-晚安 派特 -晚安
-Good night, Pat. -Good night.
出什么事了? 这家老银行过去很漂亮
What happened? Old bank was beautiful.
People kept robbing it.
It’s a small price to pay for beauty.
Hit me.
可以赊点帐吗 马孔先生?
Give me credit, Mr Macon?
你知道我的规矩 汤姆
You know my rules, Tom.
噢 看来你又把他们都赢光了 伙计
Well, looks like you just about cleaned everybody out, fella.
You haven’t lost a hand since you got the deal.
What’s the secret of your success?
Let’s just you and me play.
Hit it.
耶 你是个玩牌的高手 伙计
Yeah. You’re a hell of a card player, fella.
我知道 因为我也是个玩牌的高手
I know, cos I’m a hell of a card player.
And I can’t even spot how you’re cheating.
把钱留下 你走吧
The money stays and you go.
噢 看来我们在这儿有点不受欢迎啊
Well, we seem to be a little short on brotherly love around here.
要是你跟他是一伙儿的 你最好也给我出去
If you’re with him, you better get out of here.
We’re on our way.
-走吧 -我才没有出千
-Come on. -I wasn’t cheating.
-走吧 -我没有
-Come on! -I wasn’t!
你会死的 要是那样的话 你们两个都要死
You can die. For that matter, you can both die.
-听见了吗? -要是他请我们留下来 我们就走
-Hear that? -If he invites us to stay, we’ll go.
-我们反正也要走 -他一定要请我们留下
-We were gonna leave anyway. -He’s gotta invite us to stick around.
他会朝你拔枪的 他已经准备那么做了
He’ll draw on you. He’s ready.
You don’t know how fast he is.
-我已经走下坡了 你也可能一样 -我就想听这个
-I’m over the hill, but it can happen to you. -That’s just what I wanna hear.
每天你都在变老 知道吗 那就是规律
Every day you get older. Now, that’s a law.
What would you think about maybe asking us to stick around?
-什么? -就算不是真心话也行
-What? -You don’t have to mean it.
只要求我们留下来 我向你保证…
Just ask us to stick around. I promise you…
我可帮不了你 圣丹斯
I can’t help you, Sundance.
I didn’t know you were the Sundance Kid when I said you were cheating.
要是我向你拔枪的话 你就会杀了我
If I draw on you, you’ll kill me.
There’s that possibility.
你这是自寻死路 那你为什么还不求我们留下来呢?
No. You’d be killing yourself. So why don’t you just invite us to stick around?
现在 你就可以求我们
Now, you can do it.
这不难 来吧
And easy. Come on.
Come on.
Why don’t you stick around?
谢谢 不过我们要走了
Thanks, but we gotta get going.
嘿 小子
Hey, Kid.
嘿 小子 你究竟有多厉害?
Hey, Kid! How good are ya?
就像我跟你说的那样 走下坡路了
Like I been telling you, over the hill.
伙计 每次我看见那个山洞 就像是第一次看到它
Boy, every time I see Hole in the Wall again, it’s like seeing it fresh for the first time.
And every time that happens I keep asking myself the same question.
“我怎么会这么蠢还要回到这儿来? ”
How can I be so damn stupid as to keep coming back here?
-那你这次是主意? -波利维亚
-What’s your idea this time? -Bolivia.
-波利维亚是什么? -波利维亚是个国家 笨蛋
-What’s Bolivia? -Bolivia. That’s a country, stupid.
在中美或是南美 反正就在这其中之一
In Central or South America. One or the other.
Why don’t we just go to Mexico instead?
到墨西哥只会让人吃苦头 还不如留在这儿
Cos all they got in Mexico is sweat. There’s too much of that here.
If we’d been in business in the California gold rush,
where’d we have gone?
-加利福尼亚 是吗? -是的
-California, right? -Right.
我说玻利维亚的时候 你想到的就是加利福尼亚
So when I say Bolivia, you just think California.
You wouldn’t believe what they’re finding in the ground down there.
银矿 金矿 锡矿
Silver mines, gold mines, tin mines.
工资如此丰厚 我们偷走它们的时候还会把自己累够呛
Payrolls so heavy we’d strain ourselves stealing them.
你继续胡思乱想吧 布奇 你就在行那个
You just keep thinking, Butch. That’s what you’re good at!
伙计 我有着世上其他人所没有的洞察力
Boy, I got vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals.
嗨 万事通 你在做什么?
Hi, News. Whatcha doing?
噢 你好 布奇 没做什么
Oh, howdy, Butch. Nothing.
你好 圣丹斯
Howdy, Sundance.
