
redoubtable (re DOWT uh bul) Don’t try to guess the meaning of this adjective, for the person it describes arouses, depending on the context, either fear or respect. That kind of person isn’t usually given to self-doubt!

  • In the seventeenth century the English Parliament summoned the redoubtable Oliver Cromwell to lead their forces against the Royalist Army.
  • Because Prof. Castillo was intolerant of error and demanded exacting precision of her students, they learned a lot, even though they found her personally redoubtable, not the type of teacher with whom they might have an informal chat.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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doubletable(re DOWT uh bul)不要试图猜测这个形容词的含义,因为它所描述的人会引起恐惧或尊重,这取决于上下文。那种人通常不会自我怀疑!

  • 17世纪,英国议会召集了令人敬畏的奥利弗·克伦威尔率领军队对抗保皇军
  • 由于卡斯蒂略教授不能容忍错误,并要求她的学生精确无误,他们学到了很多,尽管他们发现她个人令人敬畏,而不是那种可以与他们非正式交谈的老师



  1. redoubtable opponent – 可怕的对手
  2. redoubtable reputation – 令人敬畏的声誉
  3. redoubtable leader – 可敬的领导者
  4. redoubtable warrior – 强大的战士
  5. redoubtable adversary – 强大的对手
  6. redoubtable presence – 令人敬畏的存在
  7. redoubtable foe – 强大的敌人
  8. redoubtable strength – 强大的力量
  9. redoubtable courage – 令人敬畏的勇气
  10. redoubtable challenge – 严峻的挑战
  11. redoubtable authority – 可敬的权威
  12. redoubtable competitor – 强大的竞争对手
  13. redoubtable skills – 令人敬畏的技能
  14. redoubtable presence – 强大的存在感
  15. redoubtable reputation – 可怕的声誉
  16. redoubtable opponent – 强大的对手
  17. redoubtable leader – 可敬的领导者
  18. redoubtable warrior – 强大的战士
  19. redoubtable adversary – 可怕的敌人
  20. redoubtable champion – 强大的冠军
  21. redoubtable figure – 令人敬畏的人物
  22. redoubtable fortress – 强大的堡垒
  23. redoubtable performance – 令人敬畏的表现
  24. redoubtable skills – 强大的技能
  25. redoubtable challenge – 严峻的挑战
  26. redoubtable authority – 可敬的权威
  27. redoubtable competitor – 强大的竞争对手
  28. redoubtable reputation – 令人敬畏的声誉
  29. redoubtable leader – 强大的领导者
  30. redoubtable warrior – 可敬的战士
  31. redoubtable adversary – 强大的对手
  32. redoubtable opponent – 可怕的敌人
  33. redoubtable strength – 强大的力量
  34. redoubtable courage – 令人敬畏的勇气
  35. redoubtable presence – 强大的存在
  36. redoubtable foe – 可怕的敌人
  37. redoubtable reputation – 强大的声誉
  38. redoubtable leader – 可敬的领导者
  39. redoubtable warrior – 强大的战士
  40. redoubtable adversary – 可怕的对手
  41. redoubtable presence – 令人敬畏的存在感
  42. redoubtable strength – 强大的力量
  43. redoubtable courage – 令人敬畏的勇气
  44. redoubtable challenge – 强大的挑战
  45. redoubtable authority – 可敬的权威
  46. redoubtable competitor – 强大的竞争对手
  47. redoubtable reputation – 令人敬畏的声誉
  48. redoubtable leader – 强大的领导者
  49. redoubtable warrior – 可敬的战士
  50. redoubtable adversary – 强大的敌人
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
