
amalgamation (ah MAL gam AY shun) This noun, which may have come to us from Arabic, means “to mix or combine into a unified whole.” The verb form is “to amalgamate.”

  • The new poetry anthology in Ms. Van Meer’s ninth grade English class contains an amalgamation of poets from Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
  • Tired of the disorganized array of papers on his desk, Mr. Candis asked his secretary to amalgamate them and put them in a file labeled “Desk Papers.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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合并(ah MAL gam AY shun)这个名词可能来自阿拉伯语,意思是“混合或组合成一个统一的整体”。动词形式是“合并”

  • Van Meer女士九年级英语课上的新诗集融合了来自欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的诗人
  • 坎迪斯厌倦了桌子上杂乱无章的文件,他让秘书把它们合并起来,放在一个标有“桌面文件”的文件里




  1. cultural amalgamation – 文化融合
  2. economic amalgamation – 经济合并
  3. political amalgamation – 政治联合
  4. social amalgamation – 社会融合
  5. racial amalgamation – 种族融合
  6. technological amalgamation – 技术融合
  7. artistic amalgamation – 艺术融合
  8. linguistic amalgamation – 语言融合
  9. regional amalgamation – 区域合并
  10. corporate amalgamation – 公司合并
  11. cuisine amalgamation – 烹饪融合
  12. musical amalgamation – 音乐融合
  13. architectural amalgamation – 建筑融合
  14. marital amalgamation – 婚姻融合
  15. educational amalgamation – 教育融合
  16. environmental amalgamation – 环境融合
  17. historical amalgamation – 历史融合
  18. techno-cultural amalgamation – 科技文化融合
  19. global amalgamation – 全球融合
  20. ethnic amalgamation – 民族融合
  21. gender amalgamation – 性别融合
  22. religious amalgamation – 宗教融合
  23. academic amalgamation – 学术融合
  24. media amalgamation – 媒体融合
  25. fashion amalgamation – 时尚融合
  26. economic and political amalgamation – 经济与政治融合
  27. cultural and artistic amalgamation – 文化与艺术融合
  28. technological and social amalgamation – 技术与社会融合
  29. racial and ethnic amalgamation – 种族与民族融合
  30. educational and academic amalgamation – 教育与学术融合
  31. regional and global amalgamation – 区域与全球融合
  32. historical and cultural amalgamation – 历史与文化融合
  33. economic amalgamation process – 经济合并过程
  34. political amalgamation agreement – 政治联合协议
  35. social amalgamation policies – 社会融合政策
  36. cultural amalgamation initiatives – 文化融合倡议
  37. technological amalgamation advancements – 技术融合进展
  38. corporate amalgamation strategy – 公司合并策略
  39. linguistic amalgamation efforts – 语言融合努力
  40. regional amalgamation challenges – 区域合并挑战
  41. cuisine amalgamation trends – 烹饪融合趋势
  42. musical amalgamation influences – 音乐融合影响
  43. architectural amalgamation styles – 建筑融合风格
  44. marital amalgamation customs – 婚姻融合习俗
  45. educational amalgamation systems – 教育融合体系
  46. environmental amalgamation initiatives – 环境融合倡议
  47. historical amalgamation events – 历史融合事件
  48. global amalgamation impacts – 全球融合影响
  49. ethnic amalgamation celebrations – 民族融合庆典
  50. gender amalgamation equality – 性别融合平等
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
