

[noun] extreme anger
[名词] 极度愤怒


对于最近坚持打卡小站的小伙伴来说,看到 wrath 一词应该很容易联系起小站前不久在 小词详解 | slake 中提到的下面这个例句:

  • 甜言蜜语三冬暖。
    Fair words slake wrath.

而对于爱看电影的小伙伴可能还会想起2012年上映的美国动作电影《诸神之怒》(Wrath of the Titans)来。不过相比该片的票房口碑双败,1939年出版的美国著名长篇小说《愤怒的葡萄 》(The Grapes of Wrath)以及改编的同名电影更值得一读和一看。

回到 wrath 这个单词本身,其含义也就很清楚了,即指“愤怒、愤慨”或者说“盛怒、震怒”。该词常作为书面用语使用,具体来说是一种极度的愤怒,语气较强,意味着怨恨以及欲加惩罚、报复或复仇的愿望或意图,这样也可以用来表示“愤怒的举动、愤慨的行为”,比如:

  • 她恬不知耻地承认自己一直对他不忠,这令他非常愤怒。虽然他什么也没说,但他的沉默表明了他的震怒。
    He became furious at her brazen admission that she had been cheating on him. Although he didn’t say anything, his silence marked his wrath.
  • 这个羞怯的女孩害怕惹母亲大发雷霆。
    The timid girl was afraid of provoking her mother’s wrath.

此外,也可以用 wrath 引申形容自然现象的“严酷”,比如冬天的严寒(the wrath of winter)、夏日的酷热(the great wrath of summer’s heat)。

最后值得注意的是, wrath 的首字母 w 不发音。


The clear proof of one overt deed was the cold breath needed to convert the lowering clouds of suspicion into a rain of wrath.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。《嘉莉妹妹》是《珍妮姑娘》(Jennie Gerhardt)的姐妹篇,1998年被选为20世纪百大英文小说。


  • Some American politicians have concluded that, as China’s firms have integrated with the global economy, they have become more vulnerable to Uncle Sam’s wrath.
  • But for younger members, facing the wrath of the state was still a shock.



  1. The wrath of someone/something: 某人/某事的愤怒。例如:He incurred the wrath of his boss by arriving late.(他因为迟到而招致了老板的愤怒。)
  2. Face the wrath: 面对愤怒。例如:The politician had to face the wrath of the public after his controversial statement.(那位政治家在发表有争议的言论后不得不面对公众的愤怒。)
  3. Incur/Incur the wrath of someone/something: 招致某人/某事的愤怒。例如:The company’s decision to lay off employees incurred the wrath of the labor union.(公司裁员的决定招致了工会的愤怒。)
  4. Deserve/Deserve the wrath: 应受到愤怒。例如:His actions deserve the wrath of the law.(他的行为应该受到法律的愤怒。)
  5. Unleash/Unleash one’s wrath: 发泄某人的愤怒。例如:She unleashed her wrath on him for betraying her trust.(她因为他背叛了她的信任而发泄了愤怒。)
  6. Bear/Bear the wrath: 忍受愤怒。例如:He had to bear the wrath of his parents when they found out about his bad grades.(当他的父母发现他的成绩不好时,他不得不忍受他们的愤怒。)
  7. Draw/Draw down wrath: 招致愤怒。例如:His offensive remarks drew down the wrath of the entire community.(他的冒犯言论招致了整个社区的愤怒。)
  8. The wrath of God: 上帝的愤怒。这个短语用来形容上帝对邪恶行为的愤怒惩罚。例如:The city was destroyed by the wrath of God.(这个城市被上帝的愤怒所摧毁。)




  1. The wrath of God(上帝的愤怒)
  2. In a fit of wrath(在愤怒中)
  3. Face the wrath(面对愤怒)
  4. Incur the wrath of someone(招致某人的愤怒)
  5. The wrath of nature(自然的愤怒)
  6. Feel the wrath(感受愤怒)
  7. The full wrath of the law(法律的全部愤怒)
  8. Draw down wrath(招致愤怒)
  9. The wrath of a scorned woman(被蔑视的女人的愤怒)
  10. Incite the wrath(引起愤怒)
  11. Bear the wrath(承受愤怒)
  12. The wrath of the masses(群众的愤怒)
  13. The wrath of the enemy(敌人的愤怒)
  14. Deserve the wrath(应受愤怒)
  15. The wrath of fate(命运的愤怒)
  16. Invoke the wrath(引起愤怒)
  17. The wrath of the gods(神明的愤怒)
  18. The wrath of public opinion(舆论的愤怒)
  19. The wrath of the mob(暴民的愤怒)
  20. Unleash one’s wrath(释放某人的愤怒)
  21. The wrath of the ruler(统治者的愤怒)
  22. The wrath of war(战争的愤怒)
  23. Bear the full wrath(承受全部愤怒)
  24. The wrath of a betrayed friend(被背叛的朋友的愤怒)
  25. The wrath of the injured party(受害方的愤怒)
  26. The wrath of a disappointed parent(失望父母的愤怒)
  27. The wrath of a scorned lover(被蔑视的情人的愤怒)
  28. The wrath of a betrayed partner(被背叛的伴侣的愤怒)
  29. Face the full wrath(面对全部愤怒)
  30. The wrath of consequences(后果的愤怒)



rage: anger or aggression associated with conflict arising from a particular situation
fury: wild or violent anger
indignation: anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
