

[adjective] severe or strict in manner or attitude
[形容词] 举止或态度上严厉或严格的


Austere 一词源自古希腊语 austeros (苦涩的,尤指水果、葡萄酒等“使口干舌燥的”),于14世纪初经古法语 austere (严格的、严厉的、严酷的、残酷的)或直接经拉丁语 austerus (干的、酸的、酸涩的)进入英语,即用来指人在举止或态度上“严厉的、严格的、严肃的”,强调缺乏热情、趣味或情感等吸引人的品质,比如:

  • 她的父亲身材高大,神色严肃,令人敬畏。
    Her father was a hefty, austere, formidable figure.
  • 他处事严谨,与他爱张扬的妻子形成了鲜明的对比。
    He was a man of austere habits, in stark contrast to his more flamboyant wife.

一个内心严肃的人,其外在的生活往往是比较朴素的。因此 austere 也被用来形容人的生活条件或者生活方式“苦行的、禁欲的、简朴不奢华的”,暗含克制、克己、节俭、朴素以及在操行上一丝不苟等褒义,比如:

  • 那位德高望重的老人过着十分简朴的生活。
    The venerable old man led an austere life.

等到了16世纪末后, austere 开始用来形容事物“朴素的、简朴的、简陋的、无华饰的”,即外观上朴实无华的,比如:

  • 她那仅有一张窄床的简陋卧室一尘不染。
    Her austere bedroom with its simple narrow bed was kept immaculate.

此外, austere 也可以指经济政策措施上“紧缩的”,即通过增税、削减开支等严格的经济政策来减少预算赤字或公共债务,比如:

  • 有必要采取紧缩的经济措施,以节省短缺且宝贵的外汇。
    It is necessary to adopt austere economic measures in order to spare scarce and valuable foreign exchange.


Their lodgings were in a cottage a little further along the lane, but they came and assisted Tess in her departure, and argued that she should dress up in her very prettiest guise to captivate the hearts of her parents-in-law; though she, knowing of the austere and Calvinistic tenets of old Mr Clare, was indifferent, and even doubtful.

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)的长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)。


  • Conservative clerics have been muzzled and the vice police curbed, as the Saudis tone down their austere brand of Islam.
  • Something about the cavernous warehouse roof, the grid of fluorescent lighting and the austere, sterile design brought on a sense of familiarity.


Austere – 朴素的,简朴的


  1. Austere lifestyle – 简朴的生活方式
    • He chose to live an austere lifestyle, devoid of material possessions. (他选择过着简朴的生活方式,没有物质财富。)
  2. Austere beauty – 简朴的美丽
    • The landscape captivated us with its austere beauty. (那片风景以它的简朴美丽吸引了我们。)
  3. Austere design – 简朴的设计
    • The minimalist furniture reflected an austere design philosophy. (极简主义家具体现了一种简朴的设计理念。)
  4. Austere architecture – 简朴的建筑风格
    • The monastery’s austere architecture conveyed a sense of tranquility. (修道院的简朴建筑风格传达出一种宁静的感觉。)
  5. Austere clothing – 简朴的服装
    • The monks wore austere clothing as a symbol of their devotion to a simple life. (僧侣们穿着简朴的服装,象征着他们对简单生活的奉献。)
  6. Austere color palette – 简朴的色彩调色板
    • The artist used an austere color palette to evoke a sense of calmness in the painting. (艺术家运用简朴的色彩调色板在画作中唤起一种宁静的感觉。)
  7. Austere decor – 简朴的装饰风格
    • The hotel had an austere decor with minimalistic furnishings. (这家酒店的装饰风格简朴,家具设计简约。)
  8. Austere environment – 简朴的环境
    • The remote village had an austere environment with limited resources. (这个偏远的村庄环境简朴,资源有限。)
  9. Austere atmosphere – 简朴的氛围
    • The church was filled with an austere atmosphere, inspiring introspection and reverence. (教堂充满着简朴的氛围,激发人们的内省和敬畏之情。)
  10. Austere discipline – 严格的纪律
    • The military academy maintained an austere discipline to instill a sense of order and obedience. (军事学院保持严格的纪律,培养秩序和服从的意识。)
  11. Austere language – 简洁的语言
    • The poet’s austere language conveyed deep emotions with few words. (诗人简洁的语言用少量的字句传达了深刻的情感。)
  12. Austere diet – 简朴的饮食
    • The yoga retreat offered an austere diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and grains. (瑜伽静修营提供以水果、蔬菜和谷物为主的简朴饮食。)



ascetic: characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons
dour: relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance
stern: (of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
