


shove [ʃʌv] v. 挤;强使;撞;猛推  n. 推;挤
shove 挤 ←同尾词→ move 移动
eg. Someone gave Amy a shove in the back and she moved several steps. 
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》



  1. shove the door open: 推开门
  2. shove someone aside: 把某人推到一边
  3. shove the furniture against the wall: 把家具推靠在墙边
  4. shove the cart down the aisle: 把手推车推过过道
  5. shove your way through the crowd: 挤过人群
  6. shove the books into the bag: 把书塞进袋子里
  7. shove the chair closer to the table: 把椅子推近桌子
  8. shove the plate across the table: 把盘子推过桌子
  9. shove the suitcase into the trunk: 把手提箱塞进行李箱
  10. shove the papers into the drawer: 把文件塞进抽屉里
  11. shove the key into the lock: 把钥匙塞进锁孔
  12. shove the crowd back: 把人群推回去
  13. shove the envelope through the mail slot: 把信封塞进邮箱槽口
  14. shove the garbage into the bin: 把垃圾推进垃圾箱
  15. shove the rope aside: 把绳子推到一边
  16. shove the chair out of the way: 把椅子推开
  17. shove the shopping cart in front: 把购物车推到前面
  18. shove the dog off the couch: 把狗从沙发上推开
  19. shove the ladder against the wall: 把梯子顶在墙上
  20. shove the box onto the shelf: 把盒子推到货架上
  21. shove the clothes into the closet: 把衣物塞进衣柜
  22. shove the chair under the table: 把椅子推到桌子底下
  23. shove the bike up the hill: 把自行车推上山
  24. shove the debris into a pile: 把碎片堆放在一起
  25. shove the book into your bag: 把书塞进你的包里
  26. shove the snow off the driveway: 把雪推开车道
  27. shove the branches out of the way: 把树枝推到一边
  28. shove the trash into the dumpster: 把垃圾推进垃圾箱
  29. shove the plate towards the edge of the table: 把盘子推到桌子边缘
  30. shove the car into gear: 推动汽车换挡
  31. shove the chair against the wall: 把椅子推靠在墙边
  32. shove the bag onto the luggage rack: 把包塞进行李架
  33. shove the boxes aside: 把箱子推到一边
  34. shove the shopping cart down the aisle: 把购物车推过过道
  35. shove the crowd out of the way: 把人群推开
  36. shove the bookshelf against the wall: 把书架推靠在墙边
  37. shove the chair out of the room: 把椅子推出房间
  38. shove the box up the stairs: 把盒子推上楼梯
  39. shove the documents into the folder: 把文件推进文件夹
  40. shove the bag under the seat: 把包推到座位下面
  41. shove the plate closer to the edge: 把盘子推近边缘
  42. shove the suitcase under the bed: 把手提箱塞进床底下
  43. shove the trash into the garbage can: 把垃圾推进垃圾桶
  44. shove the chair towards the table: 把椅子推向桌子
  45. shove the cart up the ramp: 把手推车推上斜坡
  46. shove the papers aside: 把文件推到一边
  47. shove the bike into the garage: 把自行车推进车库
  48. shove the bag into the overhead compartment: 把包塞进行李架上方的储物格
  49. shove the door closed: 推关门
  50. shove the table against the wall: 把桌子推靠在墙边
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
