

[verb] expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law
[动词] (尤指在法律的支持下)将某人从某个房产中驱逐出去


Evict 一词源自拉丁语 evincere (战胜并驱逐、征服、制服、彻底击败;取代),与常见单词 victory (胜利)、 convict (证明有罪)、 convince (使确信)等同词根 vict, vinc (征服、克服)。

15世纪中期进入英语后, evict 最初用来表示“通过法律手段或程序收回或追回”财产、产权等。等到了16世纪30年代后, evict 开始发展出今天的主要含义指“驱逐、赶出、逐出”,主要表示通过法律或同等有效的程序将房客、佃户等从房产或土地上驱逐出去,通常是因为不付租金,但也包括因为吸毒、暴力滋事等违法行为,比如:

  • 跟你说实话,如果不继续交费,你会被赶出去。
    To be candid with you, if you don’t keep up payments you could be evicted.
  • 那个身材高大的男人因为醉酒及暴力滋事被赶出酒馆。他喝了两杯就醉了。
    The hefty man was evicted from the bar for drunken and disorderly behaviour. Two drinks muddled him.


But he could not see her family evicted, and his disappointment soon faded at the sight of her radiant happiness, disappeared entirely at the loving way she “took on” over his generosity.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  • The parent firm did manage to evict him from TCS’s board, because it owns a majority of it, unlike most of its other big group companies.
  • Since then, he has added to his confrontational reputation by closing the capital’s most notorious nightclub after an off-duty police officer died there of a drug overdose, and by evicting thousands of illegal street vendors who had been compounding Jakarta’s chronic traffic problems.


动词 “evict” 的用法:

  1. Evict someone from a property – 驱逐某人离开房产
    • The landlord decided to evict the tenants for violating the terms of the lease.(房东决定驱逐租户,因为他们违反了租约条款。)
  2. Evict a tenant – 驱逐租户
    • The landlord had to evict the tenant due to repeated late rent payments.(房东不得不驱逐租户,因为他多次拖欠租金。)
  3. Evict a squatter – 驱逐侵占者
    • The property owner sought legal action to evict the squatter who had been living in the vacant house.(房产所有者采取了法律行动,驱逐那个居住在空置房屋中的侵占者。)
  4. Evict someone for non-payment – 因未支付而驱逐某人
    • The landlord threatened to evict the tenant if the rent was not paid by the end of the month.(房东威胁说如果月底前不支付租金,将驱逐租户。)
  5. Evict someone from their home – 驱逐某人离开家
    • The family was devastated when they were evicted from their home due to foreclosure.(由于房屋被收回,这个家庭被驱逐出家园,他们感到十分沮丧。)
  6. Evict someone illegally – 非法驱逐某人
    • The tenants discovered that the landlord had evicted them illegally without proper notice.(租户发现房东未经合理通知非法驱逐了他们。)
  7. Evict someone from a premises for lease violation – 因违反租约而驱逐某人离开场所
    • The restaurant owner was evicted from the premises for repeatedly violating health and safety regulations.(餐厅老板因多次违反卫生和安全规定而被驱逐离开场所。)


与 “evict” 相关的短语:

  1. Evict someone from – 从…驱逐某人
  2. Evict a tenant – 驱逐租户
  3. Evict a squatter – 驱逐侵占者
  4. Evict someone for non-payment – 因未支付而驱逐某人
  5. Evict someone from their home – 从某人的家中驱逐某人
  6. Evict someone illegally – 非法驱逐某人
  7. Evict someone due to lease violation – 因违反租约而驱逐某人
  8. Evict someone from a property – 从房产中驱逐某人
  9. Evict someone from a premises – 从场所中驱逐某人
  10. Evict someone from an apartment – 从公寓中驱逐某人
  11. Evict someone from a house – 从房屋中驱逐某人
  12. Evict someone from a building – 从建筑物中驱逐某人
  13. Evict someone from a rental property – 从出租物业中驱逐某人
  14. Evict someone from a commercial space – 从商业空间中驱逐某人
  15. Evict someone from a premises for illegal activities – 因非法活动而驱逐某人离开场所
  16. Evict someone from a premises for disruptive behavior – 因扰乱行为而驱逐某人离开场所
  17. Evict someone from a premises for property damage – 因损坏财产而驱逐某人离开场所
  18. Evict someone from a premises for noise complaints – 因噪音投诉而驱逐某人离开场所
  19. Evict someone from a premises for illegal subletting – 因非法转租而驱逐某人离开场所
  20. Evict someone from a premises for unauthorized pets – 因未经授权携带宠物而驱逐某人离开场所
  21. Evict someone from a premises for lease expiration – 因租约到期而驱逐某人离开场所
  22. Evict someone from a premises for renovation purposes – 为了进行翻新而驱逐某人离开场所
  23. Evict someone from a premises for health and safety violations – 因违反卫生和安全规定而驱逐某人离开场所
  24. Evict someone from a premises for non-compliance with rules and regulations – 因不遵守规章制度而驱逐某人离开场所


oust: drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place
expel: force (someone) to leave a place, especially a country
eject: compel (someone) to leave a place

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
