We never dared to imagine it.
A world that was built for us.
Where we made the rules.
Where we could take what we wanted.
A world where God looked like us.
Where we were not afraid.
Where we were the ones to be feared.
But that world was at our fingertips.
我们需要做的 就是烧掉旧世界
All we had to do was burn down the world that was.
Every revolution begins with a spark.
Lord knows what she’s been through.
We were told her mama gave her up when she was three.
她一直在不同的 寄养家庭之间转来转去
She’s been bounced around from one foster home to another.
那些事情都过去了 不是吗 宝贝
But all that’s behind us now, isn’t it, sweetie?
医生说没有任何病理问题 但她就是不肯说话
Doctors say there’s nothing wrong with her, physically. But, um, she just won’t talk.
六个月以来 她一个字都没说过
She hasn’t said a word in six months.
在语言治疗学上 这叫做选择性缄默症
In speech therapy we call this selective mutism.
It’s a psychological condition.
It happens most frequently in children who’ve experienced trauma.
Now, no offense,
有没有可能所有这些治疗 都是在小题大做
but is it possible that all this therapy, it’s just making a mountain out of a molehill?
或许艾莉就是个不爱说话的孩子 这并没有任何问题
Maybe Allie is just the quiet type. Nothing wrong with that.
上帝知道 我妻子一个人说的话 就顶她们两个人的量了
Lord knows, the Missus does enough talking for the both of ’em.
克莱德 总是在胡扯
Clyde! Always messin’!
我们在很多方面都是蒙福的 但却从没拥有过自己的亲生子女
But we have been blessed in so many ways. Just never with a child of our own.
我们以前也收养过很多孩子 但艾莉很特别
We’ve had foster children before, plenty of ’em, but, um… But Allie’s different.
我一直希望 有了稳定的家庭环境 加上许多爱与祷告
I was hoping, with a little structure and stability, lots of love and prayer…
that we could get her speaking again.
她会的 等她做好准备 等她感觉更强大一些就会的
She will. When she’s ready. When she feels stronger.
我们可以一起为之努力 如果你觉得可以的话 艾莉
And that’s something we can work on together. If that’s okay with you, Allie?
艾莉 能把黄色发圈给我吗
Allie, can you find me the yellow hairtie?
Thank you.
Brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have a disease.
医生说症状就是 不能每周割一次草坪
The doc says the symptoms are failure to mow the lawn once a week…
盯着我邻居的新卡车眼红 花太多的钱买♥♥鞋子
…eyeballing my neighbour’s new truck, spending too much on shoes.
and looking just a little too long
斯嘉丽约翰逊 穿着超级英雄套装的照片
at that picture of Scarlett Johansson in her superhero outfit.
没错 医生说
Yes, the doc says that I
我有着严重的罪恶人类天性 你们也都一样
have a raging case of sinful human nature, y’all,
and it’s hereditary.
这种罪恶是从我的曾曾曾曾祖母 夏娃那里传下来的
Sin… passed down from my great-great-great- great-grandmama Eve.
– 是原罪 – 真是鬼扯
– Original sin… – Bullshit.
– 我们都浸淫在… – 怪罪夏娃 总是怪夏娃
– That we are bathed in, and… – Blame Eve. “Always blame Eve.”
这就是你现在的想法 不是吗 艾莉
That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it, Allie? I am forbidding from my lust.
是时候发出这种声音了 我知道你有话要说
It’s time to use that voice. I know you got one.
To live right… I’ll go after her.
不用跑 姑娘 我在你的头脑中
– No point in running, girl. – I’m in your head.
称我为你的守护天使 魔鬼 你妈妈 都可以
Call me your guardian angel, the devil, your mama…
I’m here to keep you safe.
You don’t got to be afraid.
You don’t ever have to be afraid again.
你能感觉到 不是吗 就在你的胸口
You can feel it, can’t you? Right there in your chest.
The power.
A better future is in your hands.
– 罗克西 婚礼一小时之后开始 – 该死
Roxy? The wedding starts in an hour! Fuck.
– 罗克西 – 该死
– Roxy! – Fuck.
– 你在哭吗 – 没有 是眼线笔
Are you crying? No.
你和他们所有人一样 是属于那里的 亲爱的
You belong there as much as any of them, darling.
妈妈 没那么深刻 我用眼线笔不小心捅到眼睛了
Mum, it’s not that deep. I poked myself in the eye with a fucking pencil.
– 所以你就穿这个 – 妈妈 别给我压力了
So is this what you’re wearing, yeah? Mum, stop stressing me!
抱歉 你很好看
Sorry. You look gorgeous.
我像你这么大时 有过一条这样的裙子
When I was your age, I had a dress like that.
I had a lot more cleavage on show, though.
Hey! Aah!
– 我要让爸爸给我个体面工作 – 今天不行 罗克西 我警告你
I’m gonna ask Dad for a proper job. Oh, not today, Rox. I’m warning you.
