
定义: “Insouciant” 是一个形容词,用来形容某人对事情漠不关心或无忧无虑的态度。这个词常用于描述某人的行为、态度或外表,表示他们对困难、压力或重要事情缺乏关注或担忧。


  • 漠不关心的态度:
    • “Insouciant” 用来形容某人对事情漠不关心、不在乎或不予理会的态度。
    • 例句:”Despite the impending deadline, he maintained an insouciant attitude and spent the day lounging around.”(尽管截止日期将至,他依然保持着漠不关心的态度,整天懒洋洋地待着。)
  • 无忧无虑的行为:
    • 这个词还表示某人表现出无忧无虑、轻松自在的行为,似乎没有压力或烦恼。
    • 例句:”She strolled through the park with an insouciant air, enjoying the sunshine and not a care in the world.”(她带着一种无忧无虑的氛围漫步在公园中,享受着阳光,心无旁骛。)
  • 外表和风度:
    • “Insouciant” 还可用于形容某人的外表、风度或举止,表现出轻松、自信或不受拘束的样子。
    • 例句:”He walked into the room with an insouciant smile, exuding charm and confidence.”(他面带自信的微笑走进房间,散发着魅力和自信。)



  1. insouciant attitude – 无忧无虑的态度
  2. insouciant behavior – 无所谓的行为
  3. an insouciant disregard for rules – 对规则漠不关心
  4. insouciant charm – 无忧无虑的魅力
  5. insouciant confidence – 漫不经心的自信
  6. an insouciant approach to life – 对生活漫不经心的方式
  7. insouciant disregard for consequences – 对后果的无所顾忌
  8. maintain an insouciant facade – 保持漠不关心的外表
  9. insouciant laughter – 无忧无虑的笑声
  10. an insouciant disregard for authority – 对权威的无所顾忌
  11. insouciant style – 无忧无虑的风格
  12. exhibit an insouciant attitude – 展现出无忧无虑的态度
  13. insouciant disregard for tradition – 对传统的漠不关心
  14. a person with an insouciant demeanor – 一个态度漠不关心的人
  15. insouciant disregard for social norms – 对社会规范的无所顾忌
  16. project an insouciant image – 展现出无忧无虑的形象
  17. insouciant nonchalance – 漫不经心的冷漠
  18. an insouciant disregard for opinions – 对意见的漠不关心
  19. carry oneself with insouciant grace – 以无忧无虑的优雅姿态行事
  20. insouciant disregard for deadlines – 对截止日期的漠不关心
  21. an insouciant smile – 无忧无虑的微笑
  22. display an insouciant attitude – 展示出无忧无虑的态度
  23. insouciant disregard for societal norms – 对社会规范的无所顾忌
  24. an insouciant disregard for criticism – 对批评的漠不关心
  25. carry an insouciant air – 散发出无忧无虑的气息
  26. insouciant indifference – 无所谓的漠不关心
  27. an insouciant disregard for conventions – 对传统的无所顾忌
  28. maintain an insouciant attitude – 保持无忧无虑的态度
  29. insouciant disregard for norms – 对规范的漠不关心
  30. an insouciant shrug – 漫不经心的耸肩
  31. insouciant disregard for public opinion – 对公众意见的无所顾忌
  32. a person with an insouciant outlook – 一个对生活漠不关心的人
  33. insouciant nonchalant behavior – 漠不关心的冷漠行为
  34. an insouciant disregard for consequences – 对后果的无所顾忌
  35. maintain an insouciant demeanor – 保持漠不关心的风度
  36. insouciant disregard for rules and regulations – 对规章制度的无所顾忌
  37. an insouciant shrug of the shoulders – 漫不经心的耸肩动作
  38. insouciant indifference to criticism – 对批评的无所谓态度
  39. an insouciant disregard for societal expectations – 对社会期望的漠不关心
  40. carry oneself with an insouciant air – 以无忧无虑的气质行事
  41. insouciant disregard for personal safety – 对个人安全的无所顾忌
  42. an insouciant disregard for moral values – 对道德价值的漠不关心
  43. project an insouciant confidence – 展示出无忧无虑的自信
  44. insouciant indifference to the opinions of others – 对他人意见的漠不关心
  45. maintain an insouciant nonchalance – 保持漠不经心的冷漠
  46. insouciant disregard for social conventions – 对社交礼节的无所顾忌
  47. an insouciant shrug of indifference – 漠不关心的耸肩动作
  48. insouciant indifference to societal expectations – 对社会期望的无所谓态度
  49. carry oneself with an insouciant attitude – 以无忧无虑的态度行事
  50. insouciant disregard for personal opinions – 对个人意见的漠不关心



insouciant (in SOO see ont) Coming from the Old French word for “not troubled,” this adjective means nonchalant (another French word that means “cooly unconcerned”) or blithely indifferent. The noun form is “insouciance.”

  • Mrs. Winthrop walked her dog Bubbles with her usual insouciance, allowing him to jump on strangers and trample the gardens of her neighbors.
  • I admired his insouciant expression after hearing the devastating news about his mother-in-law.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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漫不经心(在SOO see ont中)这个形容词来自古法语中“不烦恼”的意思,意思是漠不关心(另一个法语单词的意思是“冷静而漠不关心”)或无忧无虑地漠不关心。名词形式是“漫不经心”

  • 夫人。温斯罗普像往常一样漫不经心地遛狗“泡泡”,让它跳到陌生人身上,践踏邻居的花园
  • 听到关于他岳母的毁灭性消息后,我很欣赏他漫不经心的表情。


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
