
1. 名词用法: “anorectic”是一个名词,用来指代患有厌食症的人。厌食症是一种心理疾病,患者对食物有极度恐惧,拒绝进食并试图控制体重。以下是一些关于”anorectic”的详细用法:

  • 厌食症患者:”anorectic”常用来指代被诊断患有厌食症的人,他们因为对体重和外貌的过度关注而严重限制饮食。
  • 症状和特征:”anorectic”可以用来描述厌食症患者的特征和症状,如极度的体重减轻、拒绝进食、对食物有恐惧感等。

2. 形容词用法: “anorectic”也可以用作形容词,用来形容与厌食症相关的事物或特征。以下是一些关于”anorectic”的详细用法:

  • 与厌食症相关的:”anorectic”可以用来形容与厌食症有关的事物,如”anorectic behavior”(厌食症行为)、”anorectic tendencies”(厌食症倾向)等。
  • 抑制食欲的:”anorectic”也可以指代那些抑制食欲的药物或物质,通常用于医学领域,如”anorectic drugs”(抑制食欲药物)。

3. 示例用法: 以下是关于”anorectic”的一些示例用法:

  • “She was diagnosed as an anorectic at the age of 15 and has been struggling with the disorder ever since.”(她在15岁时被诊断为厌食症患者,此后一直与这种疾病斗争。)
  • “The documentary shed light on the challenges faced by anorectics and the importance of early intervention.”(这部纪录片揭示了厌食症患者面临的挑战和早期干预的重要性。)
  • “Doctors may prescribe anorectic medications to help patients regain a healthy appetite.”(医生可能会开出抑制食欲的药物,帮助患者恢复健康的食欲。)



  1. anorectic disorder – 厌食症
  2. anorectic behavior – 厌食行为
  3. anorectic tendencies – 厌食倾向
  4. anorectic symptoms – 厌食症状
  5. anorectic mindset – 厌食心态
  6. anorectic diet – 厌食饮食
  7. anorectic habits – 厌食习惯
  8. anorectic thoughts – 厌食思维
  9. anorectic patterns – 厌食模式
  10. anorectic syndrome – 厌食综合征
  11. anorectic patients – 厌食症患者
  12. anorectic treatment – 厌食症治疗
  13. anorectic intervention – 厌食症干预
  14. anorectic support – 厌食症支持
  15. anorectic recovery – 厌食症康复
  16. anorectic relapse – 厌食症复发
  17. anorectic weight loss – 厌食症体重减轻
  18. anorectic body image – 厌食症身体形象
  19. anorectic obsession – 厌食症困扰
  20. anorectic anxiety – 厌食症焦虑
  21. anorectic control – 厌食症控制
  22. anorectic consequences – 厌食症后果
  23. anorectic health risks – 厌食症健康风险
  24. anorectic body dysmorphia – 厌食症身体畸形
  25. anorectic calorie counting – 厌食症卡路里计算
  26. anorectic self-image – 厌食症自我形象
  27. anorectic self-control – 厌食症自我控制
  28. anorectic support group – 厌食症支持小组
  29. anorectic thoughts and behaviors – 厌食症思维和行为
  30. anorectic eating habits – 厌食症饮食习惯
  31. anorectic fear of weight gain – 厌食症害怕体重增加
  32. anorectic body perception – 厌食症身体感知
  33. anorectic food restrictions – 厌食症食物限制
  34. anorectic emotional struggles – 厌食症情绪挣扎
  35. anorectic psychological factors – 厌食症心理因素
  36. anorectic body dissatisfaction – 厌食症身体不满意
  37. anorectic social isolation – 厌食症社交孤立
  38. anorectic distorted body image – 厌食症扭曲的身体形象
  39. anorectic fear of eating – 厌食症害怕吃东西
  40. anorectic malnutrition – 厌食症营养不良
  41. anorectic weight obsession – 厌食症体重困扰
  42. anorectic self-starvation – 厌食症自我饥饿
  43. anorectic body comparison – 厌食症身体比较
  44. anorectic body weight control – 厌食症体重控制
  45. anorectic body dissatisfaction – 厌食症身体不满意
  46. anorectic eating disorder – 厌食症进食障碍
  47. anorectic body acceptance – 厌食症身体接受
  48. anorectic physical weakness – 厌食症身体虚弱
  49. anorectic calorie restriction – 厌食症卡路里限制
  50. anorectic body weight loss – 厌食症体重减轻



anorectic (an or EK tic) Although this word is often associated with anorexia nervosa, a psychological disorder marked by a fear of becom-ing obese and a persistent unwillingness to eat, the adjective actually just means “marked by loss of appetite.” It comes from the Greek word for “without appetite.” The word is also often spelled and pronounced “anorexic.”

  • The anorectic girl took one look at the plate piled high with food and asked to be excused from the table.
  • The heat and the malaria had an anorectic effect on the villagers; they were all thin as rails.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 厌食症女孩看了一眼堆满食物的盘子,请求离开餐桌
  • 炎热和疟疾对村民产生了厌食症的影响;他们都瘦得像铁轨


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
