
agog (a GOG) If you’re eager, amazed, or excited, you may be agog.

  • On his first trip to Asia, Henry revealed little in his words or on his face, but inside he was quietly agog with happiness at the new sights he had seen, the new experiences he was having.
  • Spanish magician Juan Mayoral had the audience agog with wonder at the flame he transported to his buttonhole and at the red shoes that walked them-selves to his door.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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  • 在他的第一次亚洲之行中,亨利在言语或脸上几乎没有透露什么,但在内心深处,他对自己所看到的新景象和正在经历的新经历感到高兴
  • 西班牙魔术师胡安·马约拉尔(Juan Mayoral)让观众惊叹不已,因为他把火焰带到了自己的扣眼,还有那双红色的鞋子把他们自己带到了门口



包含单词 “agog” 的常用短语:

  1. All agog: 全部兴奋
  2. Eyes agog: 眼睛充满兴奋
  3. Eagerly agog: 热切地兴奋
  4. Agog with anticipation: 怀着期待兴奋不已
  5. Onlookers agog: 旁观者兴奋异常
  6. Audience agog: 观众兴奋不已
  7. Agog with curiosity: 充满好奇心
  8. Crowd agog: 人群兴奋异常
  9. Agog with excitement: 兴奋异常
  10. Students agog: 学生们兴奋不已
  11. Agog with wonder: 充满惊奇
  12. Children agog: 孩子们兴奋不已
  13. Crowd agog with enthusiasm: 群情激昂
  14. Agog with delight: 兴高采烈
  15. Spectators agog: 观众兴奋异常
  16. Agog with joy: 兴奋喜悦
  17. Curiosity agog: 好奇心沸腾
  18. Agog with anticipation: 怀着期待兴奋不已
  19. Crowd agog with anticipation: 群情激昂,怀着期待
  20. Audience agog with excitement: 观众兴奋异常
  21. Eyes wide agog: 眼睛瞪得大大的,兴奋异常
  22. Onlookers agog with curiosity: 旁观者充满好奇心
  23. Children’s faces agog with wonder: 孩子们满脸惊奇
  24. The room was agog with excitement: 房间里充满了兴奋
  25. Agog crowd gathered around: 兴奋的人群聚集在一起
  26. The audience was agog with anticipation: 观众怀着期待而兴奋
  27. The students were agog with enthusiasm: 学生们充满热情地兴奋
  28. The crowd was agog with delight: 人群因喜悦而兴奋
  29. The children were agog with joy: 孩子们因快乐而兴奋
  30. The spectators were agog with wonder: 观众因惊奇而兴奋
  31. The crowd was agog with excitement: 人群因兴奋而兴奋
  32. The onlookers were agog with curiosity: 旁观者因好奇而兴奋
  33. The students were agog with anticipation: 学生们怀着期待而兴奋
  34. The audience was agog with enthusiasm: 观众因热情而兴奋
  35. The room was agog with anticipation: 房间里充满了期待的兴奋
  36. The atmosphere was agog with excitement: 气氛充满了兴奋
  37. The children’s faces were agog with wonder: 孩子们的脸上充满了惊奇
  38. The crowd was agog with joy: 人群因喜悦而兴奋
  39. The audience was agog with curiosity: 观众因好奇而兴奋
  40. The students were agog with delight: 学生们因喜悦而兴奋
  41. The spectators were agog with anticipation: 观众怀着期待而兴奋
  42. The crowd was agog with wonder: 人群因惊奇而兴奋
  43. The onlookers were agog with excitement: 旁观者因兴奋而兴奋
  44. The children were agog with enthusiasm: 孩子们充满热情地兴奋
  45. The room was agog with joy: 房间里充满了喜悦
  46. The atmosphere was agog with curiosity: 气氛因好奇而兴奋
  47. The audience was agog with delight: 观众因喜悦而兴奋
  48. The students were agog with wonder: 学生们因惊奇而兴奋
  49. The spectators were agog with excitement: 观众因兴奋而兴奋
  50. The crowd was agog with enthusiasm: 人群充满了热情地兴奋
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
