
desuetude (DEZ wuh tood) A fancy word for a state of disuse or inactivity.

  • Mrs. Chasuble had a dislike of giving gifts that were “merely useful,” as she termed it; her occasional exceptions were always antiques—an old magnify-ing glass, a wooden dish rack—as if their period of desuetude elevated them to a higher standard.
  • While the law punishing those who walk of the western sidewalk in Fort Lulu remains on the books, its enforcement has, happily, fallen into desuetude.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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desetude(DEZ wuh tood)一个花哨的词,表示一种废弃或不活动的状态。

  • Chasuble女士不喜欢送她所说的“仅仅有用”的礼物;她偶尔的例外总是古董——一个旧的放大玻璃,一个木制的碗架,就好像他们的失修期把它们提升到了一个更高的标准
  • 虽然惩罚那些在卢卢堡西部人行道上行走的人的法律仍在制定中,但令人高兴的是,该法律的执行已经陷入停滞



一些包含单词 “desuetude” 的常用短语:

  1. Fall into desuetude: 逐渐废弃
  2. Return from desuetude: 从废弃中复兴
  3. Long period of desuetude: 长时间的废弃状态
  4. Resurrection from desuetude: 从废弃中复兴
  5. Sink into desuetude: 陷入废弃状态
  6. Bring back from desuetude: 从废弃中恢复
  7. Fall into a state of desuetude: 陷入废弃状态
  8. Revive after desuetude: 从废弃中复兴
  9. Declaration in desuetude: 废止声明
  10. Restoration from desuetude: 从废弃中恢复
  11. Officially fall into desuetude: 正式陷入废弃状态
  12. Period of desuetude: 废弃期
  13. Resurgence after desuetude: 从废弃中复兴
  14. Return to desuetude: 重新陷入废弃状态
  15. Law in desuetude: 废止法律
  16. Practice in desuetude: 废止实践
  17. Return to a state of desuetude: 重新陷入废弃状态
  18. Bring out of desuetude: 从废弃中恢复
  19. Officially declare desuetude: 正式宣布废止
  20. Restoration after desuetude: 从废弃中恢复
  21. Revoke from desuetude: 从废弃中撤销
  22. Law fall into desuetude: 法律逐渐废弃
  23. Period of long desuetude: 长时间的废弃期
  24. Act in desuetude: 废止行动
  25. Return to the state of desuetude: 重新陷入废弃状态
  26. Resurrect from desuetude: 从废弃中复兴
  27. Declare in a state of desuetude: 宣布处于废弃状态
  28. Policy in desuetude: 废止政策
  29. Restoration to desuetude: 恢复到废弃状态
  30. Law in a state of desuetude: 法律处于废弃状态
  31. Reestablish after desuetude: 从废弃中重新建立
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
