





coward [‘kaʊəd] n. 懦夫,懦弱的人  adj. 胆小的,懦怯的
coward 懦怯的 ←词中词→ cow 母牛
eg. The coward man who married an ill-tempered woman went out to milk the cows every early morning. 
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


关于 “coward“(懦夫)的50个短语:

  1. A coward at heart – 内心懦弱的人
  2. Overcome your cowardice – 克服你的胆怯
  3. Don’t be a coward – 不要做懦夫
  4. Face your fears instead of being a coward – 面对你的恐惧,不要做懦夫
  5. Stand up to the coward – 勇敢面对懦夫
  6. Don’t let cowardice control you – 不要让胆怯控制你
  7. Confront the cowardly behavior – 面对懦弱的行为
  8. The coward backed down – 懦夫退缩了
  9. Be brave, don’t act like a coward – 勇敢一点,不要表现得像个懦夫
  10. He’s nothing but a coward – 他只是个懦夫
  11. Don’t let cowardice hold you back – 不要让胆怯阻碍你
  12. The coward avoided the challenge – 懦夫回避了挑战
  13. Real heroes don’t act like cowards – 真正的英雄不会像懦夫一样行事
  14. The coward ran away – 懦夫逃跑了
  15. Don’t succumb to cowardice – 不要屈服于胆怯
  16. The coward refused to face the truth – 懦夫拒绝面对事实
  17. His cowardly behavior is disappointing – 他的懦弱行为令人失望
  18. The coward hid in the shadows – 懦夫藏在阴影中
  19. Be bold, don’t be a coward – 要勇敢,不要做懦夫
  20. The coward avoided taking responsibility – 懦夫回避承担责任
  21. Don’t let cowardice dictate your actions – 不要让胆怯主宰你的行动
  22. The coward made excuses – 懦夫找借口
  23. Face your fears, don’t be a coward – 面对恐惧,不要做懦夫
  24. The coward betrayed his friends – 懦夫背叛了他的朋友
  25. Rise above your cowardly nature – 超越你的懦弱本性
  26. Don’t be a coward, take a stand – 不要做懦夫,站出来
  27. The coward shied away from the challenge – 懦夫回避了挑战
  28. Don’t let cowardice define you – 不要让胆怯定义你
  29. The coward hesitated to speak up – 懦夫犹豫不决地说话
  30. Be courageous, don’t act like a coward – 勇敢点,不要像个懦夫那样行事
  31. The coward fled from the battle – 懦夫逃离了战场
  32. Don’t be paralyzed by cowardice – 不要因胆怯而麻痹
  33. The coward avoided confrontation – 懦夫回避了对抗
  34. Stand up against the cowardly behavior – 反对懦弱的行为
  35. The coward refused to face the consequences – 懦夫拒绝面对后果
  36. Be strong, don’t let cowardice consume you – 坚强起来,不要让胆怯吞噬你
  37. The coward cowered in fear – 懦夫因恐惧而畏缩
  38. Don’t give in to cowardice – 不要屈服于胆怯
  39. The coward avoided the conflict – 懦夫回避了冲突
  40. Overcome your cowardly tendencies – 克服你的懦弱倾向
  41. The coward withdrew from the challenge – 懦夫退出了挑战
  42. Don’t be a coward, take a risk – 不要做懦夫,冒险一试
  43. The coward lacked courage – 懦夫缺乏勇气
  44. Rise above your cowardly instincts – 超越你的胆怯本能
  45. The coward avoided the difficult task – 懦夫回避了困难的任务
  46. Don’t let cowardice hold you back from success – 不要让胆怯阻碍你的成功
  47. The coward hid behind others – 懦夫躲在别人背后
  48. Be fearless, don’t be a coward – 勇敢无畏,不要做懦夫
  49. The coward remained silent – 懦夫保持沉默
  50. Don’t let cowardice control your life – 不要让胆怯控制你的生活
