

[verb] trick (someone) into doing something
[动词] 欺骗(某人)做某事


vt. 欺骗;使着迷;轻松地消磨




1、be + guile.


beguile 哄骗
前缀be-, 强调。guile, 欺骗。


Beguile 一词于13世纪初由前缀 be- (使……、使成为)+ guile (狡诈、奸诈、欺诈)构造而来,常用搭配 beguile sb into doing sth 表示“哄骗、诱骗”某人做某事,主要指通过使用微妙的、通常是令人愉快或诱人的手段来误导、哄骗或诱骗,比如:

  • 推销员哄骗一个傻乎乎的年轻人买下了一辆他并不需要的汽车。
    The salesman beguiled a naive young man into buying a car he didn’t need.

从这个概念出发,还可以用 beguile 引申指“迷住、吸引、陶醉”,主要指通过或者好似通过诡计来引起兴趣,比如:

  • 也许她对他下了咒。当时他完全被她的美貌迷住了。
    Perhaps she cast a spell on him. At that time he was completely beguiled by her beauty.

到了16世纪80年代后, beguile 开始在书面语中用来表示“使时间等过得愉快”或者说“轻松地消磨”,主要指用一些令人愉快的、不一定是浪费时间的活动来消磨一段闲暇或者单调乏味(tedious)的时光,好比通过做一些愉快的事情来诱骗自己将注意力从痛苦事物上转移开,比如:

  • 以轻松愉快的闲谈来度过令人疲乏的长途旅行
    beguile a long and weary journey with pleasant talk


Parted lovers beguile absence by a thousand chimerical devices, which possess, however, a reality of their own.

出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。


  • The biography that beguiles his supporters is replete with danger signals.
  • But given the right performers, individual works can also charm and beguile.



  1. Beguiling smile (迷人的微笑) – Referring to a smile that is captivating, charming, or enchanting.
    • Example: Her beguiling smile won the hearts of everyone in the room.
  2. Beguile with words (以言辞迷惑) – Using persuasive or deceptive language to charm or deceive someone.
    • Example: The politician tried to beguile the voters with his promises.
  3. Time beguiles (时间迷惑人) – Expressing the idea that time can pass quickly or seem deceptive.
    • Example: The captivating book beguiles time; hours fly by unnoticed.
  4. Beguiling eyes (迷人的眼睛) – Referring to eyes that are attractive, alluring, or captivating.
    • Example: She has beguiling eyes that draw you in.
  5. Beguile the senses (迷惑感官) – Deliberately or unintentionally deceiving or captivating the senses, such as sight, smell, or taste.
    • Example: The aromatic dish beguiled our senses and made us eager to taste it.
  6. Beguiling melody (迷人的旋律) – Referring to a captivating or enchanting musical tune.
    • Example: The beguiling melody of the violin brought tears to her eyes.
  7. Beguile the mind (迷惑思维) – Captivating or deceiving the mind with clever or misleading ideas.
    • Example: The illusionist’s performance beguiled the minds of the audience.
  8. Beguile the imagination (迷惑想象力) – Inspiring or enchanting the imagination with captivating ideas or images.
    • Example: The picturesque landscape beguiled the imagination of the artist.
  9. Beguile the senses (迷惑感官) – Deliberately or unintentionally deceiving or captivating the senses, such as sight, smell, or taste.
    • Example: The aromatic dish beguiled our senses and made us eager to taste it.
  10. Beguiling charm (迷人的魅力) – Referring to a person’s captivating or enchanting charm.
    • Example: His beguiling charm made him the center of attention at the party.
  11. Beguile the audience (迷惑观众) – Captivating or entertaining the audience through charm, wit, or deception.
    • Example: The magician beguiled the audience with his mind-bending tricks.
  12. Beguiling beauty (迷人的美丽) – Describing someone or something that is visually enchanting or captivating.
    • Example: The beguiling beauty of the sunset took their breath away.
  13. Beguiling promises (诱人的承诺) – Referring to promises or offers that are enticing, but may not be sincere or trustworthy.
    • Example: He made beguiling promises to win her over, but she saw through his intentions.
  14. Beguile the heart (迷住心灵) – Captivating or enchanting someone emotionally or romantically.
    • Example: His heartfelt words beguiled her heart and she fell in love.
  15. Beguiling nature (迷人的天性) – Describing a person’s charming, captivating, or mysterious nature.
    • Example: Despite his flaws, his beguiling nature drew people to him.
  16. Beguile the journey (迷住旅程) – Captivating or enchanting the experience or course of a journey.
    • Example: The breathtaking scenery beguiled the entire journey.
  17. Beguiling temptation (诱人的诱惑) – Referring to a temptation that is alluring, seductive, or hard to resist.
    • Example: The beguiling temptation of the dessert was too much to resist.
  18. Beguile the night (迷住夜晚) – Captivating or enchanting the darkness or nighttime atmosphere.
    • Example: The starry sky beguiled the night, creating a magical ambiance.
  19. Beguiling personality (迷人的个性) – Describing someone’s captivating, charming, or charismatic personality.
    • Example: Her beguiling personality made her the life of the party.
  20. Beguile the enemy (迷惑敌人) – Deceiving or tricking the enemy through cunning tactics or strategies.
    • Example: The spy successfully beguiled the enemy, gaining valuable information.
  21. Beguiling laughter (迷人的笑声) – Referring to a laughter that is charming, infectious, or captivating.
    • Example: Her beguiling laughter filled the room with joy.
  22. Beguile the reader (迷惑读者) – Captivating or enchanting the reader through engaging storytelling or writing.
    • Example: The author’s captivating narrative beguiled the reader from beginning to end.
  23. Beguiling grace (迷人的优雅) – Describing someone’s elegant, refined, or enchanting gracefulness.
    • Example: The ballet dancer performed with beguiling grace and beauty.
  24. Beguile the competition (迷惑竞争对手) – Outsmarting, outmaneuvering, or deceiving competitors in a strategic or competitive situation.
    • Example: The chess master beguiled his opponent, leading to a checkmate.
  25. Beguiling mystery (迷人的神秘感) – Referring to something that is intriguing, enigmatic, or captivatingly mysterious.
    • Example: The beguiling mystery of the old mansion drew her curiosity.
  26. Beguile the jury (迷惑陪审团) – Captivating or influencing the opinions or decisions of a jury in a legal setting.
    • Example: The defense attorney’s persuasive arguments beguiled the jury.
  27. Beguiling flirtation (迷人的调情) – Referring to a flirtation that is charming, enticing, or seductive.
    • Example: His beguiling flirtation made her heart flutter.
  28. Beguile the listener (迷惑听众) – Captivating or enchanting the listener through persuasive or captivating speech or music.
    • Example: The charismatic speaker beguiled the listeners with his powerful words.
  29. Beguiling colors (迷人的色彩) – Describing colors that are captivating, vibrant, or visually enchanting.
    • Example: The painting was filled with beguiling colors that evoked various emotions.
  30. Beguiling silence (迷人的寂静) – Referring to a silence that is captivating, peaceful, or intriguing.
    • Example: The beguiling silence of the night was interrupted by the gentle rustling of leaves.


entrance: fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention
captivate: attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
enthrall: to keep someone completely interested

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
