
adj. 瘦弱的;憔悴的
v. 憔悴;消瘦下去(emaciate的过去分词)


emaciated 消瘦的
e-, 向外。-mac, 瘦,瘦长,词源同macro-, 大,细,宏观,见macrocosm.


定义: Emaciated 是一个形容词,用于形容一个人或动物的体态消瘦、憔悴的状态。它通常用于描述人体、身体或动物的外观特征。

使用场景: Emaciated 主要用于形容人体、身体或动物的外观特征,强调其消瘦、憔悴和过度瘦弱的状态。

  • 人体形态的 Emaciated:
    • Emaciated 用于描述一个人身材消瘦、憔悴或过度瘦弱的状态。它强调人体的瘦弱和过度消瘦的外观特征。
    • Emaciated 可以指一个人整体消瘦、体重过轻或过度瘦弱的外观。
    • Emaciated 也可以用来形容一个人的身体部位,如脸颊、手臂、腿部等过度消瘦的状态。
  • 动物体态的 Emaciated:
    • Emaciated 可以用于描述动物的体态消瘦或过度瘦弱。它通常用于描述动物的身体尺寸和消瘦程度,如消瘦的狗、憔悴的马等。
  • 比喻性用法:
    • 在比喻性语境中,emaciated 可以用来形容事物的体积消瘦、过度瘦弱或过度憔悴。
    • 它可以用来形容某个事物的体量、规模或形态,表示其消瘦、瘦弱或憔悴。
  • 常见搭配:
    • emaciated figure(消瘦的身材)
    • emaciated body(消瘦的体型)
    • emaciated cheeks(消瘦的脸颊)
    • emaciated limbs(消瘦的肢体)
    • emaciated dog(消瘦的狗)
    • emaciated horse(憔悴的马)
    • emaciated appearance(消瘦的外貌)

通过使用 emaciated,可以形容人体、身体或动物的体态消瘦、憔悴的外观特征。希望这些详细的用法解释对你有所帮助!


  1. emaciated body – 憔悴的身体
  2. emaciated figure – 憔悴的身材
  3. emaciated face – 憔悴的脸庞
  4. emaciated appearance – 憔悴的外貌
  5. emaciated frame – 憔悴的体格
  6. emaciated form – 憔悴的形态
  7. emaciated features – 憔悴的特征
  8. emaciated physique – 憔悴的体型
  9. emaciated limbs – 憔悴的肢体
  10. emaciated condition – 憔悴的状况
  11. emaciated state – 憔悴的状态
  12. emaciated body shape – 憔悴的体形
  13. emaciated muscles – 憔悴的肌肉
  14. emaciated body structure – 憔悴的体格结构
  15. emaciated appearance – 憔悴的外貌特征


emaciated (ee MAYSH ee ate ed) The direct opposite of corpulent, someone who is emaciated is excessively skinny, usually as a result of starvation.

  • After months of near starvation, the men and women in the concentration camps were pale and emaciated.
  • Twiggy was a fashion model in the sixties whose emaciated frame provoked many teenagers to all but starve themselves.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
消瘦的(ee MAYSH ee eat ed)与肥胖的直接相反,消瘦的人通常是由于饥饿而变得过于瘦弱。

  • 经过几个月近乎饥饿的生活,集中营里的男男女女面色苍白、消瘦不堪
  • Twiggy是60年代的一位时尚模特,他瘦弱的身材让许多青少年几乎饿死了。


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
