
perambulate (per AM byoo late) Here’s a fancy verb for “to walk” or “to stroll.” It can also mean “to walk through” as in “to inspect on foot.” It comes from the Latin for “walk” and “through.” The British have found another use for it. They call a baby carriage “a perambulator.”

  • After the company picnic, the park service staff perambulated the grounds, making sure there were no lost or left items and no damage done to park property.
  • Every evening after a light supper, Mr. Bartleby takes a constitutional, during which he perambulates the streets along the waterfront and watches the ships unload their cargo.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
perambulate(per-AM-byoo late)这里有一个“走路”或“漫步”的花哨动词。它也可以表示“步行通过”,如“徒步检查”。它来自拉丁语中“步行”和“通过”的意思。英国人发现了它的另一个用法。他们称婴儿车为“漫游车”

  • 公司野餐后,公园服务人员巡视了场地,确保没有丢失或留下的物品,也没有对公园财产造成损坏
  • 每天晚上,在一顿清淡的晚餐后,巴特比先生都会进行宪法检查,在检查期间,他在海滨的街道上巡视,看着船只卸货

