

[verb] take (a machine or structure) to pieces
[动词] 把(机器或建筑物)拆成碎片


Dismantle 一词源自古法语 desmanteler (拆毁堡垒的城墙,字面意思“脱掉披风、斗篷”),可以看作由前缀 dis- (分开、分离)+ mantle (披风、斗篷)构成。该词本义也是指“去掉……的覆盖物、脱掉……的衣服”,与小站之前推送过的 divest 近义,不过该义现已不再流行。

发展到今天, dismantle 主要用来表示其引申义“拆开、拆卸、拆除”机器或建筑物,多指将房屋、建筑物、船舶及复杂机械装置的全部设备和家具进行拆除,比如:

  • 这个发动机出了毛病。我不得不把发动机拆开来修理。
    The motor was out of whack. I had to dismantle it in order to repair it.
  • 敌人的军火库已经一块块拆散了。
    The enemy’s arsenal was dismantled piece by piece.


  • 经历了这场战争的惨败之后,他们废除了物价管制。
    After the debacle of the war, they dismantled price controls.


Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the Chinese people showed the world that the Chinese people were capable of not only dismantling the old world, but also building a new one, that only socialism could save China, and that only socialism could develop China.



  • Others fret about a dismantling of institutions humans have painstakingly built.
  • The move comes at a moment when conservatives see an opportunity to dismantle affirmative action.



  1. Dismantle a bomb – 拆除炸弹
  2. Dismantle a machine – 拆卸机器
  3. Dismantle a building – 拆除建筑物
  4. Dismantle a system – 拆除系统
  5. Dismantle a weapon – 拆卸武器
  6. Dismantle a vehicle – 拆除车辆
  7. Dismantle a computer – 拆卸电脑
  8. Dismantle a wall – 拆除墙壁
  9. Dismantle a generator – 拆卸发电机
  10. Dismantle a pipeline – 拆除管道
  11. Dismantle a structure – 拆除结构
  12. Dismantle a network – 拆除网络
  13. Dismantle a stage – 拆除舞台
  14. Dismantle a door – 拆除门
  15. Dismantle a machine gun – 拆卸机枪
  16. Dismantle a fence – 拆除围栏
  17. Dismantle a crane – 拆卸起重机
  18. Dismantle a statue – 拆除雕像
  19. Dismantle a tent – 拆除帐篷
  20. Dismantle a bridge – 拆除桥梁
  21. Dismantle a laboratory – 拆除实验室
  22. Dismantle a tower – 拆除塔
  23. Dismantle a satellite – 拆除卫星
  24. Dismantle a camera – 拆卸摄像机
  25. Dismantle a fence – 拆除围墙
  26. Dismantle a conveyor belt – 拆卸传送带
  27. Dismantle a sign – 拆除标牌
  28. Dismantle a radio tower – 拆卸无线电塔
  29. Dismantle a roller coaster – 拆卸过山车
  30. Dismantle a stadium – 拆除体育场馆


当动词使用时, “dismantle” 的意思是”拆开”或”卸下”,通常是指拆除或解体某个完整的系统、设备、建筑物或机器等。它的对象可以是任何可以拆卸的物品,从简单的家具到复杂的工业设备都可以。


  • The old factory was dismantled to make way for new development.(老工厂被拆除以为新开发腾出空间。)
  • The mechanic dismantled the engine to find the source of the problem.(技工拆卸了发动机以找到问题的源头。)
  • The team dismantled the opponent’s defense with their quick passes.(球队通过快速传球拆除了对手的防线。)

除了动词外, “dismantle” 还可以用作名词,表示拆卸或解体的行为。这通常用于描述有组织的拆除,例如拆除建筑物或工业设备等。


  • The dismantling of the old bridge took several weeks to complete.(拆除旧桥花了几周的时间才完成。)
  • The company is responsible for the dismantling of the old power plant.(公司负责拆除旧电厂的工作。)

总之,”dismantle” 是一个用于形容拆卸或解体某个完整的系统、设备、建筑物或机器等的动词,它可以用于各种情况,从家具到工业设备,从简单到复杂,都可以使用。


demolish: pull or knock down (a building)
flatten: raze (a building or settlement) to the ground
level: demolish (a building or town)