这个婚礼有很多不确定因素 他已经够头疼的了
There’s a lot hanging on this wedding. He’s wound up enough as it is.
– 你会和他谈吗 – 会的
– Did you speak to him? – Yeah.
I had a pint with him last week.
他对你没有那种看法 亲爱的
You know… he doesn’t see you that way, darling.
我之前一直认为自己会有 一场盛大的婚礼
I always thought I’d have a big wedding.
没有人配得上你 妈妈
No one’s good enough for you, Mum.
你很美 你知道吗
You’re beautiful, you know that.
带块蛋糕回来 好吗
You’ll bring us back a piece of cake, yeah?
– 早上好 先生 – 芒克先生
– Good morning, sir. – Mr. Monke.
早上好 芒克先生
Good morning, Mr. Monke.
– 这是什么东西 – 是你预定的
What’s that? That is what you ordered.
Do I look like an Irishman?
不是的 我只是 按你妻子给我的指示做的
No, I just followed the instructions your wife gave me.
你是说我妻子是个 撒谎的爱尔兰贱♥人♥吗
Are you saying my wife is a lying fucking Irish cunt?
芒克先生 没事吧
Mr. Monke. Everything okay?
这不是我预定的蛋糕 这是绿色的
That’s not the cake I ordered. It’s green.
Make me a new one.
对不起 这不可能 先生
I-I’m sorry. That’s impossible, sir. Um…
几个小时后 我们就要切蛋糕了
We cut the cake in a matter of hours.
芒克先生 我…
M-Mr. Monke, I’m sure we can–
Make me a new one.
我就回来 另外一只眼睛我私下化…
I’m gonna be right back. I’m gonna do the other eye off-camera, and then…
你是个富有的女巫 撒谎精
没腌过的生鸡怎么也成了人 我讨厌她的脸
西雅图的市民 值得拥有更好的
她的鞋子要800美元 她是个虚伪的资本主义贱♥人♥
? And I hate every song I write
Merry Christmas!
妈妈 停下 我告诉过你我不想戴这个
– Mom, stop. – I told you I didn’t want to wear this.
你很可爱 宝贝
Aw, you look cute, honey.
No fucking way.
妈妈 别发这个
Mom, don’t post this!
若斯 快点 你要赶不上校车了
Jos, hurry up! You’re gonna miss the bus!
– 嘿 图恩德 – 嘿 努蒂
Hey, Tunde! Hey, Ndudi!
– 你疯了吗 从市场穿过来 – 你知道我 什么都触动不了我
Are you crazy, going through the market like that? – Ah, you know me. Nothing touches me. – I’m from the hood.
努蒂 我们下次再说行吗
Ndudi, is it okay if we take a rain check?
这是我第一周上班 老爸不会希望我迟到的
It’s my first week and Popsy’s not gonna want me out late.
我告诉你 这会爆火的
Let me just tell you about it, eh? It’s going to break the Internet.
– 我告诉你 – 拜托 努蒂
– I’m telling you. – Oh, come on, Ndudi!
Let me just give you a ride home.
好 我在大门口下车 拿着这个
Okay. You can just drop me at the gates. Hold this.
You are still struggling with nine-to-five, eh?
拜托 我要做记者 不管我爸爸喜不喜欢
Ah, please. I’m gonna be a journalist, no matter what my dad wants.
– 拜托 – 好吧 我们来发布一个小视频
Come on. All right, we do one small post.
– 好 准备好了吗 – 好了
– That’s it, okay? Are you ready? – Okay. I’m ready.
好 欢迎回到图恩德奥乔的 拉各斯导游频道
Okay, welcome back to Tunde Ojo’s Guide to Lagos!
今天 我们有一位特殊客人 好好听一下
Today we have a very, very, very special guest, okay? Listen, listen well.
– 她是拉各斯头号♥美女记者 – 比你更像记者的记者
Well, she’s Lagos’ number one lady journalist. More of a journalist than you’ll ever be.
– Ndudi Okafor! – Ay!
她有个故事 可以改变世界
Who has a story that’s going to change the world.
– 是关于… – 护符的
– And it’s about… – Juju.
– 真的吗 – 真的
– Really? – Yes, yes, really.
– 就像魔法那种 – 是护符
– Magic sheets? – It’s about Juju.
Come back to me.
我认识的一个女孩的表亲 邀请她去参加一个护符集♥会♥
So the cousin of a girl I know invited her to a juju meeting, just for women,
– to awaken their powers. – Wow,
– 她们的灵力 – 我知道 好吗
– their powers. – I know, right?
我觉得应该是假的 我进去 你偷♥拍♥
It’s got to be a scam. – So I’m thinking I go in… – …you do hidden filming.
– 好的 – 我把它写进论文里
– Yeah. – I put it in my thesis. – Yeah.
你上传视频 我们就抵♥制♥了犯罪行为
You put the video on your channel, and we destroy some criminals.
– 拜托 图恩德 你拒绝不了独家新闻 – 是啊
– Come on, Tunde! – Yeah? – I know you can’t resist a scoop.
