When I was a lad
在英国乘船旅行 是一件相当愉快的事情
a journey down the rivers of England was a truly blithe experience.
“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive”
“河上的拂晓让 我感到生机勃勃”
as Wordsworth has it.
小溪潺潺 彩虹高挂
Brook lime and flag iris
岸上车前草和 万寿菊茂密丛生
plantain and marsh marigolds rioted on the banks.
And kingfishers swooped and darted about
它们的身影 遮住了褐色的鲑鱼
their shadows racing over the brown trout.
女士们 先生们
Well ladies and gentlemen
I’m happy to be able to tell you…
that these ravishing sights…
将在不久的将来 回到我们的国家
will be restored to us again in the near future
感谢我们中♥央♥和 地方政♥府♥的辛勤努力
thanks to the diligent efforts of your government and your local authority.
在这一点上的所有 水域都将被很快清理干净
All the water above this point will soon be clear.
Clear of industrial effluent.
Clear of detergents.
我们社会的生活 废物将被清理干净
Clear of the waste products of our society
这些长久以来一直 肆虐着我们的水域和运河
with which for so long we have poisoned our rivers and canals.
Let us rejoice…
that pollution will soon be banished from the waters of this river
很快 我们将
and that there will soon be no…
-看 -什么
Look! What is it
It’s a woman!
What’s that ’round her neck
She’s been strangled!
-好像是条领带-对 是 条领带-又是一宗领带谋杀案
Looks like a tie. Yes it’s a tie all right. Another necktie murder.
快点 请让一让
Come on. Move out of the way.
乔治爵士 请离开这里
Please come away from here Sir George.
又是一起领带谋杀案 警♥察♥们都干什么去了
It’s another necktie murder. What are the police doing about it
他们为什么不能找到凶手 他连环作案多起了
Why can’t they find him He’s a regular Jack the Ripper.
他以前是把 被害者的尸体肢解开的
Not on your life. He used to carve ’em up.
有一次还把一个女孩子的 肾包在蓝色的纸里放在公园里
Sent a bird’s kidney to Scotland Yard once wrapped in a bit of violet writing paper.
是吗 我想这位女士不想 再听下去了 这还是人干的吗
That’ll do. I’m sure the lady doesn’t want to hear more. Or was it a bit of a liver
这不正是我们 俱乐部的领带吗
I say it’s not my club tie is it
干杯 少校
Cheers Squadron Leader.
Chin chin. Good morning.
布莱尼 对你来说可能有些奇怪
It may come as something of a surprise to you Blaney
但我们这个酒吧是卖♥♥酒的 不是免费赠送的
but in this pub we sell liquor we don’t give it away.
-我们更不希望员工偷酒喝 -我会付钱的
Still less do we expect our employees to steal it. I was going to pay for it.
-我想你会的 这是你在 这里喝的最后一杯酒 出去
Yeah I’m sure you were. That’s the last drink you’re gettin’ on this house. Get out.
我说过我会付钱的 我没有偷过酒喝
I told you I was going to pay for it. I always pay for my drinks.
Even for your watered-down gin.
别在我面前装无辜 你这个混帐
Don’t come the innocent with me you bastard!
-上个月我仓库里的酒少了许多 -你说话客气点
-My stocks have been well down this past month. -Watch what you’re saying!
-什么 你就是 那个小偷 -怎么了
-What you’re a thief -What’s going on
我们的这个朋友说 我偷了他的酒喝
Our friend here says that I’ve been pinching his booze.
-开玩笑 他喝酒都是 付了钱的-你怎么知道
Ridiculous! He always pays. How would you know
-我和他一起工作的 不是吗 -那又怎样
I work with him don’t I And what else
What’s that mean
别多管闲事 巴丝 快点 布莱尼 出去
Keep out of this Babs. Come on Blaney outside.
-你被解雇了-你不能这样 他平生从来没有偷过什么东西
You’re fired. You can’t do that. He never stole nothing in his life.
他把钱放进了钱柜 我都看见过了
He puts the money in the till. I’ve seen him.
这对我来说没什么区别 他偷 酒喝 我不要这样的服务员
A thief or a boozer it’s all the same to me. I don’t need either one as a barman
而且 他老是对你动手动脚的
apart from the fact that half the time he’s pulling your tits instead of pulling pints.
老是围着你转 顾客都有意见了
He can’t keep his hands off you. The customers are always talking about it.
那你呢 你不也老是吃我的豆腐
What about you Always fingering me.
闭嘴 巴丝 不然你也一样出去算了
Keep your lying mouth shut Babs or you can get out as well.
-我走 不用找了
I’m off. Keep the change!
I’ll send for my things later.
Just a minute!
There’s a little matter of ten pounds I advanced you on your salary.
Are you planning to steal that as well
There you are.
You know what to do with them.
-他不该这样对你说话的 -我知道
You shouldn’t let him talk to you like that. I know.
-你准备怎么椄下来怎么做 亲爱的 -我不知道
What are you gonna do luv I don’t know.
