

[noun] an acquired or natural skill at performing a task
[名词] 执行某个任务时获得的或本能的技能


Knack 是一个与熟词 knock 十分形似的单词,该词词源不详,可能源自拟声而来的中古英语 knak (响亮的一击)。14世纪中期出现在英语中后, knack 原指“骗术、诡计、花招”。

等到了16世纪80年代后, knack 开始发展出现在的基本含义指“技能、本领、熟练技巧”,主要表示执行某个任务时获得的、学会的或本能的技能,通常是一种难以分析或传授的特殊能力,可以轻易且灵巧地完成大多数人觉得困难的事,常用搭配 knack of/for (doing) sth ,比如:

  • 这位和蔼可亲的大师有让人如沐春风的本事。
    The affable guru has the knack of making people feel comfortable.

反过来,也可以用 knack 表示执行某个任务时所需要的某项特殊能力,即“诀窍、妙法”,也就是一种聪明的、巧妙的或便利的办法,可以不费劲地成功完成某事,比如:

  • 锻造一把无与伦比的剑有个诀窍。
    There is a knack in forging an unparalleled sword.

此外, knack 还常在英式英语中进一步用来喻指行动、言语等的“习惯、癖好”,多指像是具备某种熟练技巧那般老是做某种不好的事情,常用搭配 knack of doing sth ,比如:

  • 不幸的是,这个适应力强的女孩老是让自己的处境很尴尬。
    The resilient girl has the unfortunate knack of landing herself right in the soup.


Luna was demonstrating her usual knack of speaking uncomfortable truths; he had never met anyone quite like her.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第六本《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)。


  • The firm’s proven knack for speedy innovation will let it keep an unassailable technology lead over both established carmakers, struggling to free themselves of the legacy of internal combustion, and newcomers looking to steal its crown.
  • Conner also possesses a knack for compromise.



  1. Have a knack for (对…有天赋) – Have a natural talent or ability for something.
    • Example: She has a knack for playing the piano.
  2. Get the knack of (掌握…的窍门) – Learn or understand the skills or techniques required for something.
    • Example: It took me a while to get the knack of riding a bicycle.
  3. Lose one’s knack (失去…的天赋) – No longer possess the natural talent or ability for something.
    • Example: After not painting for years, she lost her knack for art.
  4. Knack for details (对细节有天赋) – Being skilled at noticing and paying attention to small details.
    • Example: Sarah’s knack for details makes her a great editor.
  5. Knack for problem-solving (善于解决问题) – Having a natural ability to find solutions to problems.
    • Example: John’s knack for problem-solving always impresses his colleagues.
  6. Knack for languages (擅长语言) – Having a talent for learning and understanding languages.
    • Example: Maria has a knack for languages; she can speak five fluently.
  7. Knack for cooking (擅长烹饪) – Being skilled at preparing and cooking delicious meals.
    • Example: Mark has a knack for cooking; his dishes are always a hit at parties.
  8. Develop a knack (培养一种技巧) – Acquire a skill or ability through practice and experience.
    • Example: With time, she developed a knack for public speaking.
  9. Discover one’s knack (发现自己的天赋) – Identify and become aware of one’s natural talent or ability.
    • Example: It took years for him to discover his knack for writing.
  10. Perfect one’s knack (完善自己的技巧) – Continuously refine and improve one’s skills or abilities.
    • Example: The musician spent years perfecting his knack for playing the guitar.
  11. Knack for organization (对组织有天赋) – Being skilled at arranging and managing things in an orderly manner.
    • Example: Susan’s knack for organization keeps her workspace tidy and efficient.
  12. Have a knack for timing (对时机把握得当) – Possessing an intuitive sense of when to do or say something for the best effect.
    • Example: Sarah always knows when to call; she has a knack for timing.
  13. Natural knack (天生的天赋) – Innate ability or talent for something.
    • Example: His natural knack for drawing made him pursue a career in art.
  14. Knack for innovation (创新能力) – Having a talent for coming up with creative and original ideas.
    • Example: The company values employees with a knack for innovation.
  15. Developing a knack for negotiation (培养谈判技巧) – Acquiring the skills and strategies necessary for effective negotiation.
    • Example: Through practice and training, she developed a knack for negotiation.
  16. Knack for sales (销售天赋) – Being naturally adept at persuading and convincing others to make purchases.
    • Example: Peter has a knack for sales; he always meets his targets.
  17. Knack for storytelling (讲故事的天赋) – Being skilled at captivating and engaging an audience through storytelling.
    • Example: Jane’s knack for storytelling keeps her listeners entertained.
  18. Discovering a knack for teaching (发现教学天赋) – Realizing one’s natural talent for imparting knowledge and facilitating learning.
    • Example: After volunteering at a school, he discovered his knack for teaching.
  19. Knack for problem identification (识别问题的天赋) – Being skilled at recognizing and identifying problems or issues.
    • Example: The consultant has a knack for problem identification; she quickly finds areas of improvement.
  20. Natural knack for leadership (天生的领导才能) – Having an innate ability to lead and inspire others.
    • Example: Mark’s natural knack for leadership earned him a promotion.
  21. Developing a knack for time management (培养时间管理技巧) – Acquiring skills to effectively utilize and prioritize time.
    • Example: Through practice and discipline, she developed a knack for time management.
  22. Knack for public speaking (擅长演讲) – Being skilled at delivering speeches and presentations confidently and effectively.
    • Example: Despite his initial nervousness, he discovered his knack for public speaking.
  23. Cultivating a knack for teamwork (培养团队合作技巧) – Developing skills to collaborate and work effectively with others.
    • Example: Through various group projects, she cultivated a knack for teamwork.
  24. Knack for improvisation (即兴能力) – Being adept at spontaneously creating or performing without prior preparation.
    • Example: The actor’s knack for improvisation impressed the audience.
  25. Knack for customer service (擅长客户服务) – Having a natural ability to provide excellent service and satisfy customers.
    • Example: Lisa’s knack for customer service ensures that clients feel valued and supported.
  26. Knack for problem-solving (解决问题的能力) – Having a talent for analyzing and finding solutions to complex problems.
    • Example: John’s knack for problem-solving always helps him overcome challenges.
  27. Knack for timekeeping (时间管理能力) – Being skilled at effectively managing and adhering to schedules and deadlines.
    • Example: The project manager’s knack for timekeeping ensures timely completion of tasks.
  28. Nurturing a knack for creativity (培养创造力) – Encouraging and developing a natural talent for creative thinking and innovation.
    • Example: The art teacher focuses on nurturing her students’ knack for creativity.
  29. Knack for multitasking (擅长同时处理多项任务) – Being skilled at handling multiple tasks or responsibilities simultaneously.
    • Example: Sarah’s knack for multitasking allows her to juggle various projects effectively.
  30. Realizing one’s knack for entrepreneurship (认识到自己的创业才能) – Becoming aware of one’s natural talent and aptitude for starting and running a business.
    • Example: After successfully launching her first venture, she realized her knack for entrepreneurship.


aptitude: a natural ability to do something
flair: a special or instinctive aptitude or ability for doing something well
faculty: an aptitude or talent for doing something

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
