
migrate (MYE grayt) This verb means “to move from one country or region and settle in another” and is used to describe the behavior of both animals and people. Words that come from the same root—“emigrate” and “immigrate”—are used only to describe the activities of people. (“Emigrate”describes the movement away from the point of departure while “immigrate” describes the movement to a destination.)

  • In the nineteenth century, a potato famine forced many Irish citizens to migrate to America in search of food and labor.
  • The film Winged Migration beautifully details the precise choreography of the migration of various species of birds around the world.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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migrate(MYE grayt)这个动词的意思是“从一个国家或地区迁移到另一个国家和地区定居”,用于描述动物和人的行为。同根同源的词——“移民”和“移民”——只用于描述人们的活动。(“移民”描述的是离开出发地的流动,而“移民”则描述的是前往目的地的流动。)

  • 19世纪,马铃薯饥荒迫使许多爱尔兰公民移民到美国寻找食物和劳动力
  • 电影《翅膀迁徙》完美地详细描述了世界各地各种鸟类迁徙的精确编排



  1. migrate to a new country – 移民到一个新的国家
  2. migrate for better opportunities – 为了更好的机会而移居
  3. migrate to urban areas – 迁往城市地区
  4. migrate for seasonal work – 为了季节性工作而迁徙
  5. migrate in search of food – 为了寻找食物而迁徙
  6. migrate to warmer climates – 迁往更温暖的气候地区
  7. migrate for breeding purposes – 为了繁殖而迁徙
  8. migrate across long distances – 跨越长距离迁徙
  9. migrate from rural to urban areas – 从农村迁往城市地区
  10. migrate to escape conflict – 为了逃避冲突而迁徙
  11. migrate for educational opportunities – 为了教育机会而迁徙
  12. migrate for cultural integration – 为了文化融合而迁徙
  13. migrate in response to climate change – 响应气候变化而迁徙
  14. migrate for political reasons – 出于政治原因而迁徙
  15. migrate to find better living conditions – 为了寻找更好的生活条件而迁徙
  16. migrate across borders – 跨越边界迁徙
  17. migrate for work opportunities – 为了工作机会而迁徙
  18. migrate to coastal regions – 迁往沿海地区
  19. migrate for religious reasons – 出于宗教原因而迁徙
  20. migrate in large numbers – 大规模迁徙
  21. migrate to escape persecution – 为了逃避迫害而迁徙
  22. migrate for family reunification – 为了家庭团聚而迁徙
  23. migrate to higher altitudes – 迁往更高海拔地区
  24. migrate for healthcare access – 为了获得医疗保健而迁徙
  25. migrate to start a new life – 开启新生活而迁徙
  26. migrate for economic opportunities – 为了经济机会而迁徙
  27. migrate in search of safety – 为了寻找安全而迁徙
  28. migrate for cultural preservation – 为了文化保护而迁徙
  29. migrate for environmental reasons – 出于环境原因而迁徙
  30. migrate for healthcare opportunities – 为了医疗机会而迁徙
  31. migrate to escape poverty – 为了逃离贫困而迁徙
  32. migrate across borders – 穿越边境迁徙
  33. migrate to urban areas – 迁往城市地区
  34. migrate for job prospects – 为了就业前景而迁徙
  35. migrate to pursue higher education – 为了追求高等教育而迁徙
  36. migrate for cultural exchange – 为了文化交流而迁徙
  37. migrate in response to natural disasters – 响应自然灾害而迁徙
  38. migrate for security reasons – 出于安全原因而迁徙
  39. migrate to escape discrimination – 为了逃避歧视而迁徙
  40. migrate for adventure – 为了冒险而迁徙
  41. migrate to pursue artistic opportunities – 为了追求艺术机会而迁徙
  42. migrate to start a business – 为了创业而迁徙
  43. migrate for cultural assimilation – 为了文化同化而迁徙
  44. migrate for personal growth – 为了个人成长而迁徙
  45. migrate for social integration – 为了社会融合而迁徙
  46. migrate to escape war – 为了逃离战争而迁徙
  47. migrate for adventure and exploration – 为了冒险和探险而迁徙
  48. migrate to escape natural hazards – 为了逃避自然灾害而迁徙
  49. migrate for retirement – 为了退休而迁徙
  50. migrate for cultural enrichment – 为了文化丰富而迁徙
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
