

[verb] furrow one’s brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration
[动词] 皱眉表示不赞成、不高兴或全神贯注


Frown 一词于14世纪末期由古法语 frognier (皱眉、怒视、哼鼻子、嗤之以鼻)进入英语,即用来表示“皱眉、蹙(cù)额”,主要指通过紧皱眉头来作出严肃、愤怒、失望、担忧、不高兴、蔑视或全神贯注的表情,既可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,比如:

  • 他令她动心,让她着迷。看到他皱起眉头,她赶紧解释。
    He drew and enthralled her. She saw his frown and hastened to explain.
  • 服务员皱了皱眉头,突然警惕起来。然后她改变了站姿,把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚。
    The attendant frowned, suddenly wary. Then she shifted her stance from one foot to another.

从这个概念出发,还常用动词短语 frown on/upon sb/sth 表示“不赞成、不同意、不许可”,比如:

  • 许多教师不赞同这种大胆的做法。
    Many teachers frown on such audacious practices.


On her flower frowning miss Douce said:
—Most aggravating that young brat is. If he doesn’t conduct himself I’ll wring his ear for him a yard long.

出自爱尔兰现代主义作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)于1922年出版的长篇小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。


  • When a shopper walked to the end of an aisle only to return with a frown to a bookshelf, the software discreetly messaged clerks, who went to help.
  • They show no emotions: They do not cry or smile or frown, but simply gaze blankly, their bodies unwilling to waste a calorie on emotion when every iota of energy must go to keep major organs functioning.


frown 是一个动词和名词,表示皱眉表达不满、担忧、不喜欢或不同意等情绪。当动词使用时,它表示用皱眉的表情来表达不满或不悦;而作为名词,它表示皱眉的表情本身。


  1. Frown at someone: She frowned at him when he made a rude comment.(她在他说出粗鲁的言论时皱起了眉头。)
  2. Frown on something: The company frowns on employees using personal phones during work hours.(公司不赞成员工在工作时间使用个人手机。)
  3. Frown upon someone/something: Society often frowns upon those who don’t conform to traditional norms.(社会往往对那些不符合传统规范的人持有不同意见。)
  4. With a frown: He listened to the news with a frown on his face.(他面带愁容地听着这个消息。)
  5. Raise an eyebrow in a frown: The professor raised an eyebrow in a frown at the student’s incorrect answer.(教授对学生错误的回答皱起了眉头,抬起了一只眉毛。)


  • frown(动词):皱眉,表示不满、担忧或不同意等情绪
  • frown(名词):皱眉,表示不满、担忧或不同意等情绪



  1. Frown upon – 对…皱眉,不赞同
  2. Frown at – 对…皱眉,表示不满
  3. Frown with disapproval – 不满地皱眉
  4. Raise a frown – 皱起眉头
  5. Wear a frown – 带着愁容
  6. Receive a frown – 遭受责难
  7. Hide a frown – 掩饰不满
  8. Suppress a frown – 克制不悦
  9. Force a frown – 勉强皱眉
  10. Flash a frown – 闪现不悦表情


  1. Have a deep frown – 皱起深深的眉头
  2. Sport a puzzled frown – 带着困惑的皱眉
  3. Wear a permanent frown – 长久地带着愁容
  4. Mask a frown – 掩饰不悦表情
  5. Display a disapproving frown – 显示不赞同的皱眉
  6. Force a tight-lipped frown – 勉强抿紧嘴唇皱眉
  7. Dissolve into a frown – 皱起眉头
  8. Soothe someone’s frown – 缓解某人的不满情绪
  9. Sense a frown of concern – 察觉到忧虑的皱眉
  10. Release a deep sigh and frown – 深深叹息并皱眉


  1. Frown with disappointment – 失望地皱眉
  2. Frown in frustration – 沮丧地皱眉
  3. Frown in confusion – 困惑地皱眉
  4. Frown in concentration – 集中精神地皱眉
  5. Frown in thought – 思考中皱眉
  6. Frown with displeasure – 不悦地皱眉
  7. Frown with annoyance – 烦恼地皱眉


  1. Meet with frowns – 遭受不满
  2. A sea of frowns – 一片愁云惨淡
  3. Frown and shake one’s head – 皱眉并摇头


scowl: frown in an angry or bad-tempered way
glower: have an angry or sullen look on one’s face; scowl
glare: stare in an angry or fierce way

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
