
encomium (en KO mee um) A noun meaning “warm praise,” often a formal tribute to a person or thing.

  • In Erasmus’ In Praise of Folly, the character of Folly composes an encomium to herself.
  • After listening to each student’s clever satirical piece inspired by Gulliver’s Travels, the teacher launched an encomium of the students’ imagination.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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encouum(en KO mee um)一个名词,意思是“热情的赞扬”,通常是对一个人或一件事的正式致敬。

  • 在伊拉斯谟的《对愚蠢的赞美》中,愚蠢这个角色为自己谱写了一首赞歌
  • 在听了每个学生受《格列佛游记》启发创作的巧妙讽刺作品后,老师对学生的想象力进行了鼓励。




  1. a glowing encomium: 赞美的演讲
  2. an encomium to someone: 对某人的赞美
  3. a heartfelt encomium: 衷心的赞美
  4. a sincere encomium: 真诚的赞美
  5. a well-deserved encomium: 实至名归的赞美
  6. a glowing encomium of praise: 充满赞美的赞词
  7. an effusive encomium: 过分赞美
  8. a resounding encomium: 响亮的赞美
  9. a stirring encomium: 激动人心的赞美
  10. a beautiful encomium: 美丽的赞词
  11. an eloquent encomium: 雄辩的赞美
  12. a heartfelt encomium of gratitude: 衷心的感激之词
  13. a touching encomium: 感人的赞美
  14. a memorable encomium: 令人难忘的赞美
  15. an inspiring encomium: 鼓舞人心的赞美
  16. a well-crafted encomium: 巧妙编写的赞美
  17. a heartfelt encomium of love: 衷心的爱的赞美
  18. a moving encomium: 动人的赞美
  19. a powerful encomium: 强大的赞美
  20. an extraordinary encomium: 非凡的赞美
  21. a grand encomium: 宏大的赞美
  22. a passionate encomium: 热情的赞美
  23. an elaborate encomium: 精心编写的赞美
  24. a well-deserved encomium of achievement: 实至名归的成就赞美
  25. a heartfelt encomium of friendship: 衷心的友谊赞美
  26. a glowing encomium of success: 充满赞美的成功赞词
  27. an enthusiastic encomium: 热情的赞美
  28. a poetic encomium: 诗意的赞美
  29. a well-earned encomium: 功不可没的赞美
  30. a glowing encomium of talent: 充满赞美的才华赞词
  31. an appreciative encomium: 感激的赞美
  32. a glowing encomium of courage: 充满赞美的勇气赞词
  33. an inspiring encomium of leadership: 鼓舞人心的领导力赞美
  34. a heartfelt encomium of compassion: 衷心的同情心赞美
  35. a moving encomium of resilience: 动人的坚韧赞美
  36. a well-deserved encomium of excellence: 实至名归的卓越赞美
  37. an eloquent encomium of wisdom: 雄辩的智慧赞美
  38. a passionate encomium of beauty: 热情的美丽赞美
  39. an inspiring encomium of innovation: 鼓舞人心的创新赞美
  40. a glowing encomium of generosity: 充满赞美的慷慨赞词
  41. a heartfelt encomium of kindness: 衷心的善良赞美
  42. an enthusiastic encomium of creativity: 热情的创造力赞美
  43. a resounding encomium of integrity: 响亮的正直赞美
  44. a moving encomium of perseverance: 动人的毅力赞美
  45. a well-deserved encomium of philanthropy: 实至名归的慈善赞美
  46. an eloquent encomium of justice: 雄辩的正义赞美
  47. a passionate encomium of progress: 热情的进步赞美
  48. a heartfelt encomium of friendship: 衷心的友谊赞美
  49. an inspiring encomium of resilience: 鼓舞人心的坚韧赞美
  50. a glowing encomium of achievement: 充满赞美的成就赞词
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
