
shard (rhymes with lard) This noun most often refers to a piece of broken pottery or a fragment of any brittle material, but it can also be used to mean “a small piece,” usually larger than the tiny “mite,” “iota,” or “scintilla.”

  • The archaeologists working outside of the dig in the Sahara Desert found hundreds of shards of pottery piled in one area of the dig, leading them to believe that they had come upon an ancient wine cellar or food pantry.
  • After he lost his job, his home, and his wife, Frank knew that he had no choice but to pick up the shards of his broken life, move to a new city, and start afresh.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 在撒哈拉沙漠挖掘区外工作的考古学家在挖掘区的一个区域发现了数百块陶器碎片,这让他们相信他们发现了一个古老的酒窖或食品储藏室
  • 在失去工作、房子和妻子后,弗兰克知道他别无选择,只能收拾残局,搬到一个新城市,重新开始



包含单词 “shard” 的常用短语:

  1. A shard of glass: 一片玻璃碎片
  2. A broken shard: 一块碎片
  3. A shard of pottery: 一片陶瓷碎片
  4. A sharp shard: 一块尖锐的碎片
  5. Fragments and shards: 碎片和碎片
  6. A tiny shard: 一小块碎片
  7. Shattered shards: 破碎的碎片
  8. A jagged shard: 一块锯齿状的碎片
  9. A broken shard of mirror: 一块破碎的镜子碎片
  10. Scattered shards: 散落的碎片
  11. A sharp-edged shard: 一块锋利的碎片
  12. A glass shard in his foot: 他脚上的玻璃碎片
  13. A glittering shard: 一片闪闪发光的碎片
  14. A mosaic of shards: 由碎片组成的马赛克
  15. A tiny shard of evidence: 一点点证据
  16. A fractured shard: 一块断裂的碎片
  17. A sharp shard of metal: 一块尖锐的金属碎片
  18. A delicate shard of porcelain: 一片精美的瓷片
  19. A chipped shard: 一块有缺口的碎片
  20. A shard of sunlight: 一束阳光的碎片
  21. A decorative shard: 一块装饰碎片
  22. A jagged shard of ice: 一块锯齿状的冰块
  23. A sharp shard of rock: 一块尖锐的岩石碎片
  24. A fragmented shard of history: 一点点历史碎片
  25. A splintered shard: 一块裂开的碎片
  26. A shard of memory: 一丝记忆
  27. A delicate shard of crystal: 一片精美的水晶碎片
  28. A broken shard of dreams: 一片破碎的梦想
  29. A sharp shard of pain: 一丝剧痛
  30. A fractured shard of hope: 一点点希望的碎片
  31. A small shard of truth: 一点点真相
  32. A shattered shard of trust: 一丝破碎的信任
  33. A glittering shard of ambition: 一片闪闪发光的雄心
  34. A jagged shard of betrayal: 一块锯齿状的背叛
  35. A sharp shard of disappointment: 一丝尖锐的失望
  36. A delicate shard of vulnerability: 一丝脆弱
  37. A fractured shard of identity: 一点点身份的碎片
  38. A tiny shard of happiness: 一点点快乐
  39. A chipped shard of confidence: 一丝自信的缺口
  40. A shattered shard of love: 一丝破碎的爱情
  41. A sharp-edged shard of memory: 一块锋利的记忆碎片
  42. A mosaic of shards and memories: 由碎片和记忆组成的马赛克
  43. A fragile shard of trust: 一丝脆弱的信任
  44. A broken shard of peace: 一片破碎的和平
  45. A jagged shard of anger: 一块锯齿状的愤怒
  46. A sharp shard of regret: 一丝尖锐的遗憾
  47. A fragmented shard of the past: 一点点过去的碎片
  48. A splintered shard of understanding: 一丝理解的裂痕
  49. A shard of light in the darkness: 黑暗中的一丝光明
  50. A broken shard of trust: 一片破碎的信任
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
