


该词指社会中对文化艺术、政治等感兴趣的知识分子阶层。追根溯源,它源自拉丁语intelligentia(感知力或理解力)。令人奇怪的是,intelligentia是从俄语中借用而来的。它在俄语里指“俄国革命”前社会上的那些“有志于知识性活动”(Oxford English Dictionary 第2版)的一群人。20世纪的头25年里,该词进入英语中。


  1. The intelligentsia of society: 社会的知识分子阶层
  2. Engaging with the intelligentsia: 与知识分子接触
  3. The role of the intelligentsia in cultural development: 知识分子在文化发展中的角色
  4. Intellectual discussions within the intelligentsia: 知识分子之间的知识讨论
  5. The influence of the intelligentsia on public opinion: 知识分子对公众舆论的影响
  6. The political engagement of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的政治参与
  7. Intellectual contributions from the intelligentsia: 知识分子的智力贡献
  8. The artistic expressions of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的艺术表达
  9. The cultural influence of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的文化影响力
  10. The intellectual pursuits of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的知识追求
  11. The progressive ideas advocated by the intelligentsia: 知识分子倡导的进步思想
  12. Intellectual leadership within the intelligentsia: 知识分子阶层内的智力领导
  13. The diverse perspectives within the intelligentsia: 知识分子阶层内的多元观点
  14. The intellectual debates among the intelligentsia: 知识分子之间的智力辩论
  15. The cultural contributions of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的文化贡献
  16. The knowledge exchange within the intelligentsia: 知识分子之间的知识交流
  17. The intellectual growth of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的智力成长
  18. The cultural awareness fostered by the intelligentsia: 知识分子培养的文化意识
  19. Intellectual challenges faced by the intelligentsia: 知识分子所面临的智力挑战
  20. The intellectual legacy of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的智力遗产
  21. Intellectual pursuits embraced by the intelligentsia: 知识分子所拥抱的知识追求
  22. The artistic talents within the intelligentsia: 知识分子阶层内的艺术才能
  23. The scientific breakthroughs achieved by the intelligentsia: 知识分子取得的科学突破
  24. The cultural contributions of the intelligentsia to society: 知识分子对社会的文化贡献
  25. The intellectual achievements of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的智力成就
  26. The critical thinking skills of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的批判性思维能力
  27. The cultural movements led by the intelligentsia: 知识分子领导的文化运动
  28. Intellectual solidarity among the intelligentsia: 知识分子之间的智力团结
  29. The intellectual depth of the intelligentsia: 知识分子的智力深度
  30. The intellectual dialogue within the intelligentsia: 知识分子之间的智力对话
