
perorate (PER or ate) Here’s a somewhat pretentious verb that means “to speak at length, often in a grandiloquent (or ‘pretentious’) manner.” The noun form is “peroration.”

  • After the headmaster’s dull and uninspired peroration, most of the parents squirmed in their seats during the awarding of diplomas to the 250 gradu-ating seniors.
  • Molly’s ridiculous arguments during the debate caused her opponent to perorate with heated examples that would ensure her defeat.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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  • 在校长沉闷而没有灵感的结束语之后,在向250名分级高年级学生颁发文凭的过程中,大多数家长都在座位上扭动
  • 莫莉在辩论中的荒谬论点导致她的对手以激烈的例子结束了辩论,从而确保了她的失败




  1. perorate on a topic – 对一个主题发表演说
  2. perorate with passion – 充满激情地演讲
  3. perorate at length – 冗长地演说
  4. perorate with eloquence – 雄辩地演讲
  5. perorate in public – 在公众面前演讲
  6. perorate on a podium – 在讲台上演讲
  7. perorate in a debate – 在辩论中演讲
  8. perorate with conviction – 充满信念地演讲
  9. perorate on moral values – 对道德价值观发表演讲
  10. perorate to inspire – 演讲以激励他人
  11. perorate with rhetorical devices – 运用修辞手法演讲
  12. perorate on current affairs – 对时事发表演讲
  13. perorate with logical arguments – 用逻辑论据演讲
  14. perorate in a persuasive manner – 以有说服力的方式演讲
  15. perorate on the importance of education – 对教育的重要性发表演讲
  16. perorate with a strong voice – 用铿锵有力的声音演讲
  17. perorate to captivate the audience – 演讲以吸引观众
  18. perorate on human rights – 对人权问题发表演讲
  19. perorate with humor – 幽默地演讲
  20. perorate on the power of imagination – 对想象力的力量发表演讲
  21. perorate with rhetorical flourishes – 运用修辞华丽地演讲
  22. perorate on the benefits of teamwork – 对团队合作的好处发表演讲
  23. perorate with a captivating opening – 以引人入胜的开场白演讲
  24. perorate on the future of technology – 对科技的未来发表演讲
  25. perorate to motivate the audience – 演讲以激励观众
  26. perorate with passion and conviction – 充满激情和信念地演讲
  27. perorate on the power of positive thinking – 对积极思考的力量发表演讲
  28. perorate with clarity and coherence – 以清晰连贯的方式演讲
  29. perorate on the challenges of climate change – 对气候变化的挑战发表演讲
  30. perorate to rally support – 演讲以集结支持
  31. perorate on the importance of cultural diversity – 对文化多样性的重要性发表演讲
  32. perorate with gestures and body language – 运用手势和身体语言演讲
  33. perorate on the impact of social media – 对社交媒体的影响发表演讲
  34. perorate with a strong closing statement – 以强有力的结尾陈述演讲
  35. perorate on the role of women in society – 对女性在社会中的角色发表演讲
  36. perorate with a thought-provoking message – 以引人思考的信息演讲
  37. perorate on the importance of critical thinking – 对批判性思维的重要性发表演讲
  38. perorate with a captivating storytelling style – 以引人入胜的叙事风格演讲
  39. perorate on the need for environmental conservation – 对环境保护的必要性发表演讲
  40. perorate to raise awareness – 演讲以提高意识
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
