

[verb] restore friendly relations between
[动词] 恢复友好关系


Reconcile 一词源自拉丁语 reconcilare (使在一起、重新获得、争取过来、安抚和解),14世纪中期进入英语后便开始用来形容人“使和解、使和好如初”,也就是在疏远、争论或分歧之后恢复团结和友谊,常用被动语态并搭配 reconcile sb with sb ,比如:

  • 他最近已经和妻子和好了。昨天他毫不犹豫地狂吻了他的妻子。
    He has recently been reconciled with his wife. Yesterday he lavished his wife with kisses without demur.

双方的和解往往意味着两人或其中一人作出妥协,等到了14世纪末, reconcile 就被用来表示“将就、妥协”或“使甘心、使顺从、使安心”,常用搭配 reconcile oneself to sth ,同 resign oneself to sth ,多指因无法改变而在自己不喜欢的情况下接受某个不快的局面或事实,暗含顺从和屈服之意,比如:

  • 她必须接受这样一个事实:要想通过考试,就必须下点工夫死记硬背。
    She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some rote learning if she wants to pass her exams.

而到了16世纪50年代后, reconcile 又进一步从和解不相容的人发展到和解不相容的事物,也就是“调和、调解、协调、使和谐一致”,多指寻找一种可接受的方式来处理两个或两个以上似乎相互对立的想法、需求、信仰、情况等,使之一致并能够共存,常用搭配 reconcile sth with sth ,比如:

  • 这个强硬的女权主义者发现她很难兼顾事业上的抱负和孩子们的需要。
    The strident feminist found that it was hard to reconcile her career ambitions with the needs of her children.

此外,用在宗教领域时 reconcile 还可以指“使被革出教会者或悔罪者复归教会”或经特定仪式“使遭亵渎的教堂等恢复洁净”。


I cannot be so easily reconciled to myself.

出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。


  • As big emerging-market firms pass from the founders to their heirs, the challenge will be, as it has been in the rich world, to reconcile the family’s needs and desires with the demands of running a successful business.
  • Tertius’s tragedy is that he never reconciles himself to his humdrum reality.


词义: “reconcile” 是一个动词,表示使和解、调和、调解或使一致。

词源: “reconcile” 这个词源于古法语中的 “reconciler”,意为 “使和解、调和”,源自拉丁语中的 “reconciliare”,意为 “调和、和解”。它的词源反映了这个词的含义,即指解决冲突、调和矛盾或恢复关系。

用法: “reconcile” 一词常用作动词,用于描述通过解决分歧或调和矛盾来恢复和解关系。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:

  1. 动词用法:
    • The couple sought counseling to reconcile their differences.(这对夫妇寻求咨询来化解彼此的分歧。)
    • The mediator helped reconcile the disputing parties.(调解人帮助调和争议双方。)
    • He tried to reconcile his personal life with his professional commitments.(他试图将个人生活与职业承诺调和一致。)
    • The team members need to reconcile their conflicting opinions for a unified approach.(团队成员需要调和彼此相悖的观点以达成统一的方法。)


  1. Reconcile differences: 调和分歧
  2. Reconcile conflicting views: 调和相互冲突的观点
  3. Reconcile with someone: 与某人和解
  4. Reconcile opposing interests: 调和对立的利益
  5. Reconcile a relationship: 和解一段关系
  6. Reconcile accounts: 调平账目
  7. Reconcile with oneself: 与自己和解
  8. Reconcile conflicting schedules: 协调冲突的时间安排
  9. Reconcile emotions: 调和情绪
  10. Reconcile past mistakes: 弥补过去的错误


pacify: bring peace to (a country or warring factions), especially by the use or threatened use of military force
appease: pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands
conciliate: stop (someone) from being angry or discontented

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
