


put [pʊt] v. 放;表达;移动;安置;赋予  n. 掷;笨蛋;投击;怪人  adj. 固定不动的
put 放 ←同首词→ push 逼迫
eg. The robber said angrily, “I won’t put down the gun. Don’t push me.”
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. put on a hat – 戴上帽子
  2. put away your toys – 收起你的玩具
  3. put the book on the shelf – 把书放在书架上
  4. put your phone on silent mode – 将手机调至静音模式
  5. put the dishes in the sink – 把盘子放在水槽里
  6. put your coat on – 穿上外套
  7. put the groceries in the fridge – 把杂货放进冰箱
  8. put the keys in your pocket – 把钥匙放进口袋里
  9. put the money in the bank – 把钱存进银行
  10. put the trash in the bin – 把垃圾放进垃圾箱
  11. put the picture on the wall – 把图片挂在墙上
  12. put the milk back in the fridge – 把牛奶放回冰箱
  13. put your shoes on – 穿上鞋子
  14. put the puzzle pieces together – 把拼图拼在一起
  15. put the laptop on the table – 把笔记本放在桌子上
  16. put the pen in your bag – 把笔放进你的包里
  17. put the ingredients in a bowl – 把配料放进碗里
  18. put the car in reverse – 把车挂倒档
  19. put the document in a folder – 把文件放进文件夹里
  20. put the plant near the window – 把植物放在窗户附近
  21. put the clothes in the washing machine – 把衣服放进洗衣机
  22. put the CD in the player – 把光盘放进播放器
  23. put your thoughts into words – 把你的想法用言语表达出来
  24. put the blame on someone else – 把责任推给别人
  25. put your ideas into action – 将你的想法付诸行动
  26. put the plan into motion – 实施计划
  27. put your trust in me – 对我有信任
  28. put your worries aside – 将你的担忧放在一边
  29. put the finishing touches on – 完善最后的细节
  30. put the puzzle together – 拼接拼图
  31. put your heart and soul into it – 全身心投入
  32. put the emphasis on quality – 强调质量
  33. put your best foot forward – 全力以赴
  34. put the theory into practice – 将理论应用于实践
  35. put the record straight – 纠正误解
  36. put the kettle on – 烧开水
  37. put the fire out – 扑灭火焰
  38. put the question to rest – 解决问题
  39. put the spotlight on – 聚焦于
  40. put your skills to the test – 将你的技能进行测试
  41. put the puzzle pieces in place – 将拼图拼好
  42. put the idea into writing – 把想法写下来
  43. put the blame on yourself – 把责任归咎于自己
  44. put the car in park – 把车挂停车挡
  45. put the project on hold – 暂停项目
  46. put your feelings into words – 用语言表达你的感受
  47. put the spotlight on someone – 把聚光灯照在某人身上
  48. put your phone on vibrate – 将手机调至振动模式
  49. put the plan in action – 实施计划
  50. put the blame on circumstances – 把责任归咎于环境
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
