
fallowfallow (FAL oh) The source of this adjective is agricultural as it comes from the Old English word for “fallow land.” It refers to a piece of land that is plowed but left unseeded during a growing season. It can be used in a more figurative sense, however, to refer to any situation that remains uncultivated.

  • Farmer MacDonald decided to build a new barn and a horse corral on the back five acres since that land has lain fallow for the past five years and he is no longer thinking of cultivating it.
  • The American writer Henry Miller has written: “There is a time for play and a time for work, a time for creation and a time for lying fallow.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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休耕(fall oh)这个形容词的来源是农业,因为它来自古英语中“休耕地”的意思。它指的是在生长季节耕种但未播种的一块土地。然而,它可以用一个更形象的意义来指代任何尚未开垦的情况。

  • 农民麦克唐纳决定在五英亩的土地上建一个新谷仓和一个马棚,因为这片土地在过去五年里一直处于休耕状态,他不再考虑耕种
  • 美国作家亨利·米勒曾写道:“有玩耍的时候,也有工作的时候,有创作的时候,还有休耕的时候。”