-或许是换一个酒吧 -你没事吧
Another pub perhaps. Are you all right
-你给他10英镑还债就行了的 -算了
You just gave him back the ten quid you borrowed. I had to.
-他以为我的钱是偷来的 别担心 我还有一些钱
He didn’t think I had it. Don’t worry I’ve got a bit left.
这是科文特市场 不是谈情 说爱的地方 要开始上班了
This is Covent Garden not the garden of love. How ’bout starting work
Oh get stuffed!
-小心点 -我会打电♥话♥给你的
Look after yourself. I’ll call you.
Thanks guv.
-你好 迪克 -你好 波布
Hello Dick. Hello Bob.
我正要去你 那个酒吧喝一杯
I was just coming over for a quick one.
你干吗不回去烤烤香肠 给杜松子酒兑兑水呢
Why aren’t you back there polishing the sausages or watering the gin
or whatever it is you do there before opening time
I have just been given the push.
为什么 你又往啤酒上撒尿了
What for You weren’t pissing in the beer again
-福赛又和我吵架了 -哦 是他啊
Forsythe and I had a set-to. Oh him.
-我想是你骗了他吧 -他这个狗♥娘♥养♥的
You duffed him up I hope. He’s a bastard.
He was on my back right from the start.
从少校到酒吧的服务员 他是 有得说的了-他抓住把柄不放
From squadron leader to barman in one easy lesson! He wouldn’t leave it alone.
He’s the boss’ brother-in-law isn’t he
福赛 我想是的
Forsythe I think so.
Brother-in-laws are the worst.
Or should I say “brothers-in-law”
-你椄下来要干什么呢 -我还没有想好
-What are you gonna do now -I haven’t decided yet.
果你走头无路的话 你可以来这里
Well if you’re in “schtuk” you know where to come.
-这是最后一箱 -谢谢 卢斯科先生
That’s the last one. Thanks Mr. Rusk.
你干吗不和你的前妻谈谈呢 她好像混得不错啊
Why don’t you go have a chat with your ex She’s doin’ all right isn’t she
I haven’t seen her for ages as you know.
-旧话重提不太好吧 -我觉得不会
There’s no use opening all that up again. No I suppose not.
我说过 你可以来找我的
Well as I say you can always rely on me.
-你还好吧 手头紧不紧 -不用了 谢谢你
You’re all right for a few quid Yes. Thanks all the same.
-你不是 -我刚刚领到工资了
‘Cause if you’re not… No no. Really. I just got paid.
哦 那拿一些葡萄去吧
Well… have some grapes.
给 我给你拿个盒子来
Here you are. I’ll get you a box.
最好的法国葡萄 今天早上刚到的
Finest muscats fresh in this morning.
Take one of these back to your girlfriend Babs.
让她给你剥一个”亲爱的 给我剥葡萄”
Get her to peel you one. “Beulah peel me a grape.”
我小时候 我母亲常常这样对我说
That’s what my ol’ mum used to say when I was a kid.
At least you won’t starve to death.
-你确定不要借些钱给你 -不用了 我没事
Are you sure you don’t need a few bob No I’m okay.
-你看上去脸色不怎么样啊 还有什么事吗
Well you don’t look okay. Anything else the matter
-没有 怎么了 -我不知道
No. What should be I don’t know.
记住 无论什么时候 只要用的上我的话
Remember anything I can do anytime it’s a pleasure. Ta.
没有你 全球酒吧肯定会大变样的
It won’t be the same in the Old Globe now.
-嗯 但巴丝还在啊 -对 没错
Well Babs is still there. Yeah that’s true.
-她比你好看多了 -乱讲
And she’s prettier than you. A matter of opinion.
-再见-等一下 把报纸给我
Bye now. Wait a minute. Give us your paper.
这里 给你一个发财的消息
Here you are. This will make you a fortune.
This afternoon in the 3OO Coming Up.
这匹马从来都没有参赛过 但训练得很好
Never been out before but very well-fancied at home.
这是四匹马的比赛 其他三匹都曾经赢过
This is a four-horse race and the other three have all won before.
-所以这匹马的赌注是 20比1-20比1
So she’ll start about twenty to one maybe more. Twenty to one
相信我 它不会输的
Put your word on it. She can’t lose.
-我的女友告诉我的我的女友们 都是值得相信的-谢谢 波布
A little birdie told me and my little birdies are reliable. Thanks again Bob.
记住 任何时候 我都是你的朋友
Anytime. Don’t forget Bob’s your uncle.
早上好 卢斯科先生
Good morning Mr. Rusk.
你好 探长 又有什么新鲜事
Hello Sergeant. What’s new
没什么 领带谋杀案的 凶手还是让我们头痛不已
Not much. This necktie fellow’s giving them a bit of a headache though.
Can’t seem to get a line on him.
-你们试过广♥告♥没有 -你有趣 你就是目标之一
Have you tried advertising Oh very funny! You’re one for the birds.
Ask ’em all if they’ve ever had a near miss with a bloke like that would you
Or if any of their girlfriends have. Sure.
提醒你一下 侦探们都没有找到正确的方法
Mind you half of them haven’t got their heads screwed on right