So I’m always caught in that dichotomy
Is the journey the most thrilling part of it,
Or is it,I say end result,
I don’t think you ever get to an end result.
You get to a result as close as you can get,
in the time that you need to get it.
And I think if you have a lot of curiosity
You kind of never feel like you’ve completed any journey
Because you’re always changing trains
然后不知不觉中 走向另一个目的地
And you’re always,without knowing it,on some other destination
It’s a conundrum
I thought about Leon as a moth
飞蛾扑火 被火焰所吸引而烧掉自己翅膀的蛾子
That was attracted to the flame that causes the moth to burn its own wings off
Stanley Kubrick was an incredibly bright light
他的魅力如此强大 吸引利昂就这样被他的光芒灼烧
His seductiveness was strong enough for Leon to be burnedby Stanley’s light
I’d seen 2001 just after I left drama school
我当时想 这真是我看过最伟大的电影
and I just thought it was the greatest movie I’d ever seen
后来因为是斯坦利•库布里克出品 我也去看了《发条橙》
And I went to see Clockwork Orange because it was Stanley Kubrick
When I was watching the performances like Malcolm McDowell
如此大气 放肆
It was so big,so bold
我觉得 这就是在电影媒介中 最接近戏剧表演的体现了
And I thought,this is as close as you get to a theatrical kind of performance on film,
And it makes sense
作为一个演员 能够那样呈现饱满多元的情感 真好
And how wonderful for an actor to be able to come on and give that whole,broad feeling
电影结束后 我转身对一起来的人说
When the film finished,I turned to the person I was actually watching it with
And I said “I want to work for that man”
一字不差 我当时就说”我想为这个人工作”
That’s exactly what I said,”I want to work for that man”
我很幸运 一直都有戏可演
I was lucky because I never didn’t work
演过戏剧 电视剧 舞台剧 英国广播公♥司♥的作品
I was doing theater,television,prestige costume dramas,BBC…
I shocked you didn’t I?
也参与过只演一场的话剧 几部电影 有些警♥匪♥片
I was doing one-off plays,couple of movies,there were cop dramas…
Why should they want to? I live in the outskirt of town
Middle of suburbia
当时各种风格的影视作品 我好像都演过
I think I did every single one of them that was being done at the time
Not gonna bring her back to life again are you? You interfering bastard
Were you on the night in question anywhere near that warehouse?
No no no!
I was doing sitcoms
I was in London when everything was changing
当时我觉得可以按自己喜欢的方式去生活 去做自己
I thought I could be,and do,and behave the way I wanted to
It was a huge relief for me
May I come with you?
One of my agents had actually heard that Stanley Kubrick was doing a new production
他给我安排了试镜 这部片子就是《巴里•林登》
And he organized an audition for me,and it was a film called Barry Lyndon
试镜前斯坦利把样本发给大家 在我那份的封面上
Stanley had the tapes sent to you,and on the front of mine,when it came
有一个小纸条 我后来才知道那是他亲手写的
It had a little note which had,what I later understood,to be Stanley’s handwriting
Which was “learn these lines”
当斯坦利•库布里克这种级别的人告诉你 背熟台词
And when someone like Stanley Kubrick tells you to learn your lines
You learn your lines.
A phone call came through
是我的经纪人跟我说 你拿到斯坦利•库布里克新片的角色啦
And my agent told me”you’ve got the role in Stanley Kubrick’s picture”
天啊 当时我都灵魂出窍了
Oh my head was somewhere out there
Thanks oh great ones
我接到一个电♥话♥ 说”请你六点钟到白鹿酒店来”
I got a telephone call,it said “you should be at the White Hart Hotel at 6 o’clock,”
“because Stanley wants to meet you.”
And I was standing in the hotel foyer
突然感觉到有人轻轻拍我的肩膀 我转过身
And I suddenly,there was this little tap on my shoulder,I turned around.
他说 你好利昂 我是斯坦利 我们握了手
He said “Hi Leon,I’m Stanley”. And we shook hands
And I have to tell you something
斯坦利的握手非常温暖 柔和
When you shook hands with Stanley,it was warm and gentle
Just like a buzz went through you
开机第一天时 我超乎意料的紧张
On the first shooting day,I was a little surprised at myself
At how nervous I actually felt about what was going to happen
他拿着一副单筒望远镜 然后说”来18个吧”
He was given a long tube,and he said “put an eighteen on”
Now I didn’t know what that meant
然后他把望远镜举到眼前 对我说
But then he put it up to his eye and said:
“好了利昂 开演 就像真的拍摄时那样去全力演”
“Ok Leon,action,and do it the way you think you’re gonna do it,”
“I don’t want any of this kind of ‘saving up for the take'”
于是我们就开工了 他四处走动 用望远镜四处张望
And so,we kicked off. He was wandering around,he was looking through this tube
一会贴到你眼前来 一会又站远了
He was getting up close,he was standing far back,
一会站梯子上 一会单膝跪地
Standing on a step ladder,down on his knee.
