

[noun] an instance of movement, activity, or supply stopping or being stopped
[名词] 运动、活动或供给(被)停止的情况


Stoppage 是本周《经济学人》封面上出现的一个单词,比较好记,可以简单拆成 stop + page 来记忆,但其结构实则由 stop + 后缀 -age (行为或行为的结果)构成,最早于15世纪中期出现在英语中用来表示“扣除、扣除款”,常作正式用语以复数 stoppages 出现在英式英语中指雇主从员工工资中扣除用于罚款、纳税、缴纳社保等的扣除款,这在美式英语中常用 deduction 表示,比如:

  • 各种款项扣除以后那个勤劳肯干的服务员实得多少钱?
    How much does the industrious and willing attendant get after stoppages?

等到了15世纪末, stoppage 开始用来表示“阻塞、堵塞、阻碍”,多指在狭窄通道中的堵塞,包括自动或半自动步枪因枪管堵塞而造成的“故障”,比如:

  • 血液暂时的减慢或堵塞会导致代谢物堆积。
    A temporary slowdown or stoppage of blood can lead to accumulation of metabolites.

再到了17世纪中期后, stoppage 又用来表示“停止、中止”,这个概念发展到现在既可以用来表示“停工、罢工”,也可以用来表示足球等体育运动中“中断比赛、暂停”。其中,前者多指雇员因抗议雇主规定的条款而临时停工,一般相对于有组织的 strike 来说较为自发,也不那么严重,比如:

  • 温顺的矿工们举行了两小时的象征性停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。
    Docile miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions.

而后者多指在比赛中因选手受伤等特定原因而暂停小段时间,这在美式英语中常用 time out 表示,比如:

  • 该队遇到了劲敌无法取胜,但在比赛中断之后的最后一轮中展现了他们的拼搏精神。
    The team met its nemesis, but showed its mettle in the final round after the stoppage.

但若是出现在拳击比赛中时, stoppage 则是指“击倒”,相当于 knockout (简称 KO)。


Sometimes, in the traces, when jerked by a sudden stoppage of the sled, or by straining to start it, he would cry out with pain.

出自美国作家杰克·伦敦(Jack London)于1903年发表的著名中篇小说《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild),又名《荒野的呼唤》。该动物冒险小说,是美国文学史上的经典作品,被誉为“世界上读得最多的美国小说”。


  • Even so, a big plant like Newby experiences on average five such stoppages every day.
  • For the first time in nearly three decades, Major League Baseball is in a work stoppage.


名词 “stoppage” 的用法:

  1. Industrial stoppage – 工业停工
    • The workers went on strike, leading to an industrial stoppage.(工人们举行罢工,导致工业停工。)
  2. Traffic stoppage – 交通堵塞
    • There was a traffic stoppage on the highway due to a major accident.(由于一起重大事故,公路上出现了交通堵塞。)
  3. Power stoppage – 电力中断
    • The storm caused a power stoppage, leaving the entire neighborhood without electricity.(暴风雨导致了电力中断,整个社区都没有电。)
  4. Work stoppage – 工作停止
    • The employees organized a work stoppage to protest against unfair working conditions.(员工组织了一次工作停止,以抗议不公平的工作条件。)
  5. Service stoppage – 服务中断
    • The strike resulted in a service stoppage, affecting public transportation and other essential services.(罢工导致服务中断,影响了公共交通和其他重要服务。)
  6. Production stoppage – 生产停顿
    • The lack of raw materials caused a production stoppage at the factory.(原材料的缺乏导致了工厂的生产停顿。)
  7. Wage stoppage – 工资停发
    • The workers threatened a wage stoppage if their demands for a pay raise were not met.(如果不能满足他们要求加薪的要求,工人们将威胁停发工资。)
  8. Bus stoppage – 公交车停运
    • Due to a mechanical issue, there was a bus stoppage along the main route.(由于机械故障,主要路线上出现了公交车停运。)
  9. Supply stoppage – 供应中断
    • The natural disaster caused a supply stoppage, leaving the residents without essential supplies.(自然灾害导致供应中断,居民们没有了基本的物资供应。)
  10. Water stoppage – 停水
    • There will be a scheduled water stoppage tomorrow for maintenance purposes.(明天将会有计划停水,进行维护工作。)


与 “stoppage” 相关的短语:

  1. Industrial stoppage – 工业停工
  2. Traffic stoppage – 交通堵塞
  3. Power stoppage – 电力中断
  4. Work stoppage – 工作停止
  5. Service stoppage – 服务中断
  6. Production stoppage – 生产停顿
  7. Wage stoppage – 工资停发
  8. Bus stoppage – 公交车停运
  9. Supply stoppage – 供应中断
  10. Water stoppage – 停水
  11. Train stoppage – 列车停运
  12. Delivery stoppage – 交货中断
  13. Communication stoppage – 通信中断
  14. Service delivery stoppage – 服务交付停止
  15. Mail stoppage – 邮件停运
  16. Fuel stoppage – 燃料供应中断
  17. Construction stoppage – 施工停工
  18. Payment stoppage – 付款停止
  19. Resource stoppage – 资源中断
  20. Financial stoppage – 财务停顿
  21. Hunger stoppage – 饥饿停止
  22. Trade stoppage – 贸易中断
  23. Service stoppage notice – 服务停止通知
  24. Border stoppage – 边境封锁
  25. Strike stoppage – 罢工停工
  26. Gas stoppage – 煤气中断
  27. Telecommunication stoppage – 电信中断
  28. Emergency stoppage – 紧急停止
  29. Refinery stoppage – 炼油厂停产
  30. Sewerage stoppage – 下水道堵塞


cessation: the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end
termination: the action of terminating something or the fact of being terminated
strike: a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
