
n. (婚礼、狂欢节中抛撒的)五彩纸屑;(旧时狂欢节或庆祝场合抛撒的)糖果
n. (Confetti)人名;(意)孔费蒂





confetti 五彩纸屑
来自confection, 甜食。词义由甜食到五彩纸屑,以与甜食相配。字母c脱落,比较benefit, benefactor.


confetti 是一个名词,指的是用来撒在庆祝活动中的小纸屑或彩带。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. confetti shower – 纸屑飘洒
  2. Throw confetti – 撒纸屑
  3. confetti cannon – 纸屑炮
  4. confetti explosion – 纸屑爆炸
  5. confetti celebration – 纸屑庆祝
  6. confetti toss – 纸屑抛撒
  7. confetti rain – 纸屑雨
  8. confetti-filled balloons – 装满纸屑的气球
  9. confetti-filled eggs – 装有纸屑的彩蛋
  10. Wedding confetti – 婚礼纸屑
  11. confetti streamers – 纸屑彩带
  12. confetti popper – 纸屑爆竹
  13. confetti-filled balloons – 装有纸屑的气球
  14. Biodegradable confetti – 可生物降解的纸屑
  15. confetti explosion effect – 纸屑爆炸效果
  16. confetti-strewn streets – 撒满纸屑的街道
  17. confetti showered down – 纸屑飘洒而下
  18. confetti-filled confetti cannon – 装满纸屑的纸屑炮
  19. confetti launch – 纸屑发射
  20. Colorful confetti – 多彩纸屑
  21. confetti drop – 纸屑降落
  22. confetti explosion at the parade – 游行中的纸屑爆炸
  23. confetti swirls – 纸屑旋转
  24. confetti-filled envelopes – 装满纸屑的信封
  25. confetti-filled balloons floating – 飘浮的装满纸屑的气球
  26. confetti-covered dance floor – 被纸屑覆盖的舞池
  27. confetti-filled celebration – 装满纸屑的庆祝活动
  28. confetti rain on the winners – 冠军的纸屑雨
  29. confetti-filled piñata – 装满纸屑的派对游戏
  30. confetti explosion in the sky – 天空中的纸屑爆炸
  31. confetti shower at the concert – 演唱会上的纸屑飘洒
  32. confetti cannons firing – 纸屑炮开火
  33. confetti-filled confetti poppers – 装满纸屑的纸屑爆竹
  34. confetti-filled balloons dropping – 气球降下,装有纸屑
  35. confetti parade float – 游行中的纸屑花车
  36. confetti-filled party hats – 装满纸屑的派对帽
  37. confetti-covered stage – 被纸屑覆盖的舞台
  38. confetti-filled party favors – 装满纸屑的派对礼物
  39. confetti explosion on the field – 场地上的纸屑爆炸
  40. confetti-filled balloons released – 放飞的装满纸屑的气球
  41. confetti-filled confetti cannon blast – 装满纸屑的纸屑炮爆炸声
  42. confetti shower from the rooftops – 楼顶上的纸屑飘洒
  43. confetti-filled piñata burst – 装满纸屑的派对游戏爆炸
  44. confetti-filled celebration parade – 装满纸屑的庆祝游行
  45. confetti-filled confetti cannons firing – 装满纸屑的纸屑炮开火
  46. confetti-filled balloons cascading – 气球瀑布,装有纸屑
  47. confetti-covered cars in the parade – 游行中的被纸屑覆盖的汽车
  48. confetti explosion at the stadium – 露天体育场中的纸屑爆炸
  49. confetti-filled party streamers – 装满纸屑的派对彩带
  50. confetti-filled party poppers – 装满纸屑的派对爆竹




在现代婚礼上,我们常常见到人们往新人身上抛撒彩色碎纸的场面。这种做法源自意大利。在中世纪的意大利,狂欢节时常常会举行盛大的游行。游行队伍和围观群众常常会相互抛撒小物品以表达欢乐之情。有钱的贵族往往会抛撒糖果,在意大利语中被称为 confetti ,是 confetto (糖果)的复数形式。而没钱的穷人们为了嘲弄贵族则常常扔臭鸡蛋来代替糖果,结果双方经常在游行时发生争吵斗殴。


抛撒彩色碎纸的做法在世界各地广为流传,还拓展至狂欢节之外的其他场合如婚礼。由于这种碎纸最初是用来代替糖果的,所以在意大利语中也被称为 confetti 。英语单词 confetti 便来源于此,同源的单词还有 confection (糖果)。

  • confetti:[kən’fetɪ] n. (婚礼、狂欢节中抛撒的)五彩纸屑;(旧时狂欢节或庆祝场合抛撒的)糖果
  • confection:[kən’fekʃ(ə)n] n. 糖果,蜜饯
