兄弟 记得奥巴马吗
-Bro, remember Obama?
我不记得 那是谁
I do not. Who’s that?
混♥蛋♥ 你记得 别闹了
Asshole. You do. Cut it out, man.
-巴拉克·奥巴马 没错 想起来了 -当然了
-Barack Obama. Just hit me. -Of course.
巴拉克·侯赛因 顺便说一句 是政坛中最冷的中间名
Barack Hussein, which by the way is the coldest middle name in the game.
感觉就像我的中间名 是甘比诺犯罪家族一样
It’s like if my middle name was Gambino Crime Family.
有黑帮的感觉 拜托 兄弟
-It’s just gangster. Come on, man.
-他抽纽波特的烟 -纽波特
-I mean, he smoked Newports. – Newports.
What else you gonna say?
The president of the United States was smoking Newports.
我就想 这兄弟跟我能合拍
I’m like, this is my guy.
兄弟 一定是
Bro, has to be.
He’s smoking the preferred cigarette of crackheads across the globe.
这就是我喜欢巴拉克的原因 他成为了一种标志
That’s what I love about Barack, is like, he’s become such an icon.
He’s kind of like Jesus.
他可以成为 你想让他成为的任何一种样子
Like, he could just be whatever version of him you want him to be.
就像我的巴拉克 有时候会搞同性恋的东西
My Barack does gay stuff sometimes.
但只有在他吸可♥卡♥因♥的时候 知道我在说什么吗
-Only when on coke. You know what I’m saying?
而他不会吸很多可♥卡♥因♥ 就指甲盖那么一点
He don’t do a lot of coke, just, like, a little bit off the nail.
And just only when it’s, like, special occasions.
Like a real big win.
他说:“我会吸点可♥卡♥因♥ 做一些同性恋的事”
He’s like, “I’mma do coke and a little bit of gay stuff.”
你的巴拉克会吸可♥卡♥因♥ 来给他同性恋的事找借口吗
Does your Barack do coke to excuse his gay stuff?
-当然了 -好吧 行
-Of course. -Right.
然后他就能给自己找借口了 他会说:“我吸可♥卡♥因♥了 没事的”
Then he just has an out at the end to go, like, “I was on coke. It was fine.”
行 好吧 但他其实那天醒来 就想做点什么
-Yeah. -Okay. But really he just woke up that day wanting to do some stuff.
“我要做一些同性恋的事 让我吸点可♥卡♥因♥吧”
-“Gonna do gay stuff.” -Yeah. -“Let me get a bump.”

哟 欢迎来到莫和以斯秀
Yo, yo, yo! Welcome to The Mo and E-Z Show.
我是莫 我左边是我最喜欢的 无所事事的犹太人 我兄弟以斯
I’m Mo, and to my left is my favorite Jew with nothing to do, my boy E-Z.
整体来说 那段时间更美好一些
It was a better time, in general.
-2014 兄弟 一个好年头 -难以置信
-2014, bro. Just a good year. -Unbelievable.
-Meek Mill was with Nicki.
鲍比·舒莫达发布了音乐 然后进了监狱
Bobby Shmurda came out and went in.
-You had the Ice Bucket, uh, Challenge.
-是的 -那是什么 肌萎缩侧索硬化症
-Yes, yes. -What was that, ALS?
老兄 肌萎缩侧索硬化症 是史上最赚钱的病
Dude, ALS is the most paid disease of all time.
当年肌萎缩侧索硬化症 比勒布朗赚得还多
-ALS made more than LeBron that year.
-肌萎缩在杰伊和碧昂丝那条船上 -没错
-ALS is on the boat with Jay and Beyoncé. -For sure.
他们说:“让我告诉你 真正有钱是什么样的”
They’re like, “Let me tell you what it’s like to be rich.”
The BLM movement, though, is so serious right now.
到处都是 当然了
It’s everywhere, for sure.
感觉他们找到 给柑橘和甘蓝做营销的人了
This feels like they got the same people who did marketing for Cuties and kale.
-They’re Blackening everything.
黑人版《爱卡莉》 黑人版《纯真年代》
Black iCarly, Black Wonder Years,
which is set in the same time period,
and it’s like, bro, I don’t wanna watch Black Kevin Arnold
gets sprayed by a hose for a half an hour every friggin’ Friday.
Yeah, I feel like once a Black person won a gold medal for swimming,
it was pretty much a wrap on race relations.
哟 我在奥♥运♥会上 看到了一个击剑黑人
Yo, I saw a dude fencing in the Olympics, a Black dude, this past Olympics.
-我说:“天啊 太过了” -你说:“越线了”
-I was like, “Man, too much.” -You’re like, “Over the line.”
越线了 兄弟 退后
-Over the line. Back up.
当他们从全国运动汽车竞赛协会 拿了同盟旗时
Like, when they took the Confederate flags out of NASCAR,
I was like, “Nah, let ’em have that.”
你拿太多太快了 他们会开始像动物一样
You take too much too fast, they be out looking for meat.
-You know what I’m saying?
-Please be seated.
