





cobalt (KOH balt) This is a deep, vivid blue, which sometimes ranges to a greenish-blue. The metallic element cobalt is often used to create the blue glass used for bottles of imported designer water.

  • Rebecca held the cobalt bottle up to the light, but it was such a deep blue that it was difficult to determine how much perfume was still left inside.
    ——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
钴(KOH balt)这是一种深而鲜艳的蓝色,有时会变成绿蓝色。金属元素钴经常被用来制造蓝色玻璃,用于进口名牌水瓶。


“Cobalt” 是一个名词,指的是一种化学元素,化学符号为Co,原子序数27。以下是包含单词“cobalt”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Cobalt blue: 钴蓝色
  2. Cobalt mineral: 钴矿物
  3. Cobalt compound: 钴化合物
  4. Cobalt metal: 钴金属
  5. Cobalt alloy: 钴合金
  6. Cobalt oxide: 钴氧化物
  7. Cobalt production: 钴生产
  8. Cobalt mining: 钴采矿
  9. Cobalt refining: 钴提炼
  10. Cobalt extraction: 钴提取
  11. Cobalt processing: 钴加工
  12. Cobalt industry: 钴工业
  13. Cobalt market: 钴市场
  14. Cobalt demand: 钴需求
  15. Cobalt supply: 钴供应
  16. Cobalt price: 钴价格
  17. Cobalt trade: 钴贸易
  18. Cobalt production: 钴生产
  19. Cobalt usage: 钴用途
  20. Cobalt application: 钴应用
  21. Cobalt catalyst: 钴催化剂
  22. Cobalt electrode: 钴电极
  23. Cobalt battery: 钴电池
  24. Cobalt-based: 基于钴的
  25. Cobalt source: 钴源
  26. Cobalt deposition: 钴沉积
  27. Cobalt coating: 钴涂层
  28. Cobalt corrosion: 钴腐蚀
  29. Cobalt resistance: 钴抗性
  30. Cobalt strength: 钴强度
  31. Cobalt hardness: 钴硬度
  32. Cobalt density: 钴密度
  33. Cobalt alloy: 钴合金
  34. Cobalt steel: 钴钢
  35. Cobalt alloy: 钴合金
  36. Cobalt composition: 钴成分
  37. Cobalt properties: 钴性质
  38. Cobalt characteristics: 钴特性
  39. Cobalt content: 钴含量
  40. Cobalt element: 钴元素
  41. Cobalt nucleus: 钴原子核
  42. Cobalt isotope: 钴同位素
  43. Cobalt mass: 钴质量
  44. Cobalt emission: 钴排放
  45. Cobalt toxicity: 钴毒性
  46. Cobalt exposure: 钴暴露
  47. Cobalt health effects: 钴健康影响
  48. Cobalt contamination: 钴污染
  49. Cobalt regulations: 钴法规
  50. Cobalt safety: 钴安全
