
ad hominem 是一个拉丁语短语,常用于英语中,用来描述一种逻辑错误的论证方式。以下是关于 ad hominem 的详细用法说明:

  1. 定义:ad hominem 是拉丁语,字面意思是“对人”的意思。在逻辑学和辩论中,ad hominem 指的是一种逻辑错误,其中人们试图攻击对手的人格、性格、个人特征或背景,而不是直接回应对方的论点或观点。
  2. 逻辑错误:ad hominem 是一种逻辑错误,因为它转移了对话的焦点,将注意力从论点本身转移到了对方个人的攻击上。这种论证方式无助于推翻或证实论点的有效性,而是试图贬低对方的信誉或可靠性。
  3. 人身攻击:ad hominem 的关键特点是针对对方的人身攻击,而不是对其论点的直接回应。这可能包括攻击对方的个人品德、外貌、背景、政治立场等,以试图削弱对方的论证。
  4. 避免使用 ad hominem:在理性的讨论和辩论中,避免使用 ad hominem 是很重要的。相反,应该专注于评估和反驳对方的论点、证据和推理,而不是对其人格进行攻击。

需要注意的是,ad hominem 是一种逻辑错误,不应作为有效的论证方式。在辩论和讨论中,我们应该致力于理性和客观地评估论点,而不是陷入人身攻击和争吵中。



以下是关于 ad hominem 的短语,每个短语后面都附有中文解释:

  1. an ad hominem attack – 人身攻击
  2. resorting to ad hominem arguments – 诉诸人身攻击的论点
  3. an ad hominem response – 以人身攻击作为回应
  4. engage in ad hominem debate – 参与人身攻击的辩论
  5. dismissed with ad hominem remarks – 以人身攻击的言辞被驳回
  6. an ad hominem criticism – 以人身攻击为基础的批评
  7. avoiding ad hominem fallacies – 避免人身攻击谬误
  8. a logical fallacy of ad hominem – 人身攻击的逻辑谬误
  9. an ad hominem response instead of addressing the issue – 以人身攻击回应而不解决问题
  10. criticizing someone’s appearance is an ad hominem argument – 批评某人的外貌是一种人身攻击的论点
  11. his argument was weakened by resorting to ad hominem attacks – 他诉诸人身攻击的论点削弱了他的观点
  12. refrain from using ad hominem tactics – 避免使用人身攻击的策略
  13. engage in a civil discussion without resorting to ad hominem – 参与文明的讨论,不诉诸人身攻击
  14. an ad hominem response that avoids addressing the main issue – 以人身攻击回应,避免解决主要问题
  15. an ad hominem argument is a logical fallacy – 人身攻击的论点是一种逻辑谬误


ad hominem (ad HOM in em) Literally, it means “to the man,” but the more precise meaning of “personal” can apply to a male or a female. It is most often (but not always) used to describe a kind of illogical personal attack.

  • Rather than responding reasonably to his opponent’s argument about inter-national matters, the politician made an ad hominem attack, referring to the fact that she was overweight.
  • Widget Inc. didn’t really need an assistant associate director of internal affairs; the position was created ad hominem for the CEO’s pampered nephew.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 这位政客没有对对手关于国家间事务的论点做出合理回应,而是针对她超重的事实进行了人身攻击
  • 小工具股份有限公司(Widget Inc.)并不真正需要一名助理内务副总监;这个职位是为首席执行官娇生惯养的侄子专门设立的


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