-Oh, my God.
我站了45分钟 这是最长的一次
That was standing up for 45 minutes. -That was, like, the longest one.
So we just finished widduy, the confession,
which we do in the plural.
-We take responsibility…
我为什么必须要穿这个 而他可以穿在盛夏音乐节穿的
Mom, why do I have to wear this dress, and he gets to dress like he’s at Summer Jam?
以斯拉 你的圆顶小帽呢
Ezra, where’s your yarmulke?
该死 我放在车上了
Oh, shit. Left it in the car.
好 亲爱的 我不老派 好吗
Okay. Honey, I’m not square, okay?
没人觉得我很老派 大家都觉得我很酷
Nobody thinks I’m square. Everyone thinks I’m cool.
-I’m hip.
People think I’m a very youthful person.
我明白 你知道 你用这些展示表达自己
“I get it.” You know, you’re expressing yourself with these illustrations.
全身都是涂鸦 好 行
Graffiti all over your body. Okay, fine.
但这是赎罪日 该死
But it is Yom Kippur, goddamn it.
首先 你能不能别再说“我明白” 然后用引号♥手势了
First of all, can you please stop saying “I get it” and using air quotes?
第二 有人说“我很酷 我明白”时 实际上他们根本不酷
And second of all, when someone says, “I’m cool. I get it,” they never are cool, and they never get it.
-你不该这么说 -不是的
-You shouldn’t have to say that. -That’s not true.
You won’t be able to be buried in a Jewish cemetery.
奶奶 我非常爱你 无意冒犯
Bubby, I love you so much, respectfully,
but I’ll be dead.
我不在乎我被埋葬在什么地方 无意冒犯
I don’t give a shit where I’m buried, respectfully.
你可以带着我的骨灰 把它们冲到道奇体育场的
You can take my ashes, and you can flush them down the urinal
小便池里 无意冒犯
at Dodger Stadium, respectfully.
Oh, so now you’re disrespecting the Dodgers?
I wanna be buried next to Rihanna.
-蕾哈娜 你在… -是的
-Rihanna? -Yeah.
好吧 那我亲自把你身上的纹身除掉
Okay, I’m gonna scrape those tattoos off myself,
and I’m gonna bury you in a double-wide coffin with me.
-好吗 怎么样 -听起来不错
-Okay, how about that? -Sounds good.
Sounds good.
谢谢 我很感激
Thanks for that. I appreciate it.
你看起来像一个 在科切拉音乐节失去孩子的父亲
You look like a dad who lost his kid at Coachella.
你看起来像是 希伯来版本的霍格沃茨的校长
You look like the principal of a Hebrew school version of Hogwarts.
You look like a young Hulk Hogan.
我有个问题 你和拉比在去犹太教祭司
I have a question. What do you and the rabbi talk about in the car
巫婆店的路上 在车上说了什么
on the way to the rabbinical witch outlet store?
是放了很多音乐 还是进行了很多对话
Is it a lot of music? Or is there heavy conversation?
-以斯拉 -嗨 你好吗
-Ezra! -Hey, how are ya?
-你好吗 -你多大了
-How are ya? -How old are you?
I’m… I’m 35 now.
Got a girlfriend?
你说得太漫不经心 好像有女朋友是坏事一样
You say that so cavalier, like it’s a bad thing.
You don’t like getting pussy?
好吧 听到从你嘴里说出来小妞
Well, hearing the word pussy come out of your mouth
does make me question whether or not I like it.
It’s 2022!
Maybe the kid enjoys smoking the Hebrew Nationals.
I know you’re trying to be progressive,
but it’s coming off crazy homophobic.
但很高兴见到你 祝你…活着
But it’s… it’s good to see you. And, uh, stay… stay alive.
-嗨 兄弟 -嗨 医生
-Hey, hey, bud, bud. -Hey, Doc.
嗨 你的小♥弟♥弟♥怎么样
Hi, how’s your penis?
我… 我觉得… 我觉得它很好
Uh, I think it’s… I think it’s good.
嗯 听着 跟我来 我们去厕所
-Yeah, uh, listen, uh, come with me. -I think– Let’s go to the bathroom, and, uh,
我们来看看 好吗
we’ll take a look, okay?
-我很好 -没事的 没关系
-I’m good. -No, no, it’s fine. It’s fine.
别担心 免费的
Don’t… don’t worry. Uh, it’s on the house.
There’s not gonna be a charge.
是的 没错 我关心的不是价格 更重要的是概念
-No, it’s not the price that concerns me. -It’s more the concept.
-I see.
你确定吗 我们可以…
-You sure? We can go–
医生 我的牙齿又歪了
-Doctor! My teeth are getting crooked again.
Uh-huh. If you open your mouth real wide.
-以斯拉 -嗯
-Ezzy. -Uh-huh.
I want you to be chill right now.
但金·格拉斯曼在那边 她完全在打量你
-But Kim Glassman is over there. And she is totally checking you out.
现在 好吗
-Right now, okay?
And she just completed her doctorate at Harvard,
and she is crazy lit.
