
aesthetic (es THET ik) This adjective refers to the perception or apprecia-tion of beauty.

  • Those who want to be architects must have a very practical sense of how buildings function, but they must also have a strong sense of aesthetics; no one wants an ugly building, no matter how practical it might be.
  • Bea is a complete aesthete: her kitchen toaster barely makes a piece of bread light tan, but she defends the appliance on the grounds that “the pink stripe across the middle makes it look really pretty.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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审美的(es THET ik)这个形容词指的是对美的感知或欣赏。

  • 那些想成为建筑师的人必须对建筑的功能有非常实际的认识,但他们也必须有强烈的美感;没有人想要一座丑陋的建筑,不管它有多实用
  • Bea是一个十足的唯美主义者:她的厨房烤面包机几乎不会把一块面包烤成浅褐色,但她为这台设备辩护,理由是“中间的粉色条纹让它看起来真的很漂亮。”



  1. aesthetic appeal – 美感
  2. aesthetic beauty – 美学之美
  3. aesthetic pleasure – 审美享受
  4. aesthetic experience – 美学体验
  5. aesthetic value – 美学价值
  6. aesthetic sense – 美感
  7. aesthetic appreciation – 美学欣赏
  8. aesthetic design – 美学设计
  9. aesthetic quality – 美学品质
  10. aesthetic expression – 美学表达
  11. aesthetic harmony – 美学和谐
  12. aesthetic perception – 美学感知
  13. aesthetic pleasure – 审美快感
  14. aesthetic judgment – 审美判断
  15. aesthetic creativity – 美学创造力
  16. aesthetic appreciation – 美学赏析
  17. aesthetic sensibility – 美学敏感性
  18. aesthetic experience – 美学体验
  19. aesthetic awareness – 美学意识
  20. aesthetic understanding – 美学理解
  21. aesthetic value – 美学价值
  22. aesthetic pleasure – 审美愉悦
  23. aesthetic sensitivity – 美感
  24. aesthetic beauty – 美学之美
  25. aesthetic appreciation – 美学欣赏
  26. aesthetic design – 美学设计
  27. aesthetic quality – 美学品质
  28. aesthetic expression – 美学表达
  29. aesthetic harmony – 美学和谐
  30. aesthetic perception – 美学感知
  31. aesthetic pleasure – 审美快感
  32. aesthetic judgment – 审美判断
  33. aesthetic creativity – 美学创造力
  34. aesthetic appreciation – 美学赏析
  35. aesthetic sensibility – 美学敏感性
  36. aesthetic experience – 美学体验
  37. aesthetic awareness – 美学意识
  38. aesthetic understanding – 美学理解
  39. aesthetic value – 美学价值
  40. aesthetic pleasure – 审美愉悦
  41. aesthetic sensitivity – 美感
  42. aesthetic beauty – 美学之美
  43. aesthetic appreciation – 美学欣赏
  44. aesthetic design – 美学设计
  45. aesthetic quality – 美学品质
  46. aesthetic expression – 美学表达
  47. aesthetic harmony – 美学和谐
  48. aesthetic perception – 美学感知
  49. aesthetic pleasure – 审美快感
  50. aesthetic judgment – 审美判断
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
