in the woods – 在树林中的孤独小屋里退隐
  15. Crave solitary moments of peace – 渴望独自的平静时刻
  16. Seek solitude for personal growth – 寻求孤独以个人成长
  17. Engage in solitary meditation – 进行独自的冥想
  18. Find solace in solitary reading – 在独自阅读中找到慰藉
  19. Enjoy the solitude of a quiet morning – 享受宁静早晨的孤独
  20. Seek solitude for creative inspiration – 寻找孤独以获得创造灵感
  21. Reflect in solitary silence – 在孤独的寂静中反思
  22. Take a solitary retreat in the mountains – 在山中进行独自的修行
  23. Embrace the freedom of a solitary journey – 拥抱独自旅行的自由
  24. Find solace in solitary music listening – 在独自聆听音乐中找到慰藉
  25. Enjoy a solitary bike ride – 独自享受骑自行车的乐趣
  26. Seek solitude for deep introspection – 寻求孤独以深入思考
  27. Delight in the solitude of an empty park – 陶醉于空无一人的公园中的孤独
  28. Find solace in solitary art creation – 在独自创作艺术中找到慰藉
  29. Take a solitary drive along a scenic route – 在风景优美的路线上独自驾驶
  30. Seek solitude for spiritual reflection – 寻求孤独以进行精神反思
  31. Enjoy a solitary picnic in the countryside – 在乡村独自享受野餐
  32. Retreat to a solitary beach house – 退隐到一个独自的海滩别墅
  33. Find solace in solitary writing – 在独自写作中找到慰藉
  34. Seek solitude for mental clarity – 寻求孤独以获得心智清晰
  35. Delight in the solitude of an early morning walk – 陶醉于清晨散步的孤独
  36. Find solace in the solitude of a quiet church – 在宁静的教堂中找到慰藉的孤独
  37. Seek solitude for emotional healing – 寻求孤独以获得情感疗愈
  38. Enjoy a solitary kayak trip on a calm lake – 在平静的湖上独自划独木舟旅行
  39. Reflect in the solitude of a mountain peak – 在山巅的孤独中反思
  40. Seek solitude for personal rejuvenation – 寻求孤独以个人复兴
  41. Embrace the solitude of a starry night – 拥抱星空夜晚的孤独
  42. Find solace in solitary gardening – 在独自园艺中找到慰藉
  43. Seek solitude for intellectual pursuits – 寻求孤独以追求智力
  44. Enjoy a solitary swim in a secluded lake – 在隐蔽的湖中独自游泳
  45. Reflect in the solitude of a peaceful garden – 在宁静花园的孤独中反思
  46. Find solace in solitary photography – 在独自摄影中找到慰藉
  47. Seek solitude for personal introspection – 寻求孤独以进行个人内省
  48. Embrace the solitude of a deserted beach – 拥抱无人的海滩的孤独
  49. Find solace in the solitude of a library – 在图书馆的孤独中找到慰藉
  50. Seek solitude for mental rejuvenation – 寻求孤独以获得心灵复兴
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
