

[adjective] showing great care and perseverance
[形容词] 表现出极为小心和有毅力的


Assiduous 是一个容易与 acidulous (带酸味的)相混淆的单词,该词源自拉丁语 assiduus (不断地出现、不停的、忙碌的、不变的),16世纪30年代进入英语后开始用来表示“勤奋的、刻苦的、坚持不懈的、兢兢业业的、勤勤恳恳的”,常作为正式用语使用,多指坚持不懈、不屈不挠地努力工作,并且非常小心地把每件事都做得尽可能的好或者说非常彻底,比如:

  • 他们希望能够效法她刻苦钻研的精神。
    They hope to emulate her spirit of assiduous study.
  • 一位该歌剧的一贯赞助者深深凝视着她的眼睛。
    An assiduous patron of the opera gazed into the depths of her eyes.


She, who had always been assiduous in the heat, had begun to wither in the northern cold.

出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight’s Children)。《午夜之子》被视为萨尔曼·鲁西迪的代表作,获得当年的布克奖(Booker Prize),并且在2008年被评为“布克奖40周年最佳作品”。


  • All this might suggest that intellectual differences are hard-wired, with women abler and more assiduous, but men better at the exact sciences.
  • It was an assiduous approach, and a pretty cold one.


assiduous (a SID yoo us) Like sedulous (#1), this adjective suggests dil-igence, persistence. Unsurprisingly, it comes from the Latin for “to sit,” implying the ability to stay in your seat until the job is done.

•Yurah was so assiduous in her work on the Intel grant project that her parents had to remind her of the importance of food and sleep.

•“Assiduous I’m not,” bragged Bo, whose work was frequently shown in Outsider Art Fairs. “But folks seem to like my stuff anyhow.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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孜孜以求的(一个SID yoo us)和勤奋(#1)一样,这个形容词暗示着勤奋、坚持。毫不奇怪,它来自拉丁语“坐”的意思,意思是在工作完成之前能够一直坐在座位上。



  1. 用法:
    • She is an assiduous student who always completes her assignments on time.(她是一个勤奋的学生,总是按时完成作业。)
    • He was praised for his assiduous efforts in improving the company’s productivity.(他因为努力提高公司的生产力而受到赞扬。)
    • The team showed assiduous attention to detail in their research.(团队在研究中表现出对细节的专心致志。)
  2. 短语:
    • Be assiduous in one’s studies:在学习中勤奋努力
    • Show assiduous dedication:展现专心致志的奉献精神
    • Be assiduous in pursuing a goal:在追求目标时勤奋努力
    • Assiduous work ethic:勤奋的职业道德
    • Display assiduous attention:表现出专注的注意力
    • Be assiduous in one’s practice:在实践中刻苦钻研
    • Demonstrate assiduous commitment:展示刻苦的承诺
    • Maintain an assiduous focus:保持专注
    • Show assiduous devotion:表现出专心致志的奉献
    • Assiduous time management:刻苦的时间管理
    • Be assiduous in learning new skills:在学习新技能上勤奋努力
    • Exhibit assiduous effort:展现出刻苦的努力
    • Have an assiduous approach:采取刻苦的方式
    • Pursue a task with assiduous determination:以专心致志的决心追求任务
    • Be known for assiduous preparation:因刻苦准备而闻名
    • Display an assiduous work ethic:展现出刻苦的职业道德
    • Maintain an assiduous study schedule:保持勤奋的学习时间表
    • Show assiduous commitment to excellence:展现对卓越的专注承诺
    • Demonstrate an assiduous attention to detail:展示对细节的专心致志
    • Be assiduous in honing skills:在磨炼技能方面勤奋努力
    • Have an assiduous work ethic:拥有勤奋的职业道德
    • Exhibit assiduous dedication to the project


industrious: diligent and hard-working
meticulous: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
sedulous: (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
