

[verb] actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.)
[动词] 主动违反(法律、协议等)的条款


Infringe 这个单词比较好记,就是比常见单词 fringe (边缘、刘海、流苏)多了前面 in 两个字母,不过这两者却并非同源词。其中 infringe 源自拉丁语 infringere (损坏、弄坏、折断、挫伤),15世纪中期进入英语后即用来表示“违背、违反、触犯”,主要指主动违反法律、协议、规则、誓言等的条款,比如:

  • 他用了卑鄙的欺诈手段来获取他想得到的东西。但陪审团裁决他没有违反任何规定。
    He used low cunning to get what he wanted. But the jury ruled that he had infringed no rules.

从这个概念出发,等到了18世纪60年代后, infringe 开始进一步用来表示“侵犯、侵害”,既可以作及物动词使用,也常用短语动词 infringe on/upon sth 搭配使用,多指明显地限制、损害或侵占他人的合法权益,包括自由、时间、空间等,比如:

  • 这部电影利用了她的形象,侵犯了她的版权。
    The film exploited her image and infringed her copyright.
  • 她重申她拒绝回答侵犯她隐私的问题。
    She reiterated that she refused to answer questions that infringed on her private affairs.


It gravely infringes on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, severely violates the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiques, seriously tramples on international law and the basic norms governing international relations, breaks the serious political commitment the United States has made to China, and sends a seriously wrong signal to forces seeking “Taiwan independence.”



  • Either approach, however, would infringe the Caesar Act, an American law passed in 2019 which prohibits business with the regime.
    然而,任何一种做法都将违反《凯撒法案》,这是一项于 2019 年通过的美国法律,禁止与该政权进行商业往来。
  • The Indiana Democrat, who was worried that the ban might infringe on the rights of law-abiding gun owners, had already voted against the bill.


Infringe 是一个动词,表示违反、侵犯或侵害。以下是关于 “infringe” 的短语:

  • Infringe on: 侵犯、侵害
  • Infringe upon: 侵犯、侵害
  • Infringe someone’s rights: 侵犯某人的权利
  • Infringe upon someone’s privacy: 侵犯某人的隐私
  • Infringe on someone’s freedom: 侵犯某人的自由
  • Infringe on intellectual property: 侵犯知识产权
  • Infringe on copyright: 侵犯版权
  • Infringe on trademark: 侵犯商标权
  • Infringe on patent: 侵犯专利权
  • Infringe on confidentiality: 侵犯机密性
  • Infringe on sovereignty: 侵犯主权
  • Infringe on territory: 侵犯领土
  • Infringe on privacy rights: 侵犯隐私权
  • Infringe on civil liberties: 侵犯公民自由
  • Infringe on personal space: 侵犯个人空间
  • Infringe on human rights: 侵犯人权
  • Infringe on freedom of speech: 侵犯言论自由
  • Infringe on religious freedom: 侵犯宗教自由
  • Infringe on privacy laws: 违反隐私法
  • Infringe on regulations: 违反规定
  • Infringe on an agreement: 违反协议
  • Infringe on a contract: 违反合同
  • Infringe on a treaty: 违反条约
  • Infringe on a policy: 违反政策
  • Infringe on a rule: 违反规则
  • Infringe on a boundary: 侵犯界限
  • Infringe on a deadline: 违反截止日期
  • Infringe on a code of conduct: 违反行为准则
  • Infringe on a restriction: 违反限制
  • Infringe on a ban: 违反禁令
  • Infringe on a right: 侵犯权利


flout: openly disregard (a rule, law or convention)
encroach: intrude on (a person’s territory or a thing considered to be a right)
violate: break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