你当然在做什么 你在做什么东西 是什么东西?
Well, you sure are. You’re doing something. What?
Just fixing to rob the Union Pacific Flyer,
布奇 这就是我们想做的
Butch. That’s all we had in mind.
You fellas got everything I told you all wrong.
当然 我们也许会去抢劫那辆快车
True, we might hit the Flyer,
不过就算我们要抢 也不是这一趟 而是返程的那趟
but even if we do, it won’t be this run. It’ll be the next one -the return.
-圣丹斯同我去看过那家银行了 -我们不打劫银行
-Sundance and me been checking the banks. -No banks.
我们打劫快车 布奇
The Flyer, Butch.
伙计们 再怎么说 银行也比火车好抢
Fellas, bad as they are, banks are better than trains.
银行不会跑 它们就在那儿 你知道钱就在里边
They don’t move. They stay put. You know the money’s in there.
-我走的时候已经下令了 -我已经下了新的命令
-When I left I gave orders. -New orders been given.
噢 我才是这里的老大 哈维
Well, I run things here, Harvey.
Used to you did.
Me now.
This don’t concern you!
-告诉他别插手 -噢 他总是那样我行我素的
-You tell him to stay out. -Well, he goes his own way like always.
What’s the matter with you guys?
我来这儿的时候 你们甚至连个团伙都算不上
When I came here, you weren’t even a gang.
I formed ya!
-谁说的? -噢 把剪报念给他们听听 万事通
-Who says? -Well, read them a clipping, News.
-哪份? -随便哪份
-Which one? -Any of them!
This one here’s from the Salt Lake Herald.
“Butch Cassidy’s Hole in the Wall Gang…”
布奇 卡西迪率领的山洞帮-说的是我
Butch Cassidy’s gang -that’s me!
You want Harvey to do your planning?
要他替你们想吗? 要他替你们做主吗?
To do your thinking? To run things?
-“他们无法无天…” -闭嘴 万事通
-“outlaws with them on…” -Shut up now, News!
我还没读到精彩的地方呢 布奇
Not till I get to the good part, Butch.
“Known to have participated in the holdup are Flat Nose Curry and News Carver.”
我就喜欢在报上读到自己的名字 布奇
I just love to read my name in the paper, Butch.
那我们就忘了洛根想做老大的事 OK 扁鼻子?
OK, so we forget about Logan taking over. OK, Flat Nose?
You always said any one of us could challenge you.
-那是因为我想没人会那样做 -你想错了 布奇
-It’s cos I figured no one would do it. -Figured wrong, Butch.
You guys can’t want Logan!
至少他和我们在一起 布奇 你经常都不在
At least he’s with us, Butch. You’ve been spending a lot of time gone.
-一切都不同了 -用枪还是用刀?
-Cos everything’s different. -Guns or knives?
现在没以前好过了 你们得好好考虑一下
It’s harder now. You gotta plan more.
Guns or knives?!
-都不要 -快选一个
-Neither. -Pick!
我不想向你开枪 哈维
I don’t wanna shoot with you, Harvey.
不管你怎么说 布奇
Anything you say, Butch.
Maybe there’s a way to make a profit in this.
Bet on Logan.
-我会的 可谁会买♥♥你赢呢? -圣丹斯
-I would, but who’d bet on you? -Sundance,
等我们决斗完 要是他死了 还是欢迎你留下来
when we’re done, if he’s dead, you’re welcome to stay.
听着 我并不想被人当成输不起
Listen, I don’t mean to be a sore loser,
不过等决斗结束后 要是我死了 就杀了他
but when it’s done, if I’m dead, kill him.
Love to.
不 不 还没呢 我和哈维先把规矩订清楚
No, no, not yet. Not until me and Harvey get the rules straightened out.
规矩? 用刀决斗还要什么规矩? 没有规矩
Rules? In a knife fight? No rules!
要是没有规矩的话 就开始吧 谁来计数开始
If there ain’t no rules, let’s start. Someone count 1, 2, 3, go.
1 2 3 开始
1, 2, 3, go!
我刚才绝对一直都在支持你 布奇
I was really rooting for you, Butch.
噢 谢谢 扁鼻子
Well, thank you, Flat Nose.
That’s what sustained me in my time of trouble.
嘿 怎会想去抢劫快车?
Hey, what’s this about the Flyer?
Harvey said we’d hit it both this run and the return.
之前还从没有人抢过快车 不管我们头一次抢到多少
Nobody’s done that to the Flyer before. No matter how much we got the first time,
they’d figure the return was safe and load it up with money.
-那是哈维想出来的吗? -是的 是他想出来的
