
venal (VEE nuhl) The venal person is corrupt, crooked, willing to sacrifice any principles if the price is right. Appropriately enough, it derives from the Latin word for “sale.”

  • “Throw the rascals out!” is a catchphrase used at election time in reference to venal politicians.
  • One doesn’t like to associate venality with the teaching profession, so it is all the more disturbing to learn that Mr. Whitt, the chemistry teacher, had been accepting bribes in exchange for high grades.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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贪赃枉法(VEE nuhl)贪赃枉罪的人腐败、不诚实,如果价格合适,愿意牺牲任何原则。恰当地说,它源自拉丁语中“销售”的意思

  • “把流氓赶出去!”是选举时用来指腐败政客的流行语
  • 人们不喜欢把贪污与教师职业联系在一起,所以当得知化学老师惠特先生一直在收受贿赂以换取高分时,就更加令人不安了




  1. Venal politician – 贪污的政客
  2. Venal behavior – 贪污行为
  3. Venal government – 腐败的政府
  4. Venal practices – 贪污做法
  5. Venal motives – 贪婪动机
  6. Venal officials – 贪污官员
  7. Venal corruption – 腐败贪污
  8. Venal bribes – 贪污贿赂
  9. Venal tendencies – 贪婪倾向
  10. Venal system – 腐败体系
  11. Venal acts – 贪污行为
  12. Venal practices – 贪污做法
  13. Venal conduct – 腐败行为
  14. Venal transactions – 贪污交易
  15. Venal politicians – 腐败政客
  16. Venal officials – 贪污官员
  17. Venal practices – 腐败做法
  18. Venal tendencies – 贪婪倾向
  19. Venal government – 腐败政府
  20. Venal corruption – 贪污腐败
  21. Venal crimes – 贪污犯罪
  22. Venal judges – 腐败的法官
  23. Venal behavior – 贪婪行为
  24. Venal culture – 贪污文化
  25. Venal decision-making – 腐败决策
  26. Venal practices – 贪污做法
  27. Venal ethics – 腐败伦理
  28. Venal practices – 贪婪做法
  29. Venal manipulation – 贪污操纵
  30. Venal bureaucracy – 贪污官僚主义
  31. Venal behavior – 贪婪行为
  32. Venal practices – 贪污行为
  33. Venal politicians – 贪婪政客
  34. Venal officials – 贪污官员
  35. Venal practices – 腐败做法
  36. Venal tendencies – 贪婪倾向
  37. Venal government – 贪腐政府
  38. Venal corruption – 贪污腐败
  39. Venal crimes – 贪污犯罪
  40. Venal judges – 贪污的法官
  41. Venal behavior – 贪污行为
  42. Venal culture – 贪婪文化
  43. Venal decision-making – 贪污决策
  44. Venal practices – 贪婪做法
  45. Venal ethics – 贪污伦理
  46. Venal practices – 贪婪行为
  47. Venal manipulation – 贪污操纵
  48. Venal bureaucracy – 贪污官僚主义
  49. Venal behavior – 贪婪行为
  50. Venal practices – 贪污行为
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