然后他换个镜头 我们就得又重复整个过程
And then he changed lenses and we’d go through the whole process again.
And each time I’d have to start from the beginning
And keep saying it,keep saying it,keep saying it.
And then just about we were gonna start shooting it,
他却说 我们试点别的吧
He actually said,”let’s do something else”.
彻底把我弄晕了 我心想
Completely disorientated me. I thought,
老天啊 这一场戏还没开拍他就要改了
Oh my god,he was gonna change the scene he was gonna shoot
那场戏 我带着同母异父的弟弟布莱恩走进来 他穿着我的鞋
When I walk in with Bryan,my little stepbrother,and he’s wearing my shoes
We did it over and over and over again
一旦我们抓住了精髓 抓住了这场戏的整体情感
But once we kind of found the pulse,the emotional,it’s justxa0the whole thing
他就让一切自然发展 从来不喊停
He just let everything go,there was never a cut
I have borne as long as mortal could endure
the ill-treatment of the insolent Irish upstart
whom you have taken into your bed
我不仅憎恶他低贱的出身 和他残暴的人格
It is not only the lowness of his birth and the general brutality of his manners which disgusts me,
我们每次排练这段独白戏都是一气呵成 从不喊停
We just kept doing complete takes of the whole speech.
还有他粗鄙 下♥贱♥的举止
His brutal and ungentleman-like behavior
他毫不遮掩的不忠 他无♥耻♥的敛财 挥霍着属于你我二人的财富
his open infidelity,his shameless robberies and swindling of my property,and yours
And as I cannot personally chastise this lowbred ruffian
and as I cannot bear to witness his treatment of you
and loathe his horrible society as if it were the plague!
我已决定要离开这个家族 永不回来…
I have decided to leave my home and never return…
那时我才真正意识到 这就是真正的电影制♥作♥
That’s really where I got the message,this is what filmmaking is about.
不是字面上说的拍电影 而是电影制♥作♥
As opposed to just shooting a film,this was filmmaking
我从座位上跳起来 用尽全力从后面打他
And I leap up out of my chair,and I hit him as hard as I can in the back
把他打翻在地 掐他的脖子
And knocked him to the ground,and try to throttle him
我出拳打他 但斯坦利说 你打得还不够狠
And I hit him and,Stanley said “you’re not hitting him hard enough”
我看到利昂就很过意不去 可怜的利昂啊…
I’m looking at Leon you know,”aww Leon…”
But we did it 30 times.
我知道我伤到他了 弄痛他了 我也不想的
And I know I hurt him,I know I hurt him. I didn’t want to
但这就是斯坦利 “再来一遍 再来一遍”
But this was Stanley. “Again,again.”
到了午餐休息时间 斯坦利说”利昂 先别走 我想跟你谈谈”
We broke for lunch,and he said “Leon,don’t go anywhere,I want to talk to you.”
我就想 天啊 完了
And I thought,oh my god,this is it
他肯定是要说”你尽力了 但还是没达到我的预期”
He’s gonna say “you’ve tried hard but it’s not quite what I’m looking for”
因为我们已经有3个乔治三世了 前两个相当于是被炒了
Because we had three George III. The first two were kind of fired
如果你台词不够熟 你马上就不再是剧组的一部分了
If you didn’t know your lines,suddenly you weren’t in the picture anymore
然后会有新的演员来替代你 这种事都有好几次
And a new actor was brought in. This happened a couple of times
在剧组里都不怎么交朋友 因为你不知道别人能留多久
You didn’t make friends because you didn’t know if they’re gonna last or not
他说 坐吧利昂 我们就坐下了
He said,”Leon,let’s sit down”. We sat down
然后他说 我很欣赏你的表现
And then he said,”I really like what you’re doing,”
“I like the fact that when we break to set up new lighting,”
你经常走来走去 练你的台词 这点我很喜欢
“that you’re actually walking around,going through your text.”
“and so I decided I’m going to write a whole bunch of scenes for you,”
“and keep you here till the end of the movie.”
I almost passed out.
你能想象吗 真是做梦都不敢想
Can you imagine? Oh can you imagine?
虽然我之前也参演过电影 但都只是以演员的身份
And although I’ve worked on films,you’re always just there as an actor
So you never really understood anything that was going on
Into the making of that film
那时我开始环顾四周 看着所有这些人力物力
I started just to look around and just see all the resources,
And you see people moving these banks of brutes,
一会移近10米 一会移远10米
Ten yards further in,ten yards further back,
一会调整站的角度 所有的服装都是手工缝制
Angling them different. The costume would be made and handsewn
In the way that they would’ve been made in the 18th century
People talking about fine details
你能看见斯坦利 听到他跟艺术指导说话
And you see Stanley,and heard Stanley talking to the art director
So many people walking around
And everyone had something to do
每个人都贡献点什么 去构成某一幕
And they would do something to get something on a strip of film
